Things to Come Mission, Inc.


Field Work Department

SEC Reg. No. 13617 / 09487516569


“Things to Come Mission, Inc. endeavors to follow the global ministry concerns of the Apostle Paul as he follows Christ. It envisions to establish a Grace Church in every municipality and city in the Philippines, and commits itself to win the lost, edify the saints, plant reproducing Grace Churches, and produce committed believers in the teachings of Grace whose lives are Christ-like in character.”

Core Values:

Competence, Dependence on God, Edification, Efficiency, Evangelism, Godly Leadership, Grace Orientation, Home & World Missions, Integrity, Mobilized Laity, Prayer, Relationships, Stewardship, Teamwork


1.  To provide leadership enhancement programs for workers and lay church leaders;

2.  To develop training programs for spiritual growth of the members in the local church;

3.  To promote healthy working relationships between workers and church members;

4.  To assist the leadership of the Mission to formulate plans and programs for church growth;

5.  To stir up deeper team building spirit among fellow workers; and,

6.  To cultivate continuous active participation of the church members in terms of prayers and financial support to sustain the work of the ministry.

Things to Come Mission’s Flagship Project: “TCM IMPACT: 2017”


Dear Fellow Workers & Friends:

One of the joys of preparing an annual report is that it gives us the opportunity to look back and be thankful to the Lord for all that has been accomplished. The past fiscal year was filled with wonderful opportunities and many challenges.



These are significant foundational elements of Things to Come Mission, Philippines, as a religious organization. These elements are instrumental in the effective and efficient management of the affairs and functions of the Mission. These are the foundational elements of the Field Work Department.

1.  Doctrinal Statement (available upon request)

2.  TCM By-Laws (available upon request)

3.  TCM Vision-Mission

4.  TCM Core Values

5.  Objectives


1.  TCM Board of Trustees (nine-member board)

2.  Eight (8) strong Mission’s departments

3.  Four (4) residential Bible schools and three (3) Bible training centers

4.  District Field Grace Bible Schools

5.  709 Workers (470 pastors; 239 Bible women; 6,752 ID Card-bearing Members; 23 Missionaries)

6.  504 TCM Grace Churches (ZONE I – Luzon: 64; ZONE II – Visayas: 141; ZONE III – Mindanao A: 140; ZONE IV – Mindanao B: 139, plus 20 new churches planted from May 2015-April 2016)

7.  Twenty-five (25) Ministry Districts (25 Supervising Ministers and 28 Deputy Supervising Ministers)

8.  Ten (10) Regional Divisions with 10 Regional Division Coordinators

9.  Four (4) Zones with four (4) Assistant Field Work Directors (Zone I: Luzon; Zone II: Visayas; Zone III: Mindanao A, and Zone IV: Mindanao B)

10.  TCM Workers’ Continuing Education Program (14 seminars are held yearly for pastors, Bible women, and lay leaders. The program has two levels: Level I for non-formally Bible-trained leaders, and Level II for pastors and Bible women.)


1.  Conducted 14 advanced leadership seminars/Grace School of Biblical Studies (GSBS) under the TCM Workers’ Continuing Education Program (Total No. of GSBS Students: 448 (287 workers and 161 lay leaders).

2.  Promoted the campaign for a wider and deeper involvement of churches in the 10% giving to the Mission through the Continuing Education Seminars.

3.  Issued TCM ID Cards to 6,752 Members (last year: 6,133) and Affiliation Certificates to 339 churches (last year: 326) through the TCM Satellite Central Office. Source: Pastor Salvador C. Nabus.

4.  Assisted in the collection of 10% giving of 235 churches through the Supervising Ministers. Total amount collected from April 2015-March 2016: P1,293.109.50. Source: Pastor Ronnie C. Plale, Sr.

5.  Participated in the Negros Island Grace Grand Thanksgiving Celebration, March 23-25, 2016.

6.  Requested the TCM Board to declare 2018 as “TCM Thanksgiving Year” in commemoration of Things to Come Mission’s 60th Founding Anniversary in the Philippines.

