

Name Surname : Fulya AKYILDIZ

Date of Birth : 23 March 1978

Place of Birth : Sivas, Turkey

Address : Usak University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration, 64200, Usak, Turkey.

Phone : +90 276 221 21 32

e-mail : ,


Licence (1996–2000) : Inonu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration.

Master (2001–2003) : Inonu University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Administration.

Master Thesis : “The Professional Biography of A Sociologist: The Life, Productions, Thoughts and Practices of Prof. Ph.D. Ozer OZANKAYA and His Contributions to Turkish: Social Life: A Public Administrative Study, Advisor: Ph.D. Hüseyin ERKUL, pp.321.

Doctorate (2003–2008) : Inonu University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Administration.

Doctorate Thesis :Reconstruction of State in The Central Asia and The Caucasia Turkish Republics in The Period After USSR: A Critical Approach to Neoliberal Politics, Advisor: Prof. Ph.D. S. Kemal KARTAL, pp.388.


2002-2009 : Research Assisstant, Inonu University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Administration, Malatya, Turkey.

2009- : Ass. Prof., Usak University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration, Usak, Turkey.


English :UDS 72.50


5.1. International Article

“The Failure of Multinational Companies in Developing Countries in Sharing Environmental Responsibilities: The Case of Turkey”, (2006), Social Responsibility Journal, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 142–150.

5.2. National Articles

5.2.1. “The Directorship of Security General and Environment”, (2001), (Edt. Dr. Yusuf Karakilcik and Others), (2004), Institutions and Environment, Ankara, Turkey: Detay Publishing, pp.99–114.

5.2.2. “Social Responsibility Campaigns” As Tools of Ending The Social State Policies in Turkey, (2007), Country Politics Government Journal, Issue: 4, Ankara, Turkey: Association of Local Government Research Publishing and Education, pp. 138–183.

5.3. Arranged Books

5.3.1. (Ass. Prof. Dr. Mihriban Sengul and Others), (2004), Public Administration I. National Council, Malatya, Turkey: Inonu University Publishing.

5.3.2. (Dr. Hasan Huseyin Dogan and Res. Ass. Fulya Akyildiz), (2004), Cyprus and National Unity Panel, Malatya, Turkey: Inonu University Publishing.

5.3.3. (Dr. Hasan Huseyin Dogan and Res. Ass. Fulya Akyildiz), (2004), University Campus Planning and Environment Arrangement I. National Workshop, Malatya, Turkey: Inonu University Publishing.

5.3.4. (Dr. Hasan Huseyin Dogan and Others), (2006), In The Cause of National Independency Turkey Economy Policies Council, Malatya, Turkey: Inonu University Publishing.

5.4. The Submitted Papers in International Congresses and Symposiums

5.4.1. Globalised Public Reforms: Public Reforms and International Organizations Relations: “Turkey and Kyrgyzstan Model”, (2005), Kommersiyalik Institute The Turkish World Management Faculty, June 05–09, 2005, 3. International Turkish Worlds Social Sciences Congress, Proceeding, Celalabat, Kyrgyzstan: Kommersiyalik Institute The Turkish World Management Faculty Publishing, pp.367–385.

5.4.2. “The Failure of Multinational Companies in Developing Countries in Sharing Environmental Responsibilities: The Case of Turkey”, (2006), Trakya University, May 01–04, 2006, 5. International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting, Finance and Regulation, Book of Abstracts, Edirne, Turkey: Trakya University Publishing, pp.3–4.

5.4.3. “Governance As An Interdisciplinary Common Study Area and A Separation Point: Transformation of Political Power in Turkey”, (2007), The Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Granada University, July 10–13, 2007, Granada, Spain.

5.4.4. “Transformation of Political Power in Turkey”, (2007), The Sixth International Scientific Conference “INVESTMENTS IN THE FUTURE -2007”, Proceedings, October 18th-20th 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.18–23.

5.4.5. „Support Campaigns of Girls to Join School‟ Suggested by UNICEF to Undeveloped Countries “An Example from Turkey: „Come on Girls to School! Campaign”, (2007), Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, October 19–21, 2007, IV. International Non-governmental Organizations Congress: Global Poverty, Proceedings, Canakkale, Turkey: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Biga Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Publishing, pp.491–502.

5.4.6. “An Opportunity for „Peace‟ or A New Workspace for „International Capital‟?: Natural Disasters Beating Asia”, (2009), (edt. Kıymet Tunca Calıyurt), Trakya University, June 11-12 Haziran 2009, st International Conference On Governance, Fraud, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Edirne, Turkey: Avcıol Publish pp.563-587.

5.4.7. “Comprehensions of Social Responsibility of The Governments in The Election Process: 29 March 2009 Local Elections in Turkey and The Case of AKP Government”, (2009), (edt. Kıymet Tunca Clıyurt), Trakya University, June 11-12 June 2009, 1st International Conference On Governance, Fraud, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Edirne, Turkey: Avcıol Publish, pp.589-608.

5.4.8. “Cris, Capitalism and Philanthopy”, Turgut Ozal International Economy and Politics Congress – I, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey 15-16 April 2010.

5.5. The Submitted Papers in National Congresses and Symposiums

5.5.1. “An Obligatory Right so that The Ability of Realization of “Information Society‟s Government Approach”: Right to Information”, (2004), (Arr. Ass. Prof. Dr. Omer Torlak and Others), (2004), Osmangazı University, 25–26 November 2004, 3. National Information, Economy and Government Congress, Proceedings, Eskisehir, Turkey: Osmangazi University Publishing, pp.445–455.

5.5.2. “Social Responsibility Campaigns” As Tools of Ending The Social State Policies in Turkey”, (2006), 19–23 September 2006, V. National Sociology Congress: “Actual Social Problems in Turkey”, “Poster Paper”, Malatya, Turkey: Inonu University and Association of Sociology.

5.5.3. “When Social State Collapse Rethinking The Concepts of „Public Interest‟ and „Social Services‟, (2009), 08–10 October 2009, VII. Public Administration Forum, Kahramanmaras, Turkey: Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University.

5.5.4. “Local Governments and Social Responsibility in Which Struggle Against Poverty”, (2009), Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (TODAIE), 19–20 October 2009, 4. National Local Governments Symposium, Proceedings, Ankara, Turkey: TODAIE Publishments, pp.859–873.

5.6. Editorship

Associate Editors, (2007), The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume: 2, Common Ground Publishing.