NAME ______CLASS ______DATE ______



Using Apostrophes for Contractions, Plurals, and Possessives (Rules 15 a–c)

EXERCISE A On the line provided, write out the two words for which each of the following contractions stands.

EXAMPLE / 1.  I’m I am

1.  you’re _____

2.  she’d _____

3.  didn’t _____

4.  wasn’t _____

5.  don’t _____

6.  isn’t _____

7.  we’re _____

8.  hasn’t _____

9.  he’ll _____

10.  you’ll _____

EXERCISE B On the line provided, write the contraction for each of the following groups of words or dates.

EXAMPLE / 1.  she is she’s

1.  are not _____

2.  it is _____

3.  she will _____

4.  there is _____

5.  they are _____

6.  he would _____

7.  let us _____

8.  where is _____

9.  1970 _____

10.  we would _____

EXERCISE C Underline the correct italicized word in parentheses.

EXAMPLE / 1.  Al, here is (you’re, your) pencil.

1.  Does that tree shed (it’s, its) leaves?

2.  Both men think (they’re, their) going to win that golf match.

3.  They have started (they’re, their) game.

4.  (Who’s, Whose) voice do I hear?

5.  Are you the one (who’s, whose) singing?

6.  (It’s, Its) time to go home.

7.  (You’re, Your) the only one who can beat me in basketball free throws.

8.  May I borrow ( you’re, your) sweater?

9.  (It’s, Its) becoming quite chilly.

10.  The explorers have lost (they’re, their) way.

EXERCISE D Add apostrophes where they are needed in the following sentences. Some sentences may have more than one apostrophe.

EXAMPLE / 1.  Getting the pond, the waterfall, and the back yard ready for the garden tour will require at least a week’s work

1.  My oldest brothers pet mice are as big as yours.

2.  There are two pairs of mens overalls hanging behind the barn door.

3.  Marie didn’t give the problem a moments thought.

4.  The mayors friends formed a citizens committee to reelect her.

5.  Have you seen todays newspapers anywhere?

6.  Ralphs bicycle is in better condition than theirs are.

7.  Someone left the dogs leash on the front porch.

8.  The childrens toys were scattered behind the sofa.

9.  Our citys tallest buildings have all been built recently.

10.  The twins mother has won an award for her story.

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