Romanian Journal


Morphology and Embryology

(Journal of the Romanian Society of Morphology)

Volume 48 Number 4, 2007, p. 319–454

(new series)



Cornelia Amălinei, Irina-Draga Căruntu, Raluca Anca Bălan,

Biology of metalloproteinases 323

Original Papers

Manuela Stancu, Irina-Draga Căruntu, Simona Giuşcă, Gioconda Dobrescu,

Hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia and neoplasia lesions in chronic cholecystitis –
a morphologic study 335

Mariana Costache, Olga Simionescu, Maria Sajin, Alina Chefani, Ana Maria Ene,
Ana Maria Teodorov, Elena Ionica,

Apoptosis in cutaneous melanomas 343

Simona Gurzu, J. Jung, L. Azamfirei, T. Mezei, Anca Maria Cîmpean,

The aspects of angiogenesis in anal canal carcinomas compared with that in colorectal carcinomas 349

F. Calotă‚ S. Mogoantă‚ M. Întorcaciu‚ M. Paşalega‚ Carmen Florina Popescu,
I. Vasile, C. Meşină,

The venous system of the lower limbs 355

Gabriela Ieremia, M. Raica, Anca Maria Cîmpean, Viorica Bocan,

Morphologic and histochemical changes in the skin of patients with scleroderma 361

S. R. Nayak, Madhan Kumar, A. Krishnamurthy, Latha V. Prabhu, Sujatha D’Costa, Lakshmi A. Ramanathan, Bhagath K. Potu, Vasavi R. Gorantla,

Population distance between Dakshina Kannada (South India) and Gujarati (North India) population using infracranial nonmetric traits 369

P. Mitruţ, Aurelia Enescu, Letiţia Adela Maria Streba, F. Burada, G. Cojocaru,
Cristiana Simionescu, Cl.Mărgăritescu, Amelia Genunche-Dumitrescu,

The endoscopic and morphological forms of early gastric cancer 373

M. Vlad, N. Ionescu, A. T. Ispas, E. Ungureanu, Claudia Stoica,

Morphological study of congenital megaureter 381

I. Mîndrilă, Mihaela Niculescu, L. Mogoantă, G. A. Guja, O. M. Mărginean,
B. Căpitănescu, A. Popescu,

Venous circulation of the bronchial wall 391

N. Balica, M. Raica, S. Cotulbea, C. Doros,

Mast cell reaction in malignant laryngeal neoplasm 395

Oana Andreia Coman, C. Rotar, Smaranda Stoleru, Isabel Ghiţă Cristescu,
H. Păunescu, I. Fulga,

Influencing vascular reactivity in vivo by histaminergic agonists and antagonists 403

D. Laky, Liliana Parascan,

Hibernating myocardium, morphological studies on intraoperatory myocardial biopsies and on chronic ischemia experimental model 407

D. Niculescu, D. Grecu, Carmen Niculescu, I. E. Pleşea, S. D. Enache,

The arthroscopy-histological criterion link in endoscopic “repair” treatment of chondral and chondralbone lesions of the knee 415

Case Reports

A. Fernandez-Flores,

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is CD117 negative even after extreme antigen retrieval conditions 419

Elena Buteică, F. Burada, Irina Stoicescu, B. Stănoiu,
Claudia Valentina Georgescu,

Darier disease and Hailey–Hailey disease 423

S. R. Nayak, Vasudha V. Saralaya, Latha V. Prabhu, Magala M. Pai,
A. Krishnamurthy,

Clinical significance of a mysterious clival canal 427

Mihaela Niculescu, Cristiana Simionescu, Liliana Novac, L. Mogoantă,
R. M. Stănescu,

The uterine carcinosarcoma. A case report 431

Amelia Petrescu, Gabriela Berdan, Ionela Hulea, Raluca Gaitanidis,
V. Ambert, V. Jinga, M. Popescu, F. Andrei, L. Niculescu,

Renal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor – a new case report 437

Ligia Stănescu, Claudia Valentina Georgescu, Ana Claudia Georgescu,
Iuliana Georgescu, G. Călin,

Erythrokeratodermia variabilis – variant with circumscribed variable erythema and periorificial fixed Bazex Dupré erythema 443

Aurelia Enescu, P. Mitruţ, Elena Buteică, B. Stănoiu, Anca Enescu,

Drug-induced hepatitis – morphological and ultrastructural aspects 449

Guide for authors 455