Lee’s Summit Human Relations Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2005

Members Present: Manne Magady, Chairperson. Stan Beatty, Jane Gibler, Lessie Thompson, Claudia Walker, Tom Haley, Rebecca Carpenter and Khyrista Valentine. Also Attending: Brian Scott, AssistantCity Administrator
Members Absent: Dalton Van Jr.
Chairperson Magady called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The agenda was approved as written. The minutes of the February meeting were approved as written.
Chairperson Magady introduced Lee’s Summit Chief of Police Ken Conlee. Chief Conlee presented the City’s Annual Report to the Attorney General’s - Summary of Traffic Stops from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. It appears from the report that African Americans are about 2 1/2 time more likely to be stopped than other ethnic groups. Chief Conlee noted that about 1/2 of the persons stopped are not residents of Lee’s Summit and he feels that is the reason the stops appeared to be skewed toward African Americans.

He noted that all officers have yearly training in racial profiling and that the department had only about four complaints last year concerning unfair treatment of minorities. He discussed hate crimes in Lee’s Summit and noted that they are very few. When asked about the racial make-up of the department he noted that it does not reflect the make-up of the community, but he is constantly working toward that goal. Chief Conlee emphasized that the face of Lee’s Summit is changing very rapidly. He expressed appreciation to the Human Relations Commission and Stan Beatty in particular for their assistance in resolving conflicts dealing with racial issues.
Chairperson Magady informed the Commission that the new student membership ordinance is in effect. Implementation of this ordinance will be discussed at the April meeting.
The Commission reviewed the draft of the Strategic Plan as presented by Stan Beatty. Additions and changes were suggested. Mr. Beatty will present a revised plan at the April meeting.
Chairperson Magady distributed copies of the letters sent to the Lee’s Summit Police Department and the Lee’s Summit Fire Department expressing appreciation for their commitment to improve communication with Lee’s Summit’s Hispanic population.
Chairperson Magady informed the Commission that Stan Westbrook, pastor of the South Summit Presbyterian Church, had contacted him about a Diversity Workshop he is planning in 2006. The Commission will support this workshop.
Claudia Walker informed the Commission that Dr. Donald Ford, pastor of the GrandviewSecondMissionaryBaptistChurch, has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the 2006 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration. He wishes to meet with the Commission at a date in the future.
Jane Gibler noted that Claudia Walker had recently been awarded the Friest Humanitarian Award for her contributions in that area at the Lee’s SummitHospital. Claudia received congratulations from the Commission.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Gibler, Secretary