The Seven Signs of Jesus of Nazareth
God Investigations Group Studies
John Teter
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
July 2001
Why The Seven Signs?
As I have journeyed into the world of the Fourth Gospel, I have found that the Jesus John knows is someone that our non-Christian post-modern friends can understand. And really like. He speaks of hidden food, invisible water and a superior life that is given to those who align themselves under his shepherding. And, he calls people to respond to him off of their experience with him. He doesn’t call them to propositional truths, he calls them to experience his life and then make a choice about which is better for their soul. Is their soul thirsty? Is it hungry? Does it experience glory?
Jesus draws people into his reality through the use of signs. He gives them signs, experiences of himself, that point to an otherwise unseen reality. Through these signs Jesus reveals the nature and purposes of God and calls people to genuine belief and obedience because of their signs.
The Structure and Depth of John’s Gospel
John’s Gospel is structured with seven signs. (The catch of fish in John 21 is the eighth sign and symbolic of the new day that has arrived with Jesus’ resurrection). The wedding at Cana is the first sign and the raising of Lazarus from the tomb is sign that brings the completion of the seventh sign.
The Fourth Gospel operates simultaneously on different levels. William Barclay affirms that part of the genius of John’s gospel is that it is shallow enough for a baby to swim in and deep enough for an elephant to swim in. For our purposes with our GIG, we will swim in the sink with our spiritual friends who are just being birthed. But, as you give yourself to these studies, go deep to elephant lengths. In the following leader’s notes, I will highlight both levels. If our friends stumble upon the depths of Jesus’ grace, we must be ready to lead them into even deeper waters.
The SignThe Unseen Spiritual Reality
1. Jesus turns water into wineJesus’ blood replaces the Jewish purification system and brings God’s forgiveness, healing and new life to the entire world.
2. Jesus heals the officials sonJesus, in whom is life, is sent by the Father at the perfect hour to give life to the children of God.
3. Jesus heals the man at the poolJesus offers oceans of living water, not small pools, for healing and wholeness to the people who are willing to be made well.
4. Jesus feeds the multitudesJesus is the bread that the Father has sent from heaven to give nourishment and spiritual life to the world.
5. Jesus crosses the seaJesus is God, inside of his creation, during the backdrop of the Passover, crossing his people over the sea again. The enemy is no longer Pharoah, but now sin itself. Jesus is the bread that gives cure to sin.
6. Jesus heals the blind manJesus, the Light of world, gives sight to a hopelessly blind world
7. Jesus raises LazarusJesus, the Shepherd who calls his sheep by name, will himself walk out of the grave, having conquered death. Those who choose to follow him now will follow his resurrection from their own grave and graveclothes.
The Format of the Studies
The following notes are for you, the leader of the GIG. It is not to be passed around to the people participating in the GIG. All of the ink on the paper is entirely optional. If you have a better opening question, by all means use it. If you have other questions from the text you want to ask, know that my direction is only meant to be one guide.
The signs of Jesus point to one greater unseen reality. It will most likely be hard to see exactly what the sign points to for our non-Christian friends, especially since so much of what John builds on is the Old Testament traditions. The better we know the signs, the better the guides we will be to help our friends see them.
I lead GIGs with four basic components. Here are the four sections and some thoughts on the goal and experience of each one.
The Hook: The first section is just to help the folks in your GIG feel comfortable with each other, get talking and be introduced on some level to what is coming in the study. After the first study, I make sure for the following studies to ask people what their experience was like the week before. I always ask two questions. The first is, “How did God come through for you?” and the second is, “What is changing for you in how you relate to him?”
Understanding the Message: This is where folks can ask their questions and understand the text. This is one of the most crucial elements of the GIG. Jesus’ reveals his glory through the Word. It is entirely worth it to work extremely hard to make this section excellent for the people, because in it you are connecting them to the life source, the Word, that will feed them for the next fifty years. Teaching the message well is critical to a great GIG.
Does It Work?: This section brings to real life the signs and teaching of Jesus to our non-Christian friends. The goal for this section is to help them know that the Word became flesh, dwelt with us and we beheld his glory. How has the GIG teaching been true in the lives of God’s people? What does it actually look like? Does it work? This section needs a story, your own or someone that you know, showing that Jesus’ way does work. The post-modern is not overly concerned with whether or not something is true. The real question is whether or not it actually works. Does it help my peace, my joy, my family, my understanding of self? Your testimony is the gospel to your friends.
