‘English in Camp’ provides an environment in which participants can communicate in English through various fun, enjoyable and meaningful learning activities.
To enable the participants to:
communicate confidently and effectively in English
use English in a conducive environment
nurture leadership potential
be aware and sensitive to self-esteem
thinkcritically and creatively in English
- To guide and motivate campers to speak in English at all times.
- To guide and monitor campers to be actively involved in all the activities promoted.
- To look after the safe care of all campers
- To carry out all the duties set without fail
- To guide and facilitate activities.
- To write records and comments.
- To evaluate performance on certain contested activities.
- To facilitate campers on the writing of log blocks.
- To help maintain discipline among campers at all the times.
- To help and facilitate group presentations.
- To monitor the smooth running of camping activities among campers.
- To ensure the cleanliness of the camp-site at all times
- To help solve problems pertaining to the camp and campers.
- To inculcate moral values among the campers from time to time.
- Be punctual.
- Be with your campers during your shift.
- Understand thoroughly how each activity is carried out.
- Be observant and on the lookout for peculiar habits or misbehaviour of campers and to inform other facilitators.
- Counsel and do not punish any misdeeds.
- Wear identification tags at all times.
- Report major accidents to the coordinators.
- Do not leave the camp site without permission.
- Do not smoke in the presence of the campers.
- Do not distract the students from achieving the objectives of the camp.
What we must do
- We must wear our name tags at all times.
- We must wear suitable attire during camp.
- We must take part in all the activities.
- We must be punctual for all the activities.
- We must speak English at all times.
- We must maintain good discipline.
- We must give full cooperation to everyone.
- We must be courteous and friendly.
- We must keep the camp site and all other facilities cleaned and tidy.
- We must listen to our facilitators.
- We must remain positive at all times
- We must get permission if we wish to leave the camp during any emergency.
What we must not do
- We must not litter.
- We must not wear any jewellery.
- We must not take what is not ours.
- We must not waste food and water.
- We must not draw graffiti on the walls.
- We must not keep too much money with us.
- We must not destroy plants and other properties.
- We must not leave the camp without permission.
- We must not talk when someone else is talking.
- We must not make fun of others’ mistakes.
- We must not leave our group.
- We must not work on our own.
- Campcommandant shows a few pictures synonymous to Malaysia such as durian, Proton and rambutan on PowerPoint (Refer appendix)
- Camp Commandant calls a participant at random to guess or infer which country those things belong to.
- Upon getting the correct answer, camp commandant leads into the theme of the camp by asking a few questions about Malaysia.
a)Where is Malaysia situated?
b)When did it gain independence?
c)What month is it now?
d)Why is August an important month to Malaysia?
e)Who can tell me what is the theme of the camp?
Materials: Laptop, LCD projector, mobile projector screen
Appendix 1
PowerPoint : camp starter
Appendix 2
PowerPoint : camp starter
Sorting Beans (Kollam)
Objectives: By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to
- develop their motor skills
- enhance their creativity
- design their own kollam
Materials: Various types of bean, recycled coloured paper (e.g. boxes),
templates, glue, scissors and pencil.
Duration: 15 minutes.
- Distribute the Merdeka themed templates and materials. Tell the participants to discuss and decide how they are going to decorate.
- Divide the participantsinto twosmaller groups. One group has to decorate the template creatively using the materials provided while the other group prepares at leasttwo messages/values of their task for presentation.
- Ask the participantstopresent the messages/values of their task within 3 minutes.
Values: Teamwork, creativity, enthusiasm, love, respect and unity
Ball Toss (Frequency adverbs)
Objectives: By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to
- use adverb of frequency actively
- develop their self-confident
Materials: Any soft ball or beanbag
Duration: 15 minutes.
1. Arrange the participants in a circle, either standing or sitting on the floor.
2. Ask a question using a frequency adverb, and toss the ball to a participant.
Do you always eat breakfast before coming to school?
How often do you exercise a week?
3. The participant who catches the ball must answer, using a frequency adverb in a complete sentence.
Yes, I always eat breakfast before coming to school.
I exercise once a week only
4. The same participant then asks a question with a frequency adverb and tosses the ball to another participant.
Value: Cooperation, be polite, be positive
Crossword Puzzle
Objectives:By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to
1. identify the tenses of regular verbs
2. identify the tenses of irregular verbs
Material: 4 sets of crossword puzzles (25 questions per set)
2 Tables (preferably 2ft x 5ft), 30 pcs chairs/stools
1 Stopwatch
Duration: 15 minutes
1. Participants are divided into 2 mini groups (15 participants to a mini group).
2. Each group sits around a table and is given the first set of crossword puzzle.
3.Participants attempt the first set. Once they have completed the first set, they will be given the second set.
