Socks Unit Plan Read Aloud: Ramona, The Pest
Week: 1 /Monday
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Connect: Removing Obstacles: Eat pasta with chopsticks while blindfolded, thumbs taped down. Gradually remove obstacles, give lesson on eating with chopsticks, pass out rubber bands to fasten top of chopsticks.
--Attend: Round Robin “This made me feel...” “How did your attempts at using the chopsticks change over time?”
--Imagine: Concept of Definition Map “Personal Growth” / Inform/Practice: Begin instruction in various comp. strategies. Daily refer to concept of personal growth.
--ABC Brainstorm: Cats (in CL groups)
--KWL on cats as a class
--Book walk—Ask students to take a picture walk and then comment on the book, what they think it’s about, what they think will happen, and what they think the setting is.
--Intro theme center with books on cats, pets, and other books by Beverly Cleary. / --Prediction Chart—Introduce. Ask students to record predictions based on cover and title. Then on first chapter title. Then midway through first chapter.
--Active Comprehension Activity—Read chapter 1 first 5 paragraphs aloud and ask “What else would you like to know about this story?”
--Finish reading Ch. 1 and begin Sequence of Events WS.
--Use BL 5, Kitten Weather, as a center for partner work. / --Sum It Up Chapter 1
--QAR WS of Ch. 1—Use to discuss. (Use BL 7 to review.)
--Socks portrait based on p. 13,29, and 30. (Use BL 12—Visualization) / --Buddy read Chapter 1 and mark “star descriptions” with sticky notes. Share with CL group and then with class.
Vocabulary / --Preview Chapter 1 vocabulary with three-column notes: word/prediction/definition. / --Word Detective, BL 3 / --Election: Vote for word you will most likely begin to use as you speak and write. / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 1 List A
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 1
--Adjectives Minilesson / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 2
--Adjectives Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 3
--Adjectives Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 4
--Adjectives—Find 10 in book and label. / --Adjectives Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Persuasive writing (See 5th grade English book for ideas.)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Persuasive Writing (Mentor text—Editorial section of local newspaper)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Continue persuasive writing, using BL 13. “Mrs. Risley was a good babysitter.” (Class)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Opinion-Proof in pairs (Use BL 13).
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 2 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Review Chapters 1 by beginning a character grid of Socks/Mr. Bricker/Mrs. Bricker.
--Sketch picture of chapter 1 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page. / --Make predictions about Ch. 2.
--Rd. Ch. 2 aloud. Confirm, reject or modify predictions. / --Students write 2 questions for each section of the QAR worksheet.
--BL 25—Quotable Quotations in CL group / --Discussion with student questions from In My Head sections of QARs.
--Response Journal: Free response / --Sketch picture of chapter 2 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page.
Vocabulary / --Preview Chapter 2 vocabulary with 3-Column Notes & Word Gradient of “pulsated” & Synonyms List for “wailed” “anxious” “content” “hoist” / --Review Chapter 2 vocabulary with Let’s Make a Sentence activity / --Pathways Word Wall Quickwrite—Topic of choice/ Share in CL groups / --Election: Vote for word you will most likely begin to use as you speak and write.
--Vocabulary Practice WS / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 2 List A
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 5
-- Minilesson Adjectives (Articles & Demonstratives) / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 6
-- Worksheet Adjectives / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 7
-- Book Activity Adjectives / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 8
--—Find 10 adjectives in Socks book and make a list. / -- Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Opinion Proof—Independently (Use BL 13).
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Author’s set mood with their words
(Use mentor text: Crispin by Avi.)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Mood
(Use Socks as mentor text, with BL 4)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Students share excerpts from their writing from yesterday where they did a good job of showing mood.
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 3 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Make predictions on chapter 3. / --Read Chapter 3 aloud.
--Confirm, modify, or reject predictions.
--Place sticky notes for discussion.
--BL 9—Opinion-proof “Is Socks too fat?” / --Sticky note discussion
--Respond: Character Journal—Double entry response: Find two to three quotes that make you feel or think and respond to them.
--Center—Buddy read Ch. 3. / --Sum It Up Chapter 3
--Write 2 QARs for each section with a partner.
--Sketch picture of chapter three in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page. / --Discussion with student questions from In My Head sections of QARs.
Vocabulary / --Preview Chapter 3 vocabulary with 3-Column Notes & Word Gradient of “outraged” & Synonyms List for “sparring” / --Word Maps of “refuge” “wary” “retreat” (Use BL 8). / --Make connections “disarray” / --Quickwrite with words / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 3 List A
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 9
-- Minilesson: Adjectives--Comparatives / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 10
-- Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 11
-- Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 12
--Find comparatives in books and make a list. / -- Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Considering Audience
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Considering purpose
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Spelling and punctuation help your reader.
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Spelling and punctuation help your reader.
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 4 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Review Chapter 3 with Sequence of Events WS.
--Read list of questions for passage in science book, predict what kind of QAR each is, read section, answer questions. / --Make predictions on chapter 4.
--Read Chapter 4 aloud.
--Confirm, modify, or reject predictions.
--Write QARs for Chapter 4 and switch with another group to answer. / --Do a class retelling of Chapter 4 and assess with checklist.
--Respond: Character Journal—Double entry response: Descriptive phrases / Read list of questions for passage in science book, predict what kind of QAR each is, read section, answer questions. / -- --Sketch picture of chapter 2 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page.