As a side note, post-modern GIGs call for all of us to become effective story-tellers. If we have a great study, yet are unable to communicate how it is true for us or others we know, we stop speaking their language and we will lose them. Therefore, monitor your experiences and develop a game plan to grow in communication.
Your Story – The goal of this section is to help persuade and proactively challenge our friends to take an actual spiritual step in their lives. In “The Seven Signs” series, I encourage applications towards prayer to Jesus that they might see signs. Help each of your friends have a tangible step to experiencing Jesus’ reality. He will show up for them. Help them get up and be well.
Your friends vote with their feet by coming to your GIG. I encourage you to take spiritual authority and lead them to Jesus. They see you as a spiritual leader and hero. You just don’t know that. Help them see that what their soul really longs for is their own story to tell of how God has been personally good to them. Challenge them to take the next step. Challenge them to consider the Giver of the signs. I urge you to look your friends in the eye and tell them that they are missing out by not following Jesus with you. And that they should become followers yesterday. Some will begin to follow Jesus with you. The eighth study, “It Is Finished” is designed to help your friends become disciples, but you should be asking them throughout “The Seven Signs” series.
Also, I encourage you to help your GIG friends get around your larger IVCF community whenever possible. Pick the friends in your fellowship that they would feel most comfortable around and do things together. Help them feel at home with IV people. Invite them to conferences and help them commit more to the things of Jesus as you go through “The Seven Signs”.
I end each study by passing out index cards and having each person write one bible question they have and one current issue they are grappling with. This really helps develop vulnerability and gives the GIG leader a great follow-up conversation. I will then address one of their questions from outside the text during snack time at the end of the study.
Closing Exhortation
I hope that you enjoy entering deeper into the world of the Fourth Gospel. I pray that Jesus will meet all of your friends in profound and life-giving ways. Your friends are far more open to seeing Jesus’ signs than you could ever hope for. He is sending you to them that they might also believe. May you have great joy as you help your GIG see the signs and respond to the glory revealed. God is with you and he is so glad you are leading your GIG. As you give away the Light of the world, may it burn brighter and brighter within you.
Sign 1: The Water Becomes Wine
The Seven Signs of Jesus of Nazareth
John 2.1-11
I. The Hook
- When was the last time you felt like you were caught completely unprepared?
- What were the circumstances and what became of the situation?
- Community Rules for The Seven Signs – Explain and remind at each study
- Ask your questions and choose curiosity
- Be cool with each other
- Answer our questions from the text
- Be open to spiritual growth
II.Understanding the Message
- Read John 2.1-11
- What would Jesus be like at a party? What would he be doing?
- What do you think of his being invited to the wedding celebration?
- How would it feel for the bride and groom to run out of wine at their wedding?
- “Woman” is full of affection - not a chauvinistic slam (cf. same word as John 19.26)
- How would you feel if you were a steward and took water to the best man?
- What do you think of Jesus using these “religious” articles to produce the wine?
- What do the servants get because they acted on Jesus’ words?
- What is the quality and quantity of this wine? What happens to the party?
- The Bridegroom’s testimony is still true today – good beer then lower end beer
- What is the most glorious thing you have ever experienced? How did it affect you?
- Who in the text understands the miracle?
- What do you make of Jesus hiding his signs so that only some see?
- What is the greater unseen reality Jesus’ 180 gallons of the best wine points to?
Jesus’ wine points to the reality of God’s wine being poured out on his people for the forgiveness of sins. Where the six stone jars of religion could never purify, the flowing wine of Jesus completely cleanses. Jesus’ wine comes at the cross
- What are lessons we can learn from the Sign?
- Jesus loves being invited into our every day life and he makes great things happen
- Jesus changes physical reality to win the trust of his followers
- Those who obey Jesus see the glory; those who do not leave ignorant
- Jesus’ blood points to God’s overflowing mercy and passion for sinners
III. Does It Work?
- Tell a story about an area of your life where you have run out wine and Jesus filled that void with his good wine.
IV. Your Story
- What area of your life are you out of wine in?
- How can you be like the servants and obey Jesus and see some serious glory?
