Newsletter September 11th 2015

Settling in

We have been delighted with the way our children have settled into school this week; they have quickly got used to routines, and have made friends with each other.

Baseline assessments

This week, we have been assessing all of the children so that we can put them into the correct ability groups. We have now completed this, and will now be starting on the planned curriculum next week. You will be informed of your child’s progress and achievement on Parents’ Evening, but if you feel you want to talk to us before the, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment

Dates for your diary

Parents’ Evening-November 12th 3.30-5pm (appointments will be sent out nearer to the date)

Parent “come and join us days”-we would love you to come into school to see how we learn. Please feel free to join us on any of the following days(as many times as you want): September 22nd(8:30 – 10:00), October 5th (8:30 – 10:00)October 16th(2:00 – 3:00). Term 2 dates to follow.

Term dates

Term 1- September 7th- October16th

Term 2-November 2nd- December 18th

Term 3-January 4th-February 26th

Term 4-March 14th-May 13th

Term 5-May 31st-July 22nd

Bank holidays (school closed)-March 25th, 28thand May 2nd

Home School Agreement

We have attached our Home School Agreement to this newsletter. Can we ask that you read it carefully, sign and return it to school? There is also a section for the children to sign (or draw a smiley face if they can’t yet write their name). We ask that you go through this section with your child.

Reading Books

We are in the process of listening to children read to see what level of reading book they need. Some children may not have a reading book to start with, but will be asked to learn “tricky words” first. At Akaal, we use a “book banding” system, which may be familiar to many parents. More information will follow on this shortly.

School telephone number

We will be sending out our new permanent telephone number very soon (there are a few setting up issues!), so please use the temporary one for now.


There will be some changes made to the transport arrangements from Monday 14th September. You will be contacted directly about the new arrangements, which will make the journeys safer and more efficient for our children.


Some parents have asked to purchase uniform items. We have most sizes in the school office, so please contact Mrs Chauhan if you want to purchase any uniform items.

Water bottles

Can we ask that parents don’t send in water bottles from hone please, as we have supplies the children with their own school water bottle.

Snack money

Can we remind parents that children need to bring in £1 each Monday for their break time snack. This will cover healthy snacks for the week. Please put a £1 in a sealed envelope and then in your child’s bag.

Wrap up warm

We think it might now be time to send children with coats, as the weather forecast is not too promising!

V. Kavanagh-Executive Head Teacher

J Kennedy- Head Teacher