Industrial Profile of Kinnaur District

District Kinnaur (Tribal District) is surrounded by the Tibet to the East, in the Northeast corner of Himachal Pradesh, about 235 kms from Shimla is a tremendously beautiful district having the three high mountains ranges i.e. Zanskar, Greater Himalayas and Dhauladhar, enclosing valleys of Sutlej, Spiti, Baspa and their tributaries. The NH-5 passes through the Kinnaur from village Choura to Samdoh(about215k.m. length) along the bank of river Sutlej connecting this tribal district to out side world.All the valleys of Kinnaur are strikingly beautiful. The slopes are covered with thick wood, orchards, fields and picturesque hamlets. The much religious Shivlinga lies at the peak of KinnerKailash mountain. It is not only the scenic beauty which appeals to the young and old alike but also the life styles of the people, their culture, heritage, customs and traditions. The much honest people who have strongculture and beliefsgenerally follow the Buddhism and Hinduism believe that the Pandavas came and resided in the land while in the exile. In the ancient mythology the people of Kinnaur are known as Kinners, the halfway between men and gods. Thousands years old monasteries still exist in the area. Both the Buddhists and Hindus live in perfect harmony symbolizing the traditional brotherhood and friendship of the people of both the faiths.
The apple, chilgoza and other dry fruits are grown here are world famous. The high terrain here gives way to great adventures sports of all kinds. Beautiful trekking routes include the 'Parikarma of KinnerKailash'. Here is also a beautiful Nako lake in Nako village and three famous wild life sanctuaries.
Fact Files About Kinnaur
  1. Population

Population As per 2011 Census
Male / 46,249
Female / 37,872
Rural / 84,121
Urban / NIL
Sex Ratio / 818 (No. of females per 1000 males)
Density of Population / 13 per sq. km.
  1. Literacy Rate

Literacy Rate of Rural Population- As Per 2011 Census
Male Literacy / 88.37 %
Female Literacy / 71.34%
Literacy rate of Kinnaur / 80.77%
  1. Geographical Area

Geographical Area Sq. Kms.
Forest Land / 569135.53Hect. (Year 2015-16)
Cultivated Land / 9715Hect (Year 2014-15)
NonCultivable / 575493Hect. (Year 2014-15)
Altitude / Between 2350m to 6816m above sea level.
Longitude / Between 77° 45' and 79° 00' 35'' East Longitude
Latitude / Between 31° 05' 50'' and 32° 05' 15'' North Latitude
Major Rivers / Satluj, Spiti&Baspa
  1. Distance

Nearest Railway Station / Shimla - 235 Kms
Nearest Airport / JubbalHatti - 265 Kms
  1. Administrative Setup

Administrative Setup
No. of Sub Divisions / 3 - Pooh,Kalpa,Nichar
No. of Tehsils / 5 - Sangla,Pooh,Nichar,Moorang,Kalpa.
Sub Tehsil / 1 - Yangthang
Development Blocks / 3 - Nichar,Kalpa,Pooh
Panchayats / 65
Villages / 660
  1. Educational Institutes

EducationInstitutes (Year 2015-16)
Primary Schools / 184
Middle Schools / 36
High SchoolsSr. Sec. Schools / 50
Colleges / 1-Govt. College R/Peo.
Engineering Colleges / NIL
ITI & DIET / 2(R/Peo, Urni) + 1(R/Peo)
University / NIL
  1. Animal Husbandry

Animal Husbandry (Year 2015-16)
Hospitals / 20 (17 providing AI Facilities)
Dispensaries / 39 (30 equiped with AI Facilities)
AI Centres / No special AI Centre.
Poultry Farms / 2
Sheep Breeding Farm / 1
  1. Cattle Population

Cattle Population / As per record of Animal Health & Breeding R/Peo(Year 2012)
Cows / 21,557
Buffalos / 00
Sheep / 66,607
Goats / 33,229
Yak / 225
Poultry / 9390
Others / 3687
  1. Health Setup

Health Setup (Year 2016)
Regional Hospitals / 1(ReckongPeo)
Community Health Centres / 4(Pooh, Nichar, Sangla)
Primary Health Centres / 21
Sub-Centres / 34
Ayurvedic Hospitals / 1(ReckongPeo
Ayurvedic Health Centers / 27
Ayurvedic Dispensaries / 27
Homepathy / 1 (ReckongPeo)
  1. Industrial Units

Industrial Units (Year 2016)
Large Enterprises / NIL
Micro/Small Enterprises / 350
Investment / 4.323 crores
Employment / 997(Numbers)988Himachalies + 9 Non -Himachalies
Type of Enterprises / Major:Handlooms and Handicrafts(These are household activities. Shawls, Pattis, Carpets are woven on Handlooms and Wooden/Metal Craft depicting various features of Tibetan Art is prevalent in district Kinnaur)
Minor: Fabrications(Steel and Wooden Furniture, Food Processing, Auto Repair, Oil Extraction Units, Wool Carding, Steel Fabrication, Fruit Processing & Packaging, Cyber& Computer repair, Mobile repair etc.)
  1. General

