230 W. 41st ST. 7th Fl.

New York, NY 10036

Phone: (212) 417-8602

Fax: (212) 417-8622

From: Regina Doki and Linda Hellman, RFCUNY

Phone: 212-417-8602 (Regina), 212- 417-8606 (Linda)

Re: H-1B Processing Requirements

In order to start the petition for an H-1B visa, please provide us with the following:

1)  Completed H-1B Prospective Employee Information Form (see attached).

2)  Copies of required documents (see attached list).

3)  A letter from the Principal Investigator/Project Director addressed to Wendy Patitucci, Director of Employment Policy & Practice, requesting that we process the H-1B application (initial or renewal). This letter must include the particulars of the position being offered and why the beneficiary is the ideal candidate for the position. Also indicate the start date and length of the intended employment, and the amount intended to pay the beneficiary.

4)  Copy of the Personnel Vacancy Notice (PVN) for the position (see RFCUNY’s website at If a PVN was not submitted, please include a detailed job description.

5)  For initial H-1B pack, a money order or check[1] in the amount of $325.00 for Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, made out to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)[2]. There is also a Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee of $500.00 that has to be sent in money order or check made out to USCIS.

6)  For H-1B renewal, the only fee required is the $325.00. A money order or check in this amount is necessary and made out to USCIS. This renewal applies to those who already hold an H-1B with us.

7)  A separate money order or check in the amount of $1,225.00 made out to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for Premium Processing. THIS PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL. However, it ensures that the petition will be adjudicated by the USCIS within 15 business days of receipt.

8) If the employee is also filing for his/her dependent family members. He/she is responsible for completing and providing the petition(s) along with the applicable fee ($290.00). The form for dependents, Form I-539, can be found on Immigration and Naturalization web site ( In addition to form I-539, include the following for each dependent:

□ Passport pages

□ I-94 cards (front and back)

□ Social Security Numbers (if any)

□ Evidence of relationship (example: birth or marriage certificate)

Feel free to contact 212-417-8602 or 212-417-8606 if you have any questions.



1. Employee's passport pages:

□ Picture/biographical identification pages.

□ Any pages with American Consulate issued visas.

□ Any pages with U.S. entry stamps (marked in red ink by U.S. Immigration).

2. Most recent I-94 card (if in U.S.).

4. Social Security Card (if any)

3. Documents showing evidence of beneficiary's prior and current status in U.S.

Submit all that apply:

□ Form I-797 H-1 approval notice(s)

□ Form I-797 L-l approval notice(s)

□ Employment Authorization Document (EAD card)

□ Form I-20 (evidence of F-1 student status)

□ Form IAP-66 or DS-2019 (J-1 visa)

□ Or any other applicable forms you have

4. Detailed resume

5. Educational documents including all of the following that apply to the individual:

□ Diplomas

□ Transcripts

All diplomas and transcripts from a foreign school need to be accompanied by an evaluation report certifying the US equivalent degree. Please note that if documents are not in English, we will need an exact English translation and translator's certification.

6. If you currently carry an H-1B status/visa from another employer, please attach your three recent

pay stubs.

7. Any family members here in U.S. with employee? Please note that the prospective employee is

responsible for completing and providing the petition(s) (see above #8).


(To be completed by prospective employee only)

1. Name


(Surname) (First) (Middle)

2. ______

Address: (Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

3. Date of Birth (mo/day/year)______4. Country of birth______

5. Country of Citizenship ______6. Male/Female______

7. Social Security #______8. Alien Reg. # (if any)______

9. Valid Passport? Y N If yes, issue date: ______and expiration date: ______Passport #______

10. Has an immigration petition ever been filed for you? Y N

If yes, give details on the back of this form.

11. Have you had H-1B status in the past 7 years? Y N

12. Have you ever been denied H-1B status previously? Y N

If you are currently in the United States:

13.  Date of last arrival (mo/day/year)______

14.  I-94 number (11 digits)______

15.  Current non-immigrant status (e.g. F-1, J-1)______

If you have ever been in the J-1 or J-2 status, please provide dates and photocopies of previous IAP-66’s. If you are subject to the 2 year home residency requirement you must have already received a waiver before we can proceed with this application.

16. Expiration of current status (mo/day/year)______

17. Are you currently in exclusion or deportation proceedings? Y N

18. Please list all immigration statuses and dates held since your arrival in the United States:

Status From To

(e.g. F-1, H-1, J-1) (mo/day/yr) (mo/day/yr)


19. Are dependent family members changing to H-4 status or extending H-4 status? Y N

Please note that the prospective employee is responsible for completing and providing the petition(s), along with the applicable fee, for his/her dependent family members.

If you are outside of the U.S. or intend to apply for the H-1B visa outside the U.S.:

20. Location of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you will obtain the H-1B visa (City and Country)


21. Your complete home address outside the U.S:



22. Indicate if you have an application for Permanent Residence in process based on any of the following:

______National Interest Waiver

______Outstanding Professor/Researcher

______Extraordinary Ability Alien

______Family Preference


23. Please supply a phone number and e-mail where you can be reached during the day:

Phone: ______

E-mail: ______


[1] If the fee/s payment is/are deducted from one of the RF grants, please send the payment request/s (for each fee) to my attention

(Regina Doki) here at RF and I will walk through the departments to have the check/s ready.

[2] United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS)

24000 Avila Road, Room 2312

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677