BGSA Meeting Agenda: 7 March 2016
- Call to order (Aliyah) – 1:37pm
- President’s Report: proposed amendments to the BGSA Constitution
- First amendment: Clarification of rules on GPSG Bylaws, VP of University Relations cannot be a current GPSG Executive Board member 10 yes, 1 abstain
- Second amendment: President can delegate other Executive Board members to assume responsibilities of vacant positions so president will not be obligated to fulfill multiple roles 11 yes
- Third amendment: Clarification of wording about midyear vacancies so no difference independent of reasoning of someone leaving a position 11 yes
- Still need to be approved by Grad Office, will send out notice after their approval
- Wesbite update: Added student involvement survey to home page, BGSA has Twitter account (@PittBGSA, independent of FB page, for relations with other groups and announcements). Currently has 5 followers. Request to report back any problems with the website
- Vacancies in Executive Board
- Abby will fill in temporarily for VP of University Relations (starting in March)
- If anyone is interested, need someone to take over by April
- VP of Records: Review and approval of February minutes (Eileen for Abby)
- Last months minutes were approved
- VP of Finance report (Aliyah for Jennifer)
- Account finances were declared
- Need costs for Ski Trip and credit authorization form from Ben
- People have been trying to order UPMC catering the day before. Need at least a week’s notice for Grad Office if requesting catering.
- Immunology has paid donation as of today.
- VP of University Relations report (Beth)
- Just had elections
- Reminder: GPSG has Travel Grants for students
- 5 tickets for the afternoon session of TEDx March 26, $5 for ticket, will get reimbursed (essentially free)
- Can still attend even without ticket – overflow room w/ video stream
- Party in the Tropics was a success
- April 15 – Spring Formal at the Aquarium
- Tickets available about 6 weeks before event
- March 14 6pm, Scaife Lecture Room 5 – PhD Comics creator coming
- Beth will be stepping down from her position
- WSMA update (Alyce/Nyla)
- Past Events
- Writing seminar update (Nyla)
- Went okay, half the attendance from last year, possibly from lack of advertising
- Surveys showed they liked the 1on1 critique, more post-docs than students
- Python course update (Alyce)
- Small but consistent turnout
- Open to future suggestions for other courses
- Upcoming Events
- Wednesday 4pm Scaife – Women in Science lecturer about early career
- Science communication initiative
- Science communication to public and to other scientists in conjunction with CMU
- First meeting: Friday, March 18 9:30am
- Email Aliyah if interested
- VP of Communications report (Greg)
- Logo redesign & banner
- $189 for reusable durable banner
- Polish up logos and vote on new logo at next meeting
- Will go to Student Center for advice if find logo design too difficult, but will try in house first
- Voted to approve $200 budget for reusable weatherproof banner – passed
- Newsletter updates
- Draft of the newsletter, need by Friday
- Add volunteer opportunities in upcoming events
- Abby will write section on Jesse Schell
- Adolfo will send article about Comps Panel
- Alyce will write WMSA upsdate
- Adding pictures from events
- Publications, some still missing from different departments
- Website has form for students to send publications directly to Greg
- Student Spotlight vote
- Discussion of style of Student Spotlight – spotlight for smaller achievement or spotlight of successful CV?
- Focusing on the person may be good for future spotlights, may go in depth with one person
- Table discussion of reformatting Student Spotlight for next meeting and adjustment of nomination form
- Rory Donovan, Matt Hendricks, BinhPhong were selected for Student Spotlight
- Grad office report (Clare/Lauren)
- No updates
- Thanks for help with interview weekends
- Past events
- Comps Panel (Aliyah for Adolfo)
- 2/3 of second years from IBGP to attend, good feedback, more than enough food, some outside interest from other programs
- May expand to include other programs next year
- Careers in Academia panel (Aliyah)
- 22 people attended, 3 panelists – lecture track, tenure track assistant professor, research assistant professor
- Moderated by Bruce Freeman
- Good feedback, good to have more information about academia on campus
- Will post notes from the event on the website, including contact information for panelists
- Catered by Hello Bistro, more than enough food, could reduce next time
- Advertised through UPPDA
- Jesse Schell talk (Aliyah for Abby)
- Successful, about 15 people, a lot of turn out from non-IBGP students
- His website and Twitter handle will be published in newsletter
- Upcoming events
- Ski trip (Ben)
- Everything is ready, everything forwarded to Jennifer
- 22 people will attend, total cost $874.02 + $960 for bus (low bus attendance)
- will need to sort out final subsidy cost because of free lift ticket
- Volunteer opportunities with Carnegie Science Center: 3/12 and 4/9
- Volunteers for 3/12 closed
- 9:30 to 3 at Chatham
- Volunteers for 4/9 open, need to fill out forms ahead of time (Child Abuse Prevention form)
- Mars Elementary School Science Fair judging
- 315 students doing 192 projects – more than last year
- Tuesday, April 5 at approximately 5:30/6:30pm
- Carpool from Oakland, reimbursed for gas
- Need volunteer list by March 18 for planning
- Pittsburgh Regional Science Fair judging 4/1 (Greg)
- Judges sign up is closed
- Parking is limited, consider carpooling
- Future events (Aliyah)
- Social event – March – review proposals
- Rachel – Bowling Night at Forward Lanes in Squirrel Hill ($10-20pp)
- Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays - $11pp for 2 hours unlimited bowling with shoes 6-8pm
- Tabling event for later social event
- Eileen – Glass Center ($40pp)
- Potential overlap with Student Appreciation Week event from GPSG, but provides opportunity for smaller group of people
- BGSA would subsidize $600 toward snacks and discount from tickets
- Voted to approve $600 for budget
- Week of March 21-26
- Abby and Jen – Dave and Buster’s ($10-20pp)
- Tabling event for later social event
- Grad Student Appreciation Week: April 4-8
- Breakfast in Scaife 8am-11am
- Last year: 2 dozen bagels, 2 dozen donuts
- Voted to approve $150 for breakfast
- Discussion of dissemination of breakfast
- Have a representative bring snacks to 6-7 sites
- Decided to disseminate, will work with reps in each building to coordinate breakfasts
- Game night
- Table until find out what GPSG is doing for events
- May try to vote by e-mail for snack budget (~$150)
- Stress Free Zone
- SFZ is located in the William Pitt Union
- They will run events for SORC organization, 30-45 minutes, in Oakland
- Free event
- Aliyah will work with them for times, possibly during lunch time, will update later
- Summer Career Seminar Series
- Aliyah been contacted by professors about outside speakers
- Big pharma – drug development, one senior and one IBGP alum (Dr. Devore)
- More interested in IBGP alum
- Patent law (Aliyah)
- USAID (Dr. Flynn)
- Trying to not pay honorariums
- May, June, July or June, July, August depending on when get first speaker
- Symposium update (Augustin)
- September 28, 2016 in University Club
- Speaker: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Chief of Organelle Biology at NIH, imaging
- Try to make panel for science policy
- Old business
- Meeting Adjourned – 3:08 pm