Number of Post Offices / Head Post Office / ReckongPeo.
Sub Post Offices / Bhavanagar, Kalpa, Leo, Moorang, Nichar, Pooh, Sangla, Ribba, Spillo, Tapri, Katgaon
Branch Post Offices / 72
Nationalized Bank Branches / Punjab National Bank / R/Peo,Karcham,Nigulsari,Kalpa
UCO Bank / Skibba, Yangthang, Katgaon, Sungra, Sangla, Tapri, Spillo, ReckongPeo
State Bank of India / Bhawanagar, Pooh, Moorang, Lippa, Giabong, Chango, R/Peo, Sholtu.
Union Bank / Nichar
Land Development Bank / R/Peo, Pooh
Name of the Lead Bank / Punjab National Bank
Cooperative Bank Branches / Kalpa, R/Peo, Moorang, Nichar, Pooh, Sangla,Tapri, Pangi, Katgaon, Sungra
Petrol Pumps / ReckongPeo, Powari, Tapri, Kupa(Sangla)
Major Crops / Kharif / Cereals / Maize
Pulses / Rajmah,Mash
Others / Ogla,Fafra,Koda,Cholai
Rabi / Cereals / Wheat,Barley
Vegetables / Tomato, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion, Garlic Chilies, Capsicum, Peas, Reddish, Turnip, Potatoes etc.
Horticulture / Apples, Chilgoza, Apricots, Almonds, Walnuts, Pears, Grapes, Figs, Kiwi fruit.
Electrified Villages / 99.17%
Flaura and Fauna / Portions of Kinnaur are situated high in the Himalaya, where vegetation is sparse and consists primarily of hardy grasses. Alpine species such as juniper, pine, fir, cypress, and rhododendron can be found at elevations between 3,500 and 5,000 meters, primarily in Middle Kinnaur. At lower altitudes, temperate-climate trees are found, including oak, chestnut, maple, birch, alder, magnolia, apple, and apricot.
Yaks and chigus are reared by local farmers in the higher areas. Scattered populations of the Himalayan black bear and small ponies may also be found.

Industrial Activities in District Kinnaur:

The peculiar topographic, demographicand climatic condition of this remote Tribal District is non-congenial for industrialization as in winter due to snow fall and severe cold ,the power and water supply get disrupted and industrial activity remain ceased during the months of December to March due to which Small and Medium Enterprises become non-viable. Moreover, thin and dispersed population and lack of modernized infrastructure in its vast interior makes it crucial for Small and Medium Enterprises. However, these conditions arefavorable for development of micro household and village industries. These micro enterprises are based on local needs, raw materials and skills. The most important microenterprises prevalent in tribal district Kinnaur are Handlooms and Handicrafts.The woolen products are locally known as shawls, patti, pattu,caps, carpets, dohruetc. which are woven on Handlooms. The woolen and other allied industries require small investments and also fulfill the local demands and supplement the income of rural artisans.Wooden/Metal/Stone Craft depicting various features of Kinnauriand Tibetan Artare also prevalent in this District.

For the smooth & rapid development of Micro/SmallEnterprises in the District, one Industrial area has been developed in this tribal districtwithall basic infrastructure facilitiessuch as electricity, water, roads and telecommunicationetc. which hasemerged as role model for development and setting up of micro/small enterprises to rural entrepreneurs.

Name of Industrial Area / No. of Plots / No. of Plots Allotted / Vacant
ReckongPeo / 40 / 40 / NIL
  1. Industrial Area/Estate:
  1. Industries set up in the Industrial Area ReckongPeo.

