· Witnessing to God’s love in Pattingham, Patshull and beyond
Minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2015
1. Opening Prayers
The meeting was opened with prayers at 7.30pm.
2. Apologies
Colin Ringrose Janet Snape
Debbie Francis Robert Colin-Stokes
Maureen Hobbs Iain Coleman
Kenneth Scott Gordon Bramall
Geoffrey Dann Henry Ibberson
Tony Ainsworth Gladys Jones
Graham Tritton Carol Broxton
Jane Horton
3. Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as a true record.
4. Matters Arising
· Parish Buying Deals – Graham reminded us of this scheme, which we use for gas and electricity. It may be that we could get a good offer on computer paper etc.
5. Churchwardens’ Report
· Plaster Repair – the work has now been completed, apart from a visit to bond the new plaster.
· AV System – Iain reported that Diocesan Advice Notification has been received and put on display in church. It will be displayed for 28 days. The DAC has expressed no objections, but did suggest fabric covers for the monitors rather than wooden ones. The PCC agreed that this is a good suggestion. The Victorian Society has not raised objections or reservations. Since the DAC notification was received Iain has received a communication from Historic England (formerly English Heritage) requiring further information about various matters including the quantity of cables and screens etc. Iain suggested that when we have our responses ready we will respond appropriately via the architect. All present agreed with him.
· New Safe – A new and superior safe has been purchased at a cost of £300. One key had been broken and would have cost £240 to replace.
· Heating – Iain reported that he had obtained site visits and quotations from 5 different companies: Mellor & Mottram, HeatinGlobal, Dunphy Combustion, HPI and Warmingtons Plumbing He spoke to the PCC about each of their presentations on site, their flexibility to adjust to the precise requirements of this church, their speed of response to queries, their experience in dealing with church heating specifically and their ability to help with the process of applying for a Faculty The PCC then discussed the merits of each company for the task required. On balance Iain recommended HeatinGlobal, who had been thoroughly professional in all aspects, who deal exclusively with churches, and who provided very competitive estimates. It was proposed by Henry Ibberson seconded by Gordon Bramall and agreed unanimously that the PCC accept Iain’s recommendation that HeatinGlobal be our preferred supplier. A small group comprising Tony Ainsworth, Henry Ibberson and Colin Ringrose will work with Iain on this.
· Curtains – Maureen thanked Gladys for providing curtains for the table at the back of church.
· Emergency lighting – the lighting does work, but not for the required 3 hours. Iain recommends that we employ a company to deal with such matters. All present agreed. Geofffrey wished to draw out attention to the fact there is a short period of darkness in the ringing room between the emergency lighting ceasing and the florescent light coming back on. Iain will look into this at the same time as the previous matter.
· The carillon is not working. Iain will look into this.
· Bells – Geoffrey is looking into the matter of regular servicing.
6. Treasurer’s Report.
Graham circulated his report ahead of the meeting. He was pleased to give us the good news that he hopes to balance the books this year. He also asked for PCC approval regarding recommendations from the Finance Committee.
1) Annual Donations. The PCC unanimously approved the following:
Overseas Mission Fellowship £350
Navigators £350
World Vision £250
Us (formerly USPG) £250
Embrace the Middle East £150
Red Cross Europe Refugee Appeal £250
Compton Hospice £200
Staffordshire Historical Churches £100
The Haven £100
Acorn Children’s Hospice £150
Air Ambulance £150
Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd W’ton (soup kitchen) £300
Pattingham Parent & Toddler Group £100
St Chad’s School £300
Salvation Army £150
Wolverhampton Home-Start £150
Alzheimer’s Society £100
Overall Annual Donations £3.400.00
(Overseas £1,600 Home £1,800)
Further information about the organisations to which we donate will be displayed in church.
2) Payments to people in 2016.The PCC unanimously approved the recommendations of the Finance Committee.
3) Local Fee rates – weddings and funerals. The PCC unanimously approved the recommendations of the Finance Committee.
4) Bank Accounts – the PCC unanimously approved the recommendations of the Finance Committee, that we reduce Barclays Bank Accounts from 4 to 1, leaving the 3 CCLA ‘savings’ accounts unchanged. The balance from Barclays No 2 account will be transferred to CCLA No 2.
Graham added that the Standing Committee had voted in favour of a small increase in the price of Parish News. The annual subscription will rise from £7 to £7.50. Graham will look in to an increase in the print run.
It is hoped that the Butler Trust Fund will fund at least part of the cost of the new heating system, and Graham confirmed that there are sufficient funds elsewhere to cover the balance.
Maureen wished to express thanks on behalf of the PCC to all those who helped with the ‘Digging Deeper’ campaign, which has had a very positive effect on our finances.
7. Vicar’s Report
· PCC Away Day – we agreed on Saturday January 16th at St Albans.
· Social Evening – February 13th
· Pastoral Care – Maureen along with Ken and Mary Heywood attended a talk by George Fisher. A small group including Maureen will monitor unexpected absences from church as part of pastoral care.
· Maureen has written to thank the School Council for the excellent Family Service they held last Sunday.
· There will be Carols at the Dartmouth Arms on 15th December. Donations will be forwarded to The Children’s Society.
8. Sub Committees
· Finance and Pastoral care – covered elsewhere.
· Worship – there will be a traditional service of 9 Carols and Readings on 20th December this year.
9. Health & Safety
· No accidents have been reported since our last meeting.
· Hot drinks at the hatch – deferred to the next meeting.
10. Correspondence
We have received a letter of thanks from The Churches Conservation Trust for the donation of £57 from the recent service at St Mary’s Patshull.
11. AOB
· The Queen’s 90th Birthday – the Church Buildings Council is encouraging every parish church in England to organise a festival over the weekend 10th-12th June 2016. Henry reported that by happy coincidence the village hall will celebrate its 50th year, and the drama society its 60th year next year. The village hall committee would therefore like to celebrate with us next year. The PCC agreed that this is a splendid idea, and that we should aim to make the weekend a real community event to include other village organisations. Henry will report back to the Village Hall Committee and Ken will liaise with interested organisations.
· A meeting with Ruth Clay has been scheduled for 13th January, re our partnership with St Alban’s for Close the Gap. Maureen, Ken and Henry will attend.
· Christmas Cards – Graham said that once again Most Christmas cards have been delivered after the first service of the Advent Season. It was agreed that better communication will be discussed at the PCC Away Day.
· The cyphon on the organ has been attended to and the organ has been serviced.
12. Closing Prayers
The meeting closed at 9.35pm with prayers.
Dates of Future meetings:
19th January
Thursday 25th February – change of date
Sunday 17th April – APCM
10th May
21st June
28th July
13th September
25th October
6th December