Course Title: Greenhouse Production and Management
Instructor: Mr. K. Lucy
Course Description:
Greenhouse Production and Management is a one-credit course related to the production of
greenhouse crops. Topics include career opportunities, safety, plant propagation, growing media, plant identification, greenhouse production, pest control, business management, and equipment and facilities. The hands-on approach to learning is a key component in this course.
Instructional Philosophy:
Students will be expected to meet all course goals listed below, and demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts. The instruction will be heavily field/laboratory and application based, with a minimum of lecture and classroom work. The course requires extensive laboratory practices and demonstrations. Students will work independently as well as in teams to complete several projects that enable them to learn how to work independently to plan, construct, and trouble-shoot a variety of assignments. The community will be involved in evaluating, planning, and implementing the Agriscience program and projects, by means of the Agriscience Advisory Committee.
Students will be evaluated on classroom participation, exams, projects, and assignments. Students are required to pass all safety exams that is administered with a 100% mastery.
Program Goals
The goal of the Agriscience Education curriculum is to provide students access to a flexible system of rigorous school- and work-based learning planned collaboratively by students, parents, educators, and employers. This system will result in graduates having industry-recognized credentials and preparation for advanced study or employment. The course of study is designed to provide content that is student-centered, allowing career pathways that include academic and Career/Technical Education courses specifically directed to students’ key interests and required skills. Upon graduation, students are prepared for postsecondary education, apprenticeship programs, employment; as well as individual, family, employer, and community success.
Course Goals:
The students will learn how to:
1. Describe careers in the greenhouse production and management industry.
2. Describe safety precautions related to the greenhouse production and management industry.
3. Demonstrate propagation methods for greenhouse plants.
4. Practice seed germination techniques in greenhouse operations.
5. Adjust greenhouse growing media properties by adding amendments.
6. Prepare growing media mixtures for greenhouse plants.
7. Identify greenhouse plants by common name.
8. Differentiate among environmental factors affecting greenhouse plant growth.
9. Produce seasonal greenhouse crops.
10. Identify common greenhouse plant disorders.
11. Select types of fertilizers and methods of application used in greenhouse production.
12. Apply pesticides to greenhouse crops.
13. Select quality greenhouse plants for marketing.
14. Demonstrate managerial skills for successfully operating a greenhouse business.
15. Maintain greenhouse facilities.
16. Maintain equipment used in greenhouse operations.
Essential Question(s):
· What are some career opportunities associated with greenhouse management?
· What are some safety considerations and procedures for greenhouse management?
· What are the methods and techniques fro propagating plants?
· What are the properties of greenhouse growing media and how it can be amended?
· What criteria should a student need to discuss the role of plants?
· What criteria should students use when selecting and planting flowers and vegetables?
· What is the correct procedure for using pesticides in the greenhouse production industry?
· What are the requirements for operating a quality greenhouse business?
· What are the tools and equipment needed to maintain a greenhouse operation?
Course Outline
I. Safety
A. Describe safety precautions related to the greenhouse production and management industry.
II. Career Opportunities
A. Describe careers in the greenhouse production and management industry.
III. Plant Propagation
A. Demonstrate propagation methods for greenhouse plants.
B. Practice seed germination techniques in greenhouse operations.
IV. Growth Media
A. Adjust greenhouse growing media properties by adding amendments.
1. Adjusting t he PH of greenhouse growing media
B. Prepare growing media mixtures for greenhouse plants.
V. Plant Identification
A. Identify greenhouse plants by common name.
VI. Greenhouse Production
A. Differentiate among environmental factors affecting greenhouse plant growth.
1. Controlling environmental condition for plant growth in the greenhouse
B. Produce seasonal greenhouse crops
1. Examples: winter-poinsettias
spring trumpet lilies
C. Identify common greenhouse plant disorders.
1. Examples: root rot, insect damage, fungus
D. Select types of fertilizers and methods of application used in greenhouse production.
VII. Greenhouse Pest Control
A. Apply pesticides to greenhouse crops.
1. Identifying safety and first aid precautions in greenhouse management
2. Using correct pesticides for intended target in greenhouse management
3. Disposing of containers and leftover pesticides mixtures according to
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards
VIII. Business Management
A. Select quality greenhouse plants for marketing.
B. Demonstrate managerial skills for successfully operating a greenhouse business.
IX. Greenhouse Equipment and Facilities
A. Maintain greenhouse facilities.
B. Maintain equipment used greenhouse operations.
Culminating Product(s):
· Students will complete a report on a chosen career.
· Students will design a safety program for working in the greenhouse industry.
· Students will propagate plants using the various methods of plant propagation.
· Students will design experiments demonstrating the effects of using various growing media and adjusting the pH of growing media in the greenhouse.
· Students will create a PowerPoint presentation culminating the information for discussing the role of plants.
· Students will grow crops and plants in the greenhouse to sell to the public.
· Students will demonstrate proper methods for maintaining and using pesticide application equipment.
· Students will design a quality greenhouse management program based on total quality management and customer relations. Students will maintain and service tools needed for greenhouse management and production.
Instructional Delivery
1. Lectures
2. Group and Individual Activities
3. Resource Persons
4. Demonstrations
5. Media Presentations
Assessment Plan:
Grading Scale
A= 100-90
B= 89-80
C= 79-70
D= 69-60
F= 59-below
Students will be evaluated based on the quality, promptness and correctness of materials listed in the requirements. Attention will be given to practical applications of the course materials to student situations. Approximately 90% of the final grade will be determined by objective criteria, such as, tests, projects, class assignments, and portfolios. Other consideration will be given to outside assignments and subjective evaluations such as attendance, interest, participation, etc.
Criteria: Method of Evaluation Percent
Classroom Participation Attendance, Classroom 15
Behavior, Safety
Projects Portfolios, Written and Oral Presentations, 30
Quality of finished projects
Performance Adequacy of competency performance 10
Tests Unit tests on related technical/academics 20
Final Exam Comprehensive knowledge and application 25
Grand Total 100%
Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO)
Available Industry Credentials:
Postsecondary Degree
Other Requirements
Students are required to pay a vocational fee of $30.00 by the specified deadline (September 6, 2013) for each Career/Technical Education course in which he/she is enrolled. The student organization (FFA) fee is $12.00 for a total of $42.00 in fees.