Vocabulary / Preview Chapter 4 vocabulary with 3-Column Notes & Word Gradient of “astonishment” & Synonyms List for “fraud” / --Synonyms & Antonyms List for “ alert” “erect” “contentment” / --Word Map of “scarf” / --Quickwrite with words / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 4 List A
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity
--Spelling WS 1 / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 13
--Minilesson: Adjectives—Proper modifiers / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 14
--Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 15
--Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 16
--Book Activity / --Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Descriptive writing
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Descriptive writing
(Write a paragraph on Smartboard & revise).
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Descriptive Writing
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Descriptive Writing
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 5 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Review Chapter 4 with Sequence of Events WS.
--Do BL 20 (Literary Elements) on Chapter 4 / --Make predictions on chapter 5.
--Read Chapter 5 aloud.
--Confirm, modify, or reject predictions.
--Retell Ch. 5 independently and use checklist. / --Do a character comparison of Nana and Mrs. Risley using BL 15. Write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the two women. / --Buddy Read Chapter 5.
--Character Journal—Written from Nana’s perspective. / --Sketch picture of chapter 5 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page.
Vocabulary / --Preview Chapter 5 vocabulary with 3-Column Notes / -- “Let’s Make a Sentence” / -- Quickwrite with words / --Word Election / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 1 List B
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity
--Spelling WS 2 / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 17
--Minilesson: Adverbs / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 18
-- Adverbs Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 19
-- Adverbs Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 20
-- Adverbs WS / --Prepositions Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Gathering research for a mini-report on a pet: Taking notes with number notes. (Provide passages and books. Do as a class.)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Bibliographies (simplified)
Turning Notes into Paragraphs
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Writing Class report.
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Editing Class report
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 6 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Review Chapters 5 with Sequence of Events WS.
--Do BL 12 (Visualization) with a segment of Chapter 5. / Make predictions on chapter 6.
--Read Chapter 6 aloud.
--Confirm, modify, or reject predictions.
--Retell Ch. 6 independently and use checklist.. / --Extend: Make connections. Have you ever felt like Socks must have during this chapter? Talk with your partner about it. Write about it. / --Sum It Up Chapters 6
--Use BL 11 to review action verbs. The instructions say to use with Chapter 4, but use with Chapter 6. / -- --Sketch picture of chapter 6 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page.
Vocabulary / --Preview Chapter 6 with 4 column notes / --Word Gradient—“heave” “grieve” / --Word Maps—“intrusion” “quibble” / --Quickwrite with words / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 2 List B
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 21
--Minilesson: Type of Adverbs / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 22
--WS Type of Adverb / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 23
--Book Activity-Type of adverb / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 24
--Sorting Adverbs / -- Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Strong Nouns
(Use mentor text).
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Strong Verbs
(Mentor Text: Student writing samples).
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Review
(Write a paragraph on Smartboard and revise for strong nouns and verbs).
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Share strong nouns and verbs from your writing.
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 7 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Review Chapter 6.
--Write a character journal entry from Old Taylor’s point of view. / Make predictions on chapter 7.
--Read Chapter 7 aloud.
--Confirm, modify, or reject predictions.
--Write about the connections you made while you read this chapter and tell how they helped you understand better.
--Discuss connections. / --Character Journal—Socks’, Charles Williams’ or Mrs. Brickers’ perspective of chapter 7 events.
--Sum It Up Chapter 7 / --Sketch picture of chapter 6 in your Socks picture book. Write your summary on the page.
--Do BL 17 character map / --Field Trip to Petco
Vocabulary / --3 column notes—word/prediction/ definiton / --Synonym List for “chortled” “pry” “relent” / --Word election / --Quickwrite with words / --Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 3 List B
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 25
--Subject/Verb agreement Minilesson / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 26
--Subject/Verb agreement Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 27
--Subject/Verb agreement Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 28
--Bibliographies Minilesson / -- Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Write a letter to your parents persuading them to let you have a specific pet.
--Writer’s Workshop
(Use mentor text). / --Minilesson: Reasons Why Not—Rebuttals
(Mentor Text: Student writing samples)
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Friendly letter review
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Punctuating dialogue vs. thoughts
--Writer’s Workshop
Week: 8 /
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayComprehension / --Overcoming Obstacles—BL 18 in CL groups
--BL 21 Animal Characteristics
--Brainstorm list of obstacles you have overcome and how your ability to overcome obstacles is different than an animal’s. / --Find Bible verses that can help you overcome obstacles. Make a list. Choose some to make a booklet to encourage yourself when you are trying something difficult. / --Continue booklet. / --Perform: Share booklet with someone who is facing an obstacle. / --Use CRISS strategy, discussion web, to answer this question: “Were the Brickers good pet owners?”
Vocabulary / Review with Big Word Wall / Review with Big Word Wall / Quickwrite with as many words as possible. / Share quickwrites. / Review Quiz
Spelling / --Pretest Week 4 List B
--Misspelled words 5X each for homework / --Word Wall Activity / --Making Words / --Making Words Word Sort / --Post test
Grammar / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 25
--Subject/Verb agreement Minilesson / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 26
--Subject/Verb agreement Worksheet / --Proofreading: Daily Oral Language # 27
--Subject/Verb agreement Book Activity / --Proofreading: D.O.L. # 28
--Minilesson: Presentation / -- Quiz
Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: The Rest of the Story
--Writer’s Workshop (Students write the next chapter in Socks.) / --Minilesson: Editing for meaning
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Proofreading
--Writer’s Workshop / --Minilesson: Peer editing
--Writer’s Workshop