Smith Ranch Property Owners Association

P.O. Box 1715

Lampasas, Tx. 76550



2011 Newsletter and Association member meeting invitation

Dear Property owner,

This year our Property Owners Association meeting will be held on Saturday June 4th. The meeting will start at 2pm and take place at Robert Hess’ which is just at the end of the asphalt road and the beginning of gravel as you come onto the ranch. Please try to be there a bit early so that you will have time to talk with your neighbors and we may start the meeting on time. There is ample parking and restrooms will be available but please bring your own lawn chairs. Current concerns and new business will be discussed. New owners/members are especially encouraged to attend.

Property taxes are always an issue and the appraisal has increased on many properties again. Just be aware that unless you can provide some documentation to show other properties recently sold for less than your valuation or some other valid reason it is unlikely that you will have much success. Don’t let that stop you from protesting, just document as much as you can and be prepared. We need our voices to be heard.

The roads have held up well since our last work was completed primarily due to the lack of rain. That should allow us to use some of this year’s funds to do some asphalt repairs and improve some areas which could use a little more work. Of course one really heavy rain could change that. We will be looking for volunteers who would be willing to chip in some labor for doing the asphalt patch. Unfortunately we need to do it on a nice hot day this summer.

Due to that lack of rain our fire danger is extremely high. We have already had the fire department respond to a grass fire so please be extremely careful since just a small spark from a car or lawnmower or barbeque could easily start a fire.

As most of you are aware there are deed restrictions for the ranch and those with river lots should be aware that one of them is that no ‘permanent’ structure may be erected on the river side of the road. The association has no control over this but feels it prudent to remind everyone of this restriction to avoid future issues.

Included with this letter is the contribution form for the road work including the taxes we must pay for the common areas as well as the associated liability insurance which covers all members of the association.

There are several board positions up for election this year. Board members serve 3 year terms and must be members in good standing with the association.


Robert Hess

President S.R.P.O.A.