BIO 100/350, Marine Ecology, Spring 2012

Professor: Dr. Kendra Cipollini

Class BIO105: TR 9:10-10:25, Boyd 219

Lab BIO105L: T 1:00-3:50, Kettering 205A

Email Address:

Professor Website:

Office: Kettering 204

Office Hours: M 9-12, F 10-12 or by appointment

Office Phone: 937-382-6661 Extension 367

Required Texts: Bertness, M. D. 2007. Atlantic Seashores: Natural History and Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

Gosner, K. L. 1978. A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York.

Some Important Dates:

Friday, January 13 – Last Day to Add Classes

Monday, January 15 – Second Course Fee Due

Friday, March 2 – Last Day to Drop Classes

Monday, April 16 – Final Course Fee Due

Sunday, May 6 – Sunday, May 13 – Field component at Duke Marine Laboratory

Friday, May 25 – Final Research Paper Due

Course Goals:

1.  Understand key ecological and evolutionary principles related to marine ecology, including:

·  the natural history of some major marine ecosystems

·  the ecological factors that affect the distribution and evolution of marine


·  current threats to marine biodiversity and strategies for conservation

2.  Demonstrate the ability to identify several types of marine organisms.

3.  Develop observational skills through use of a field notebook.

4.  Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific process through conception, implementation, analysis and presentation both written (in scientific report format) and oral (using Powerpoint) of an ecological experiment, performed in North Carolina.

5.  Use library resources, develop critical reading and integrative skills during preparation of final written research report.

General Information:

Important course announcements will be made in class, posted on the website and/or sent to your Wilmington College email account. It is expected that you will check your emails at least once every 24 hours during the semester. There is a course webpage that contains valuable information about the course and the course material. Lecture notes will be posted on the course webpage, usually prior to the relevant lecture. These notes are not meant to replace your attendance in class, nor your note-taking during class. Many times there are important concepts covered in the lecture and lab that are not explicitly addressed in the notes and text; therefore it is important you take careful notes during lecture and lab. You should read the relevant textbook chapter and laboratory information prior to coming to class and lab.

Learning and doing science requires time outside of specified class time. The Higher Learning Commission requires that Wilmington College use the definition of a credit hour as “one hour of classroom instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week.” Therefore, you should plan on spending 8 hours per week on average outside of lecture and laboratory on material related to this class. Class projects do not always fit conveniently into a regular schedule and can sometimes require unexpected, lengthy tasks. It is imperative that you properly plan for your coursework, which may require a time commitment during weekend and evening times. If a project fails due to inadequate planning, you will receive a zero for any related assignments. Please see the professor as issues arise to assure success in your work.

You absolutely must take an active role in your learning to be successful in this course. The professor will be available during office hours, via email and by appointment to answer any questions you have concerning course content and your progress. There is one guarantee for this course; if you start off with a true commitment to do well, question the professor at every opportunity, meet deadlines, and study hard, you will pass this course with no trouble.

Grading System:

Grades will be based on:

3 exams, 100 points each 300

Field notebook 150

Attendance and participation 150

Research report 150

Writing assignments 150

Total Possible Points: 900

Points earned will be added and grades will be assigned based on the scale below. Do not expect any "curving" of grades in this course. From the Wilmington College Faculty Handbook: “It is the policy of Wilmington College to strive to fairness in grading and avoid grade inflation. Faculty are encouraged to regard ‘C-‘ as a satisfactory grade, which means the student is meeting College standards, and will treat it as such in talking with students. The grade of ‘A’ on the other hand, should mean outstanding achievement, with a grade of ‘B’ in between. The grade ‘D’ represents minimally acceptable achievement, and the grade ‘F’ indicates failure.”

Letter grade and points Meaning of grade (from WC Handbook)

A = 828-900, A- = 810-827 Range of outstanding achievement

B+ = 783-809, B = 738-782, B- = 720-737 Range of good achievement

C+ = 693-719, C = 648-692, C- = 630-647 Range of average achievement

D+ = 603-629, D = 540-602 Range of below average achievement

F = < 540 Inadequate achievement

Exams and Assignments:

Exams will be a mixture of multiple choice, matching, short answer and essay. Since learning science is a cumulative endeavor, exams will test on cumulative information. However, exams will mostly focus on material learned in lecture and lab since the last exam. The final exam will be comprehensive and test on all material learned in the course to date. A field practicum exam will be given on the last night in North Carolina, focusing on identification and biology of common species encountered during the field experience.

If you miss an exam, you will receive a zero on the exam; there will be no make-ups. If extreme and unavoidable circumstances occur that cause you to miss an exam, you must contact the professor prior to the exam by first calling the professor’s office and then emailing the professor. You must have documented proof of these unusual circumstances. Similarly, no late assignments will be accepted except under documented extraordinary circumstances.

Electronic assignments submitted via email or disk will not be accepted unless otherwise indicated by the professor. All multi-page assignments must be stapled when turned in; an assignment is not considered complete until it is properly stapled and will not be accepted by the professor unstapled.

