UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Department of Management Organizational Management MANA 4322 Marvin Anderson, Lecturer
MANA 4322-004 MANA 4322-006 MANA 4322-008 MANA 4322-010 Lecture 22380 Lecture 22382 Lecture 22384 Lecture 22384 MW 11:00 MW 1:00-2:20 MW 7.00- 8.20 MW 8.30 – 9.50 COB 251 COB 243 COB 245W COB 243
TEXT: Strategic Management by Dess, Lumpkin, and Eisner (ISBN # 978-0-390-95462-6/0-39-0954624) This text may be purchased at the UTA Bookstore. The other material for the simulation must be purchased online. The student may wait to the first day of class to get the complete details of the text, Capsim Foundations, and Capsim XM.
Course Objective This course is an aggregation of the entire required core courses that students have taken as the prerequisites for the bachelor’s degree in business. Most of the focus is on principles learned by the students such as accounting, marketing, finance, management, economics, business law, human resources, quality, etc. It may be of help to review some of the materials taken in the past so that the student is aware some of the terms used in the various disciplines. The course is not specifically more intense than the previously taken courses but it is rather the pragmatic usage of the basic/simple principle learned in past courses. It is the Senior Capstone Course so it is applied business. The application of traditional business practice is coupled with creative thinking in “playing” a business simulation “game” with the score in the dollar change in net worth of a $50,000,000 corporation. An important part of this syllabus is in the preface of the text purchased at the UTA Bookstore. Dr. Jeffrey McGee, Chairman of the Department of Management at UTA, was selected to write the pages that better focus the purpose of this course. The student will have a much better understanding of this course after this is read.
Expected Outcomes In addition to the relearning of many business principles in the text book the students should be able to apply these principles, solve problems through critical thinking and practical applications to business real life business simulation.
The Semester Grade Several components will be weighted and integrated into the final grade for the semester. Overall the percentages required the final grade for the course is:
90-100% A
80-90% B
65-80% C
55-65% D
0-55% F
Several Components with be incorporated into the final grade at weighted levels
10% will be class participation which is calculated by attending and working with the 5 person team on the Capsim Foundation which run for from 5 to 8 weeks (a week is a year in the simulation time. All weeks begin Early Saturday morning and end on Friday at 11:00 pm cst. The class will be broken into several groups of 5 and each of the 5 members must “confidentially evaluate” the other members of the team including decision making, attending the strategy sessions, and overall working effectively with others. The group will select a coordinator from the group to notify each of the time of meeting, individual assignments which may possibly be related to the student’s major. Written forms that are assured to be held in the strictest confidence by the teacher will contribute to the 10% of the overall grade for the semester.
These evaluations will also be “percentified” (don’t look this word up) as follows:
100% - Totally outstanding with well developed thoughts, applications, and a spirit of
adventure and cooperation with a good natured attitude.
95% - Excellent team member who brought thought and knowledge to the team
85% - Good participation by attendance relevant comments, and a team player
75% - Average participation, attended classes, listened, and contributed to the discussion but was infrequent in meaningful contribution
70% - pretty much just a visitor to the group with little or no understanding of the project with no significant value to the project.
15% This applies to the Capsim Foundation in which the 5 member team is measured in comparison to the other 5 member teams in the 5-8 week/year competition. All teams are required to have one team leader. Since group participation is a significant part of the grade, the team leader would periodically communicate to the TA, Paul Bennett, about the group’s progress after each competitive round in the simulation. If the group so decides, one person may be in charge of making the official simulation decisions from round to round. This method is advantageous because it eliminates the possible chaos of having 5 group members making 5 different simulation decisions each week. This method is not the only way to do well in the simulation, but it has been the most successful thus far. Nevertheless, whatever decision making method is employed, group meetings to find consensus is essential. The main measurement is the total economic growth over the period. Total economic growth or “wealth” is primarily shown in the capital or net worth section of the balance sheet. Each member of the team will receive the same score since the team is a unit with one common goal.
5% ETS exam is a comprehensive test given to all seniors world-wide and is a comparative document that tells the world how UTA seniors compare to senior of other somewhat elite universities around the world. The last time this test was taken at UTA one girl (Lauren Murphy) received possibly the highest score in the world with an almost perfect score. Throughout this semester the teacher will take as much as 5 minutes of each class giving a quick review of the basics of business since some students have been out of school for some time. Expectations are that you will do well. This date will be announced when the COB receives it.
10% Shareholders Report of the performance of the company. This document will be compiled by the 5 members of the Foundations team when the game is over with an honest evaluation of how the company finished. Much of this information is part of the weekly/annually outcomes of the 5-8 week competition. This report should include some charts, graphs, tables, etc. from the end of the competition. The expectation is that even in failure the student may learn. It is good to openly share the shortcomings of the team decisions and tell how they may have done differently. Even those with high scores will have areas that could have been improved since a definition of a “perfect” score has not been defined. Each participating team member will receive the same score on this section. Your teacher will include these reports in his file to aid students in the future to make better decisions. Capsim also gives a team balanced score card for comparative purposes.