Sr. No. / Name of the Enterprise and its proprietor / Plot/Shop No. / Activity / No. of Workers
M/s. Bhandari Auto Workshop
Prop. Sh. Raj BahagatNegi / 1 / Auto repair and servicing / 5
M/s. Thurkyan Industry
Prop. Sh. UrgianNegi / 2 / Saw mill and cereal grinding / 1
M/s. Himalyan Drycleaner
Prop. Sh. Tarlochan Singh / 4 / Dry cleaning / 2
M/s. Kinner Handloom & Handicrafts Centre
Prop. Smt. Sangium Devi / 5 / Handloom weaving
And cotton cardings / 2
M/s. Kinner Handloom Industry
Prop. Sh. RoshanLalNegi / 6 / Handloom weaving / 5
M/s. Mohan Handloom Unit
Prop. Sh. Mohan Chander / 7 / Handloom Weaving / 7
M/s. Moni Handloom
Prop. Smt. Data Moni / 7(a) / Handloom Weaving & finishing / 21
HPMC Ltd. / 8 to12 / Apple grading & Packaging / Under implementation
M/s. Sunder Industry
Prop. ShriBhag Singh / 13 / Saw Mill , Oil Extraction and
Cereal grinding / 2
M/s. Pancharas Industry
Prop. Sh. SurajBansiLal / 14 / Handloom &b car washing / 5
M/s. Himalyan Trunk House
Prop. Sh. Neja Ram / 15 / Sheet metal craft / 1
H.P.KV&IB / 16 & 17 / Wool Carding and Finishing / 4
Horticulture Deptt.H.P. / 18 to 21 / Fruit processing / 7
M/s. Trans-Himalyan Enterprise,
Smt. ChheyangKonzom / 25 / Apple Grading & Packaging and Fruit Processing / Under implementation
M/s. Hit-Nit Kinnaur Wool Products Industry, Prop. Smt. Heer Devi / 26 / Handloom weaving and Finishing & packaging / 9
M/s. Peo Auto Zone,
Prop. Sh. NarguSain / 27 / Auto repair & servicing / 5
M/s. Arya Tara Enterprise,
Prop. Sh. ChanderKirti / 28 / Cotton Quilt, Pillow and mattress manufacturing / 3
M/s. Janu Auto Works
Prop. Sh. Joginder Singh / 29 / Auto repair & servicing / 3
M/s. Shyam Auto Service Station,
Prop. Sh. ShyamLalNegi / 30 & 31 / Steel fabrication Unit / 5
M/s. Raj Kamal Negi / 32 / Chilgoza Processing Unit / Under implementation
M/s. Kinnaur Handloom Enterprise
Prop. Sh. Mohinder Singh / 33 / Handloom Weaving / 2
Sh. Vinay Singh VPO, Khawangi / 34 / Handloom Weaving / 6
M/s. Aru Auto Zone
Prop. Dr. Surya Prakash Boras / 35 &36 / Auto repair & servicing / 6
M/S. Toshi Woolens
Prop. Sh. GautamNegi / 37 / Woolen Sweater manufacturing unit / Under implementation
M/s. Shyam Fabrication Works
Porp. Sh. ShyamLal / 38 & 39 / Steel and Wood Fabrication Unit / 5
1. / Sh. HeeraRal / 1 / Metal craft & jeweler manufacturing / 4
2. / Sh. SonamPalzang / 2 / Metal craft & jeweler manufacturing / 4
3. / Vacant / 3
4. / Smt. Shyam Devi / 4 / Handloom & carpet weaving / 4
1 / Sh. MotiChander / 1 / Handloom / 2
2. / Smt. Gian Kali / 2 / Handloom & carpet weaving / 3
3. / Smt. Uttma Devi / 3 / Handloom & carpet weaving / 1
4. / Sh. Rajeev Mehta / 4&5 / Tent House / 3
5. / Vacant w.e.f. 01.12.15 / 6.
6. / Sh. Raj Kamal Negi / 7,8&12 / Computer education / 3
7. / Vacant w.e.f. 21.12.15 / 9
8. / Ms. DevGiani / 10 / Handloom Weaving / 1
9. / Ms. DevPyari / 11 / Handloom & carpet weaving / 1
10. / HPSH&HC Ltd. / IHC
G.Floor / 1
  1. Group wise Classification of Industries set up in the District Kinnauras on 30.11.2016

No. / Industry Group / Micro & Small Scale Enterprise / Medium & Large Scale Units / Cumulative upto 30/11/2016
Units / Invest
Lacs / Employment
In Nos. / No.
Units / Invest
Lacs / Emp.
In Nos. / No.
Units / Invest
Lacs / Employment
In Nos.
Him / Non-
1. / Chemical / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
2. / Textiles(handloom) / 177 / 109.55 / 586 / -- / -- / -- / 177 / 109.55 / 586 / --
3. / Electrical / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
4. / Electronics Repair/computer Service/Photostat / 8 / 22.56 / 18 / -- / -- / -- / 8 / 22.56 / 18 / --
5. / Food Processing / 74 / 63.07 / 148 / -- / -- / -- / 74 / 63.07 / 148 / --
6. / Pharmaceuticals / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
7. / Soap,Cosmetics / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
8. / Automobiles Repair / 14 / 83.49 / 45 / -- / - / -- / 14 / 83.49 / 43 / 2
9. / Misc. Engineering / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
10. / Packaging / -- / --- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --- / -- / --
11. / Steel Fabrication / 24 / 63.92 / 86 / -- / -- / -- / 24 / 63.92 / 80 / 6
12. / Footwear / -- / --- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --- / -- / --
13. / Plastics / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
14. / Others. / 53 / 89.71 / 114 / -- / -- / -- / 53 / 89.71 / 113 / 1
Total:- / 350 / 432.30 / 997 / -- / -- / -- / 350 / 432.30 / 988 / 9

Major Developmental Schemes Being Implemented/facilitated By DIC ReckongPeo.

  1. Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP).
  2. Rural Industries Programme/Rural Artisan Programme.
  3. Weavers MUDRA Scheme.
  4. Indo-China Border Trade via Shipki-La.
  5. Entrepreneurship Development Programme/Industrial Awareness Programme.
  6. State Mission on Food Processing.
  7. State and Central Capital Investment/Freight and other subsidy Scheme.
  8. Chief Minister’s Start Up/Innovation Projects/New Industries Scheme
  9. Handloom Development Programme/Mahatma Gandhi BunkarBimaYojna.

General Manager

District Industries Centre

Kinnaur at ReckongPeo

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