- Index Cards
- What is a question about God or the bible you are thinking about?
- What is an area of your life you are struggling with I can be praying for?
Sign 2: “Unless You See Signs You Will Not Believe”
The Seven Signs of Jesus of Nazareth
John 4.46-54
I. The Hook
- How did God meet you with his good wine this past week? (Share in twos)
- How motivated do you think Jesus is to have you believe in him and follow him?
- Community Rules for The Seven Signs – Explain and remind at each study
- Ask your questions and choose curiosity
- Be cool with each other
- Answer our questions from the text
- Be open to spiritual growth
II.Understanding the Message
- Read John 4.46-54
- Describe this royal official’s experience of having his son at the point of death
- Why does John give us the detail of his elevated place in society?
- Why is it true that unless the man sees signs and wonders he will not believe?
- Do you think Jesus wants the man to see signs and wonders and believe?
- Why does he tell the royal official this before he heals the boy?
- What do we learn about Jesus and the authority of his word? (Modern example)
- What is the significance of the man knowing exactly when the healing happened?
- What is the unseen spiritual reality the healing of the official’s son points to?
- God is the Father and Jesus is the Son who will be raised at the seventh hour
- Jesus has life in him and life itself is at the command of his word
- The official’s want his son to live; God the father kills his son that all might live
- What are lessons we can learn from the Sign?
- Jesus wants us all to believe and therefore gives signs so that we might believe
- Jesus is compassionate and loves to heal today
- Jesus has total authority in this world and can change any reality with his word
- It is a natural next step to tell others about the great deeds of God – encourage it!
III. Does It Work?
- Tell a story about a sign that God gave to you to help you believe in him.
IV. Your Story
- What are the crisis’ in your life that you need Jesus to heal?
- Would you consider to ask Jesus for a sign that you might believe?
- How can you be like the Royal Official and tell others of God’s love and his deeds?
- Index Cards
- What is a question about God or the bible you are thinking about?
- What is an area of your life you are struggling with I can be praying for?
Sign 3: “Do You Want To Be Healed?”
The Seven Signs of Jesus of Nazareth
John 5.1-9
I. The Hook
- How did God show you signs and wonders that you might believe last week? (Share)
- Video Clip: Shawshank Redemption – “Brooks leaving prison into the new world”
- Community Rules for The Seven Signs – Explain and remind at each study
- Ask your questions and choose curiosity
- Be cool with each other
- Answer our questions from the text
- Be open to spiritual growth
II.Understanding the Message
- Read John 5.1-9
- Describe the setting. What is a modern day analogy for this pool?
- Does everyone understand about the water and how the pool would provide healing?
- Describe the experience of the man having laid there for 38 years?
- Why would he stay in this position for so many years without relief?
- Why does Jesus ask him if he wants to be well?
- What might internally block him from wanting to be well?
- What are the reasons that this man gives for why he is not well?
- Teaching Note - Irony: John is using the literary feature of irony in the man’s response. The two reasons he gives are exposed as foolishness when compared to Jesus’ person. There is no man because Jesus is the Son of God, not a mere man. He can’t be put into the pool. Yet, before him stands the very source of the Living Water that just gave life to the woman at the well and her entire Samaritan village. The man thinks of God as offering a Dixie cup of healing. God is offering an ocean of healing in the Source
- What might it have felt like for the man to begin walking again?
- What is the unseen spiritual reality the healing of the lame man points to?
- God offers wholeness and healing in oceans, not small pools
- Jesus, in whom is life, can come into any dark, despondent situation with his life
- What are lessons we can learn from the Sign?
- Jesus will not take our excuses for why we are not well
- Jesus gives us the power to get up and be well – if we are not it is our block
- Change is scary and we often choose to stay in our brokenness rather than change
III. Does It Work?
- Tell a story about Jesus helped you to “Get Up” and how the change brought you life
IV. Your Story
- Do you want to be well?
- Do you see patterns of growing comfort in patterns of brokenness?
- What is one area of your life when you can climb into the Ocean of Jesus’ healing?
- Would you consider allowing the GIG leader or an IV friend pray for you this week?
- Index Cards
- What is a question about God or the bible you are thinking about?
- What is an area of your life you are struggling with I can be praying for?
Sign 5: “Crossing The Sea”
The Seven Signs of Jesus of Nazareth