10% Comp-XM is a go-it-alone competition where the individual student is alone responsible for the entire outcome of the company. The student will make all decisions and run the company for 5 weeks/years. At the end of the 5 week/year period Comp-XM will compute a raw score which will be interpreted by the teacher and arranged in a percent mode that should be scaled like a “normal” curve for a senior level course. Just as the Capsim Foundation each week will represent a year and the increased wealth (equity or net worth) will be the major concern of this activity. Students may consult with other students or the text but it is important to know that each student will have a unique company that is unlike any other student. However, advice from classmates or a text is acceptable.
50% Exam I and Exam II. These exams will be administered at the middle of the semester (Exam I) over the first half of the text and (Exam II) will be administered at the end of the course with questions from the last half of the text. Each exam will have a True/false, multiplechoice, or matching format of 50 points = 100%. The questions will be taken from the publishers test bank “hand selected” by the instructor to attempt to give some assurance that the questions are pertinent to what was covered in the lectures.
0-4% “00ps” this Executive Summary is written by the student on one side of one sheet of paper at the end of the course telling of the condition of his/her company that was done over the last 5 weeks of the semester, the Capsim XM, This handwritten brief document should tell of the good and bad as well as strengths and weaknesses the company under the specific student’s leadership. The “Oops” is telling the student that up to 4% may be added to the overall percent earned for the course and could be a factor in allowing a mishap in one of the previous activities that had a less than acceptable outcome. Though it may look like an oversight allowing the student to make 104% it may be a last minute attempt to make the course more successful to your gradepoint average depending on your percentage grade to date
Total Course Grade Composition
25% Exam I
25% Exam II
10% Class Participation
15% Capsim Foundation Team Performance
10% Comp-XM
` 5% ETS exam
10% Shareholders Report
100% total
Possible bonus Executive Summary 0-4%
Course schedule
January 21 Wednesday – First Day of Class. Introduction of each student, syllabus, Capsim and Q & A session
Course Format: Mondays will be lecture days with the teacher lecturing and reiterating material from the text that will be essential in doing well on Exam I, and Exam II. Wednesdays include some lecture from the text as well as re-emphasis of materials that may have been forgotten from the core courses taken in business in past years. The last one-half of Wednesday will be given totally to Capsim. Selection of teams, team leaders, process of entering decisions, and team meetings. Paul J. Bennett will be the primary contributor but Marvin Anderson will also be present to help and consult with the teams. Once the Capsim Foundations have been completed the student will do the 5 week Capsim X-M alone. Class session will then be more lecture and Q & A with respect to the simulation and the text.
Exam I will be Monday March 2 which will cover the first one-half of the text (some parts will be omitted and will be announced during the lectures.
Exam II will be given May 4 over the last one-half of the text (some parts will be omitted and these will be announced during the lectures)
Final Exam Date, as published by UTA will be the time the student will do the “Executive Summary.
Academic Integrity – Cheating of any kind is, at least, an “academic misdemeanor” or possibly felony. The nature of the act may prevent the student from receiving a grade from this course, graduate from UTA or any other university. Don’t Do It!
Office Hours are all day Monday and Wednusday – between , before and after classes. The policy is “open door” and any student may stop in or see the teacher at class to make specific arranagements.
Disability Policy Should a student need special accommodation because of a disability, see the teacher. The University of Texas at Arlington supports a variety of student success programs to help the student to connect with the University to achieve academic success. They include learning assistance, developmental education, advising and mentoring, admission and transition, and federally funded programs. Students requiring assistance academically, personally, or socially should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more information and appropriate referrals.
American with Disabilities Act The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and the letter of federal equal opportunity legislation reference Public Law 93112-The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. As faculty member, I am required and am committed to accommodating these students.
Drop Policy it is the student’s responsibility to complete the course or withdraw from the course in accordance with the University regulations. The onus is on the student to officially “drop” the course. Merely never showing up will result in a failing grade.
Policy on Nonpayment cancellations Students who have not paid by the census date will not receive a grade for the course. There are student aid and loan programs that “may” be available so that a student can complete the course. Students can apply for emergency loans by going to the Emergency Tuition Loan Distribution Center at E. H. Hereford University Center.
COB Policy on Bomb Threats Section 22.07 of the Texas Criminal Laws states that a Class A misdemeanor is punishable by fine and/or jail. All threats or attempts of threats are taken seriously by the campus police as well as state and local governments. You may report an anonymous suspicious activity by calling UTA’s Crimestoppers at 817-272-5245
Food and drinks in classroom Food and drinks are discouraged in the classrooms. If under unusual circumstances food is served all trash must be removed immediately after the session.