7.  Monitored the activities of the Five-Year TCM IMPACT 2017 through the Supervising Ministers (Per SMs’ report, 20 new congregations were planted from April 2015-March 2016. See Item 8).

8.  Planted 27 new congregations in the following locations: Pulong Tagalog, Cauayan City; Gibraltar, Baguio City; Bayog, Aurora, Quezon; Inanuran, Mayantoc, Quezon; Quezon, Placer, Masbate; Balamban, Cebu; Moalboal, Talusan, Sibugay; Tuno, Diplahan, Sibugay; San Roque, Prosperidad, Agusan Sur; Tagbina, Surigao Sur; Malagamot, Panacan, Davao City; Padada, Davao del Sur; Bala-as, Mabuhay, San Fernando, Bukidnon; Laguindingan, Cagayan de Oro City; Sapung, Tablon, CDO; Gingoog City; M’lang, Cotabato; Tanglaw, Linao, Matalam, Cotabato; Midtodong, Tamped, Kabacan, Cotabato; Cotabato (5); Sampiniton, Jimalalud, Negros Oriental; and, Casayan, Siaton, Negros Oriental


1.  TCM is in all 18 Regions

2.  TCM is in 54 out of 82 Provinces

3.  TCM is in 40 out of 145 Cities

4.  TCM is in 48 out 1,489 Municipalities

5.  TCM is in 362 out 42,036 Barangays


1.  By District

a.  NORLAG: 13 churches(1 new church planted)

b.  CLAG: 23 churches (1 new church planted)

c.  BIGCOR: 12 churches (2 new churches planted)

d.  PALAWAN: 6 churches (none)

e.  SOUTHERN-WESTERN LUZON (SWL): 11 churches (3 new churches planted)

f.  NEGROS OCCIDENTAL I: 30 churches (none)

g.  NEGROS OCCIDENTAL II: 21 churches (none)

h.  NEGROS ORIENTAL: 49 churches (2 new church planted)

i.  CEBU: 9 churches (1 new church planted)

j.  BOHOL: 16 churches (none)

k.  LEYTE: 16 churches (none)

l.  MOCZAN: 29 churches (none)

m.  SALUG VALLEY: 15 churches (none)

n.  BAGANIAN-LAND: 28 churches (1 new church planted)

o.  SEA-GOLD: 34 churches (1 new church planted)

p.  BUKIDNON: 16 churches (1 new church planted)

q.  LAMISOR: 17 churches (3 new churches planted)

r.  CARAGA I: 19 churches (1 church planted)

s.  CARAGA II: 27 churches (none)

t.  DAVAO I: 14 churches (none)

u.  DAVAO II: 16 churches (none)

v.  DAVAO III: 16 churches (2 new churches planted)

w.  COTABATO I: 12 churches (3 churches planted)

x.  COTABATO II: 18 churches (5 new churches planted)

y.  MAGUINDANAO: 18 churches (none)

2.  By Regional Division:

a.  Region I (NORLAG, CLAG, BIGCOR): 52 churches

b.  Region II (PALAWAN, SWL): 20 churches

c.  Region III (NEG. OCC. I, NEG. OCC. II, NEG. ORIENTAL): 102 churches

d.  Region IV (CEBU, BOHOL, LEYTE): 42 churches

e.  Region V (MOCZAN, SALUG VALLEY): 44 churches

f.  Region VI (BAGANIAN-LAND, SEA-GOLD): 64 churches

g.  Region VII (BUKIDNON, LAMISOR): 37 churches

h.  Region VIII (CARAGA I & II): 47 churches

i.  Region IX (DAVAO I,II,III): 48 churches

j.  Region X (COTABATO I 7 II, MAGUINDANAO): 56 churches

3.  By Zone:

a.  Zone I - LUZON: 72 churches

b.  Zone II - VISAYAS: 144 churches

c.  Zone III - MINDANAO A: 145 churches

d.  Zo ne IV – MINDANAO B: 151 churches

4.  TOTAL No. of Existing Churches: 512


Flagship Project: “TCM IMPACT: 2017”

Long Range Goals (2012-2017):

1.  Church Goal:

TO PLANT five (5) new churches in each of the 23 TCM Ministry Districts in the Philippines.