Field Notebook: For this course you will keep a field notebook, in which you will document your observations in North Carolina, as well as complete assigned activities. A guideline for keeping field notebooks is forthcoming. Assignments will be given during the course of the field experience.

Research Paper: You will design and implement field studies in groups during the field experience in North Carolina. Upon returning, you will complete an independent research paper on your project. More details on this assignment are forthcoming.

Writing Assignments: Three writing assignments on marine organisms, marine ecosystems and marine conservation will be assigned. More details on this exercise are forthcoming.

Attendance/Absence/Behavior Policy:

Attendance for each lab and in each activity in the field component of the course in its entirety is mandatory. You may miss only one lab period or portion thereof in the entire semester without penalty. For each lab or activity (or portion thereof) that you miss after one absence, 25 points will be deducted from your lab attendance points, regardless of the excuse. If you miss a lab where a presentation and/or assignment is due, you will receive a zero for the presentation and/or assignment, unless you make arrangements to turn in the assignment with the professor prior to your absence.

Students are expected to actively participate in lecture, lab and field activities and will be graded on their level of participation. Students are expected to exhibit appropriate etiquette in both lecture and in the field, including, but not limited to, listening attentively when the professor or another person is speaking, raising a hand before speaking, arriving to class on time and turning off cell phones. Cell phones and electronics must also be turned off during field trips, including driving time. In addition, you are expected to clean your laboratory area and return laboratory materials to the appropriate location prior to leaving lab. Points will be deducted from participation points for inadequate participation or improper classroom etiquette.

Attendance at lectures is strongly encouraged, but attendance will not be taken. There will be learning activities and quizzes in class. If you miss a class in which these unannounced activities are administered, you will not be able to make up the points and will receive a zero. Students are responsible for getting information from other students or from the professor on what material they have missed from a lecture or laboratory, whether the absence is excused or unexcused. See the current Student Handbook for information on Wilmington College’s attendance policy.

Field Trips:

Please dress appropriately for field trips (shoes for hiking, appropriate clothing, hat, etc.). Sunscreen and water are recommended on hot days. Field trips will only be cancelled in the event of extreme weather conditions; we will go out in rain and unpleasant weather. Please arrive at lab before 1:00 PM, as we will be leaving promptly. If you miss the van, it will count as an absence from the lab. Every effort will be made to return by 3:50 PM, within the constraints of traffic, weather, etc. It is highly recommended that you avoid scheduling anything on your lab day immediately after class in case of unavoidable lateness.

More information will be provided at a later date about packing for the field experience.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Students are expected to understand and adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy in the Wilmington College Student Handbook and will be reported to The Office of Academic Affairs if a violation occurs. If it is your second academic integrity offense at the College, you will receive an F in the course.

Note: If you have specific physical, psychological, or learning disabilities and require accommodations, please notify your professors and the Student Resource Center within the first week of the semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met.

Schedule of Classes

Please note that the course content may be modified as required, at the professor’s discretion (e.g. change of pace, change in chapter readings, change in laboratory exercises, etc.). Such changes will be announced in class and posted on the course website.

Date / Topic / Reading / Lab /
T, Jan 10 / Introduction to course /
T, March 13 / Physical setting / Ch. 1 / Phyla Porifera and Ectoprocta
R, March 15 / Algae and bottom-up processes / Ch. 2
T, March 20 / Top-down processes / Phylum Arthropoda
R, March 22 / Reproduction and dispersal / Ch. 3
T, March 27 / Larval recruitment / Phylum Echinodermata
R, March 29 / Marine zonation / Ch. 4
T, April 3 / Species interactions / Phylum Mollusca
R, April 5 / EXAM 1
T, April 10 / Rocky Shores / Ch. 5 /

Phylum Annelida

R, April 12 / Tidal flats / Ch. 6
T, April 17 / Ecosystem engineering /

Phylum Cnidaria

R, April 19 / Salt marshes / Ch. 7
T, April 24 / Coral reefs and the deep sea / Phylum Chordata
R, April 26 / Marine conservation
T, May 1 / FINAL CONTENT EXAM, 8:00-10:00 AM
S, May 6 / Depart for NC from WC, 5 AM
S, May 13 / Return to WC from NC, 7 PM
Time / Su, May 6 / Mon, May 7 / T, May 8 / W, May 9 / R, May 10 / F, May 11 / Sa, May 12 / Su, May 13
6:00 / Leave WC (5 AM)
You are responsible for lunch and dinner while we are travelling
Arrive DML / Leave DML (5 AM)
You are responsible for lunch and dinner while we are travelling
Arrive WC
8:00 / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast
8:30 / Water Chemistry Analysis / Field Experiments / Spatial Distribution of Marsh Organisms / Shackleford Island / Field Experiments / Fort Macon
10:00 / Open-water trawl
12:00 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
1:00 / Salt Marsh and Fiddler Crabs / Middle Marsh and Sea Grass Beds / Carrot Island and Mudflats / Field Experiments / Field Experiments
6:00 / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner
7:30 / Evening Lecture / Evening Lecture / Evening Lecture / Evening Lecture / Evening Lecture / Field Practicum Exam