4. Each group hands in the completed puzzles as soon as they finish them or when the time is up (whichever first).
Note: Scoring Criteria
Each team will be evaluated by:
a. Their answers (number of correct answers)
b. Time taken to complete the crossword puzzles (Within a time frame given).
Values: Teamwork & cooperation
Example of a crossword puzzle:
Appendix 1
STATION 3: Crossword Puzzle
Appendix 2
STATION 3: Crossword Puzzle
Appendix 3
STATION 3: Crossword Puzzle
Appendix 1
STATION 3: Crossword Puzzle
Siamese Twins
Objectives: By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to
- give instructions using prepositions of direction and place correctly.
- receive and obeyinstructions given by others
- draw their attention to 4 senses –taste, touch, smell and hearing to learn about the world around them
Materials: 6 tudung bawal, masking tapes, 3 chairs, I table and 3 mineral water bottles
Duration: 15 minutes.
- Divide the team into three groups.
- Each group appoints 2 participantsto take up the role of Siamese Twins.
- The Siamese Twins are blind-folded.
- Other group members are stationed at obstacles (bottles, chairs, bags)
- The twins are required to guess the object found at each station (The objects are actually the “obstacles”).
- When the twins have completed all the 3 stations, they must mention the names of the objects
- The other members may prompt the Siamese Twins to further guess the objects.
- The other members are not allowed to assist or disturb the person giving instruction. Demerit will be given if this rule is broken.
Values: Cooperation, respect each other and pay attention
Suggestion: The facilitator may use other objects as obstacles. For examples, an apple, a lemon, carrot, an alarm clock, a mirror and a bowl. Let them focus on their senses (except sight).
Dry and Wet
Objectives: By the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:
- cooperate with other participants
- increase their general knowledge.
- communicate with other participants
Materials: Pails, balloons (300 balloons), water
Duration: 15 minutes.
- Ask the participants toform 2 circles.
- Givea balloon which contains water to one of the participants.
- Tell the group that they have to answer questions on general knowledge.
Example: Who is the Prime Minister of Malaysia?
- The first participant passes the balloon to the second participant who will answer the question.
- The second participant who answers the question has to pass the balloon to the other participants in the group.
- This process continues until all participants have answered the questions.
- The game has to be reset if students break the balloon or fail to answer the questions given to them.
- Demerit is given when a member of the group cannot give the correct answer.
Values: Team work / Perseverance
Appendix 1
STATION 5: Dry and Wet
- Who is the prime minister of Malaysia? Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
- Where is Olympic 2016 held? Rio, Brazil
- What is the biggest country in the world? Russia
- What is the biggest state in Peninsula Malaysia? Pahang
- What is the national flower of Malaysia? Hibiscus
- How many colours does Malaysia Flag have? four
- How many stripes does Malaysia flag have? 14
- What does KLCC stand for? Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
- Who was the first prime minister of Malaysia? Tunku Abdul Rahman
- How many medals has Malaysia obtained in Olympic 2016? (3…)
- Which states produce oil? Sarawak, Sabah and Terengganu
- Which state produces sugar? Perlis
- What is the longest river in Malaysia? Sungai Rajang
- What is the tallest building in Malaysia? KLCC
- Name two teachers (one male and one female) you know from the camp.
- Who invented the light bulb? Thomas Edison
- Name first Malaysian car. Proton Saga
- Who is the founder of Facebook? Mark Zuckerberg
- Who is the founder of Google? Larry Page
- Which is heavier, 100 kg of durian or 100 kg of cotton?
- What is the smallest state in Malaysia? Perlis
- When is Malaysia’s Independence day? 31 August 1957
- What is the currency of Malaysia? Ringgit
- What is the official language of Malaysia? Malay Language
- What is the capital of Malaysia? Kuala Lumpur
- What is the King of Fruit? Durian
- When was Malaysia formed? 1963
Objectives: By the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:
1.guess a famous character from clues given
2.think critically
Material(s):10 easy riddles, 6 riddles of intermediate level, 4 advanced
riddles, stationery and paper.
Duration:15 minutes
1.Divide the participants into two groups (15 participants in one group) and form a circle.