(Responsible of funding, manpower, and strategies: the district, churches, TCM)

2.  Membership Goal:

TO ADD 7,725 new members to the membership of the TCM churches in the Philippines.

(Responsible of funding, manpower, and strategies: the district, churches, TCM)

3.  Edification Goal:

TO REFRESH the TCM Doctrinal Statement among the leaders and members of the Grace churches in the Philippines through seminars of the Continuing Education Program, Sunday school, and other organized study groups and programs.

(Responsible of funding, manpower, strategies: the workers in the districts, churches, TCM)

Short Range Goals (2012-2013; 2013-2014; 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017):

1.  Church Goal:

TO PLANT one new congregation a year in each of the 23 TCM Ministry Districts in the Philippines.

Strategies include: Evangelistic Meetings, Cell Groups, Evangelistic Bible Studies, House-to-House Visits, Church Revival Meetings, Supported Church Planters, Evangelistic Teams, Literature Evangelism (Gospel Tracts Distribution, Correspondence Courses), Radio Evangelism (Hour of Grace Programs), Children’s Ministry (DVBS, Children’s Saturday Classes, Kids’ Camps, Feeding Program), Youth Ministry (Camps, Youth Jams, Conferences, Gospel Film Showings)

(Responsible of funding, manpower, and strategies: the district, churches, TCM)

2.  Membership Goal:

TO ADD four (4) new members a year to the local membership of each of the 400 participating churches in the Philippines.

Same strategies for Church Planting are suggested.

(Responsible of funding, manpower, and strategies: the district, churches, TCM)

3.  Edification Goal:

a.  TO CONDUCT lecture of one selected subject from the TCM Doctrinal Statement. The study will be done through seminars under the Grace School of Biblical Studies (GSBS) of the TCM Workers’ Continuing Education Program, Sunday School, and other organized study groups and programs.

b.  TO HOLD 14 seminars through the Grace School of Biblical Studies (GSBS) under the TCM Workers’ Continuing Education Program.

c.  TO VISIT selected churches of the districts hosting YEAR 1, YEAR 2, YEAR 3, YEAR 4, and

YEAR 5 seminars.

(Responsible of funding, manpower, and strategies: the districts, churches, TCM.)


1.  Print the following documents on tarpaulin for display in the local churches: TCM Vision-Mission Statement; TCM IMPACT: 2017;

2.  Appoint Local Evangelist for every local church (conduct orientation seminar in the district level for the designated local evangelists);

3.  Start promoting 2018 as “TCM’s Thanksgiving Year” to celebrate the 60th Founding Anniversary of Things to Come Mission in the Philippines;

4.  Hold an evangelistic meeting during the closing night of the continuing education seminar, preferably at the public plaza where the seminar is being held;

5.  Initiate an evangelism clinic in the local church level through the local church worker;

6.  Hold an In-House Church Planting Seminar for Prospective Church Planters;

7.  Assign supported church planter in every district to take charge of the church planting endeavor;

8.  Organize an Evangelistic Team in every district to spearhead evangelistic activities.

Thank you for your share in the various phases of the ministry – winning souls, edifying the believers, planting of reproducing Grace churches, and producing committed believers in the teachings of grace whose lives are Christ-like in character.

As we embark on a new fiscal year, may our theme, “ONE TEAM; ONE DREAM,” continue to enliven us in pursuing our common goals for the ministry!

Eufracio H. Pielago, Jr.

Director, TCM Field Work Department

Sources of Report:

1.  Annual Reports of Supervising Ministers

2.  Office of the TCM National Treasurer (Ronnie C. Plale, Sr.)

3.  Office of the TCM Satellite Central Office (Salvador C. Nabus)

4.  Office File, Field Work Department

TCM VISION-MISSION: “Things to come Mission, Inc. endeavors to follow the global ministry concerns of the Apostle Paul as he follows Christ. It envisions to establish a Grace Church in every municipality and city in the Philippines, and commits itself to win the lost, edify the saints, plant reproducing Grace Churches, and produce committed believers in the teachings of Grace whose lives are Christ-like in character.”