Steps to Create New Articulation Agreements

Instructions for Articulation Agreement Posting Contacts and System Administrators

1)Before posting an articulation agreement, please be sure you have the following information:

  1. Sending institution name
  2. Sending institution approved program name
  3. Sending institution approved program award
  4. Receiving institution name
  5. Receiving institution approved program name and award
  6. Begin date (usually the effective date written in the agreement)
  7. End date (can not be later than five years from the beginning date-see *Note for exception)
  8. Review date (should be at least six months prior to the end date)
  9. Signatures obtained (President or designee of both institutions)
  10. Articulation Agreement saved as a .pdf document (Example: EnvironmentalSciAS.pdf).

2)Access the Institution Administrator's Management Site for the Minnesota Transfer Web site by clicking on the URL: You may wish to bookmark this Website on your computer.

3)Log in with your username and password. Contact o establish your username and password the first time or if you wish to change your username or password.

4)Select “Create New” on the left navigation bar.

5)Please make sure to complete all the required fields.

6)Sending Institution: Click the drop down menu for the Sending Institution, and select the name of the sending institution for the articulation agreement.

7)Receiving Institution: Click the drop down menu for the Receiving Institution, and select the name of the receiving institution for the articulation agreement.

For the next step, Program Selections, choose either the sending program (includes the program award type) or the sending award, but do not select both.

8)Sending Program: Click the drop down menu for the program at the sending institution, using the approved program name inISRS (for programs in the MnSCU system) The program names in this drop down menu include the sending award type. If there is more than one sending program, you can click the green plus sign where it says “add program”and additional boxes will display.

Note: Make sure the sending program title and award listed in the articulation agreement pdf match the program title and award in the drop down box. If more than one sending program is listed on the articulation agreement, you will need to create and attach the articulation agreement.pdf separately for each program that is listed on the agreement.


Sending Award: Click the drop down menu for the program award at the sending institution. This option would be for agreements that include all programs of one award type. For example, the agreement might be for all AS degrees at the sending institution.

Note: Make sure the award listed in the articulation agreement pdf matches the award in the drop down box. If more than one award is listed on the articulation agreement, you will need to create and attach the articulation agreement.pdf separately for each award that is listed on the agreement. If the agreement lists specific programs, post the agreement for each of the specific programs listed, rather than the award.

9)Receiving Program: For the program at the receiving Institution, using the drop down menu, select the approved program name inISRS (for programs in the MnSCU system). The program names in this drop down menu include the receiving award type. If there are more than one receiving programs, click on the green plus sign where it says “add program” and additional boxes will display.

Note: Make sure the receiving program title and award listed in the articulation agreement pdf match the program title and award in the drop down box. If more than one receiving program is listed on the articulation agreement, you will need to create and attach the articulation agreement.pdf separately for each program that is listed on the agreement.

10)If you do not find a sending or receiving institution or a program or award in the drop down boxes, contact Shannan Ellis: or Louise Hoxworth: to have the field(s) added.

11)Begin Date: Using the calendar, select the date the articulation agreement is in effect, using MM-DD-YYYY or type in the date using the same format.

12)End Date: Using the calendar, select the date the articulation agreement will end, using MM-DD-YYYY or type in the date using the same format.

*Note: The end date should not be later than five years from the beginning date of the agreement. This procedure will ensure that articulation agreements are reviewed, maintained and updated so that we only post current agreements in the database that are visible to the public.

13)Review Date: Using the calendar, select the date the articulation agreement will be reviewed or type in the date using the same format. This date should be at least 6 months prior to the end date. All articulation agreements must be reviewed at least once every five years. Enough time should be allowed for all parties to review and approve continuation of the agreement.

14)Signature Obtained?: Check this box if the copy of the articulation agreement contains the signatures of authorized administrators from all parties to the agreement. The articulation agreement will not be posted without allsignatures.

15)Agreement Document: Browse your computer to locate the pdf document of the articulation agreement that you wish to upload.

16)Notes: If you would like to post any notes regarding the articulation agreement, they may be posted in this box.

17) When all of the required information has been provided, click on “Save Agreement.” The information submitted can be removed by clicking on “Reset” and no information will be saved.

18)After you click on “Save Agreement”, the articulation agreement moves to “Review Under Development.” You must click the “Submit” button to move the articulation agreement to “Review Submitted” and to the Office of the Chancellor for approval.

Special Posting Instructions

To post an articulation agreement with an institution other than MN State Colleges and Universities:

You may post any agreement with a MnSCU institution by selecting from the drop down menu for the institution and program. The University of Minnesota and some private and out-of-state colleges are also in the database. If you do not see the institution, program or award listed in the drop down menu, send an email to Shannan Ellis: or Louise Hoxworth: to request that it be added. Please send the pdf of the articulation agreement, the name of the non-MnSCU institution, the type of award (or degree) and the program name to Shannan or Louise so that they can add the institution, program and/or award. Once an institution, program and/or award is added to the database, you can select it for posting any other articulation agreements.

To Update the Program Inventory when a program at a MnSCU institution is not listed in the drop down box:

The list of drop down programs to select for MinnesotaStateColleges and Universities is linked to ISRS data and comes from the official program inventory approved by the Program Approval and Review Unit Any changes to the approved program inventory must be requested through your chief academic officer to the Program Approval and Review Unit Updates to the drop down list will be imported from the ISRS data on a regular basis by the Program Collaboration and Transfer staff. If you find that there is a program listed on the drop down menu that is inconsistent with your approved program inventory, please send an email with the drop down program name and the approved program name to or .

Navigation Terminology

Create New: Select this link to enter the information about the articulation agreement. All fields will need to be completed, the signature box checked, and a document uploaded before it can be saved. Select “Save” and the agreement will then move to “Review Under Development” where changes to the agreement may still be made. To reset to blank fields, click on the “Reset” button.

Review Under Development:Any agreement that is not completed and that will have changes made to it may be kept here. There will be a red button to the left of the agreement. The wrench on the right may be selected to make changes to the agreement. Once all the changes have been made, click the “Submit” button and the agreement will then move to “Review Submitted.” If no changes need to be made to the agreement, click the “Submit” button to move it to “Review Submitted.”

Review Submitted: Once the agreement is in “Review Submitted,” the Office of the Chancellor staff will review the agreement to ensure that all fields are complete, correct dates are selected, the pdf is uploaded, and it has all required signatures. The agreement will be approved for posting when all information is complete and accurate.

Review Approved for Posting: Once the agreement has been approved by the Office of the Chancellor staff it will be visible in “Review Approved for Posting.” The Office of the Chancellor staff will make the agreement visible on the public site once all information submitted has been verified.

Review Expired (Archive): Once the agreement end date occurs, the agreement will be found under “Review Expired (Archive).” Agreements that are not renewed and those that have reached their end date will be found in the archive.

Program Collaboration and Transfer,Office of the ChancellorPage 1

For assistance contact: or uly 14, 2008

Revised 9-28-09

Revised 4-29-10

Revised 9-3-10

Revised 6-6-11