2.Ask the participantsin each group to sit ina circle.
3. One participant is asked to hold a box with riddles in it and music is played.
Example of a riddle:
Who is he? He has royal blood. He was known as Father of Independence.
4. The music is played and the box is passed on to the next participant sitting next to him/her.
5. When the music is put on pause, the participant with the box will pick and read one riddle. The group members must answer the question.
9. The game is played for 15 minutes.
Values:Humour, Creativity, Teamwork
Picture Grid
Objectives:By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to
- express their own ideas(continuous story) based on the pictures chosen from internet.
Duration: 15 minutes
- Ask theparticipants to pick pictures randomly from the box.
- Give the participants 2 minutes to brainstorm words associated with the pictures.
- Get the participants to use the words to create a chain story (based on the pictures they have).
- Ask each of the participants to construct 1 or 2 simple sentences only and followed by the others in the same group.
- Get the participants to join the sentences into one complete story.
Values: creativity, cooperation, respect
Note:The facilitator evaluates the participants’ level of oral and written proficiency in completing the story. The group is also evaluated on their creativity.
Appendix 1
STATION 7:Picture Grid
Objectives:By the end of this activity, the participants should be able to:
- describe the famous people that they have chosen from the lot.
- guess from the clues given by the student.
Materials: Note strips with the names of famous figures written on them, a bowl to place the note strips
Duration: 15 minutes
Procedure :
- Ask the group to choose one representative.
- The representative picks out ONE note strip.
- The representative describes the famous figure in words. He is NOT allowed to mention the famous person’s name.
- The other participants in the group make a guess of who the famous figure is.
- These steps are to be repeated by five participants.
Values: Team Work, Creativity
Tongue Twisters
Objectives:The participants should be able to:
- improve their articulation
- improve their pronunciation
- improve their read aloud
- create their own tongue twisters
Materials: Tongue twister written on pieces of paper (paper strips).
Duration: 15 minutes
Procedure :
- Participants are instructed to be in their respective groups.
- These tongue twisters are written on pieces of paper to distribute to the groups before they begin the Station Activity. Participants are requested to read the tongue twisters aloud. Then, faster. Then three times in a row.
- The sources or materials are given to them before they start the station activity.
- They are to rehearse and read the tongue twister aloud while carrying out all the activities catered to them throughout all the stations.
- The participants are also instructed to create their own “tongue twister” based on spirit of patriotism.
- Participants are requested to read the tongue twisters aloud. Then, faster. Then three times in a row.
- Participants are requested to present their tongue twister presentation at station 9 as a completion of station games
Values: Build self-discipline, increase collaborative, be creative
Note: The facilitator has to explain to the participants how to create Tongue Twisters
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said the butter’s bitter
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood
As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood
She sells seashells by the seashore
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop
Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits, and where she sits she shines
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late
You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you
I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch
Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear
Eddie edited it
Willie’s really weary
A big black bear sat on a big black rug
Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks
He threw three free throws
Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely
So, this is the sushi chef
Four fine fresh fish for you
Wayne went to wales to watch walruses
Six sticky skeletons (x3)
Which witch is which? (x3)
Snap crackle pop (x3)
Flash message (x3)
Red Buick, blue Buick (x3)
Red lorry, yellow lorry (x3)
Thin sticks, thick bricks (x3)
Eleven benevolent elephants (x3)
Two tried and true tridents (x3)
Rolling red wagons (x3)
Black back bat (x3)
She sees cheese (x3)
Truly rural (x3)
Good blood, bad blood (x3)
Pre-shrunk silk shirts (x3)
Ed had edited it. (x3)
We surely shall see the sun shine soon
Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk
Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better
Of all the vids I’ve ever viewed, I’ve never viewed a vid as valued as Alex’s engVid vid
Objectives:The participants should be able to:
- improve their pronunciation
- build self-confident
Materials: Song lyrics as cloze activity
Collection of songs
Duration: 2 hours
Procedure :
- Give participants a copy of a lyric.
- The participants listen to the song.
- The participants listen to the song again and fill up the gaps.
- The participants listen to the song for the third time and check the answers together with their partner.
- Let the participants sing the song together.
- Get the participants to practice for a performance. Use their creativity to come up with movement or background music.
Values: Build self-confident, increase collaborative, be creative
Variation: Facilitator may let the participants sing 2 or 3 songs. Let them enjoy singing in English.