HITIQA Web Proficiency Test

I. Login:

1.  There are three instances that you are prompted to log in using user name and password as HITIQA Web is starting. Which two of the three sets of the username /password are the same? Circle the correct option below:

a.  Username/password for the server; Username/password for the firewall

b.  Username/password for the server; Username/password for HITIQA Web Interface

c.  Username/password for the firewall; Username/password for HITIQA Web Interface

d.  None of the above, all three sets are different

2.  Where you have both the browsers open (the “START HITIQA” page and HITIQA Web Interface), you should do the following:

a.  Close the first browser, leave only the interface window open

b.  Keep the original window in the background, make the HITIQA Web interface full screen

c.  Close the original window and make the Interface full screen

d.  Keep the original window, and also keep the size of the Interface as it is

II. User Query Panel

1.  Which of the following query type would be considered more appropriate for HITIQA searching?

a.  What is the capital of Iraq?

b.  What military transfers have been made between Iraq and Jordan?

c.  Who are Saddam Hussein’s sons?

d.  All of the above

2.  After HITIQA completed “determining base concepts and framing clusters” and other processes, you may be prompted to

a.  The Answer Panel where the answers are displayed in the format of passages with Headline in bold, followed by year and paragraphs of text

b.  The Dialogue Panel where you are informed that the system cannot find relevant information and you will need to rephrase your query

c.  The Visual Panel where the concepts contained in the answer passages are represented visually by colored circles

d.  Either (a) or (b) may happen

III. Dialogue and Answer Panel

1. When your answer is displayed immediately via he answer panel, you may:

a.  generate more answer from the ANSWER PANEL

b.  go to the VISUAL PANEL and get visual display of the results

c.  go to the DIALOG PANEL and completely delete your query in the ORIGINAL QUERY window

d.  all but (c)

2. When you are prompted with a clarification question (as shown in the figure below), you will respond by

a.  Clicking on “Yes” or “No”

b.  Clicking on “generate answer” to ignore the clarification question

c.  Entering additional information in the “please enter your answer here” window

d.  All of the above

3.  When you wire to the “Please Enter Your Answer Here” window, which of the following response is not recommended for a clarification question that asks “are you also interested joint adventure between China and USA?” (Suppose your original query concerns with joint adventure between Japan and USA):

a.  Yes, for the year 2001

b.  No, only that of Japan and US

c.  Yes, and Taiwan also

d.  A new query: What military transfer has been made between Iraq and Jordan?

4.  When receive a “no answer, please rephrase your query” response from the system, you may not be able to:

a.  Go to the VISUAL PANEL to get some idea what kind of entity relationship is available from near pass texts and this would help you to successfully issue a query

b.  Go to the DIALOGUE PANEL to enter your answer

c.  Go to the USER QUERY PANEL and click on “clear query” and then type in new query

d.  Click on “new query” from the ANSWER PANEL and type in new query in the QUERY PANEL

IV. Visual Panel

1. The levels of visual include “frame group level” and “frame” level, as show through figure 2 and 3. At the “frame group level,” each circle represents ______


At the “frame level,” each circle represents ______.

2. At the “frame group level,” what does the number of small circles inside a big circle tell you about this frame group? The color of the circles indicates what score? What does the halo color around frame group indicate?

3.  Given the following setting, what does the right “Jordan” circle contain?

4.  How do you move from “frame groups” level to “frame target” level” and back to “frame groups” level?

5.  At the frame level, given the following series of screenshots when different options under the “transfer” category were chosen, specified what relationship is revealed through the following screenshots.

6.  What does the “frames concepts” window tell you when “transfer to” is selected?

7. How do you display the text of a frame group as it is shown below:

8. Suppose you believe the lower left circle is relevant how can you change its score and color as seen below and how may you change it back to the original?

9. Overall, what are the cases that you may find the VISUAL PANEL useful?

a.  obtain an overview of various levels of relationship and structure of the data

b.  get some idea on how to compose query

c.  get a better understanding of what the answer entails

d.  All of above and more


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