Iowa Core Implementation Plan

Spring Peer Review- District Communication

Aprocess to review the submitted plans has been developed with input from the Iowa Department of Education, AEAs, and LEAs to ensure that the Iowa Core will indeed be the driving force for positive change in education. Leadership teams will come together spring 2011 to support the continuous improvement process of the Iowa Core. The intent of the process is to help districts give and receive constructive feedback and to provide the opportunity to foster a “critical friend” relationship with another district.

WHAT: Iowa Core Implementation Spring Peer Review

WHO: Iowa Core Leadership team members (recommend 6-8)

WHEN:May 3, 2011, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:Kirkwood Community College, Iowa Hall

Northern Small Districts

Spring: Course Number: 9708-10-01

WHEN:May 9, 2011, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:Grant Wood AEA, 4401 Sixth Street SW

North Central Mid-Sized Districts

Spring: Course Number:9708-10-02

WHEN:May 10, 2011, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:Coralville Public Library

Southern Districts

Spring: Course Number: 9708-10-03

Teams need to have a 20 minute presentation and documents ready.

Come prepared to make a 20 minute team presentation on the following four elements of your Iowa Core Implementation Plan with the highest priority.

  1. Review 2010-11 plan.
  2. Report on outcome(s), action step(s) and activities completed or not completed during school year 2010-2011.
  3. Results of implementation: evidence including data and artifacts. In addition, report overall progress.
  4. Next steps including process you will use to modify Iowa Core Imp plan and anticipated changes for school year 2011-12.

# 1 Review 2010-11 plan.

Give review of plan including highest priority outcome(s) identified.

What did you say you were going to do?

# 2 Report on outcome(s), action step(s) and activities completed or not completed during school year


From your 2009-10 implementation plan, talk about each of your intended actions and activities.

What did you do?What didn’t you do?

#3 Results of implementation: evidence including data and artifacts. In addition, report overall progress.

Please explain from each action what results it yielded and what progress resulted for the accomplishment of the intended outcome. Share data, artifacts, and other evidence toward the goal. Bring copies for other teams.

What was the progress or results?

# 4 Next steps including the process you will use to modify your Iowa Core Implementation Plan and the

anticipated changes for school year 2011-12.

As you modify your plan, explain what process you will use and what changes do you anticipate for 2011-12.

Where are you going next? What are your next steps?

WHAT do district leadership teams need to bring?

  1. Multiple copies (as recommended by session facilitator) of your IC plan to share, and copies of artifacts or evidence of implemented actions.
  2. One copy of the results of your district’s self study (for your reference)