Program draft CCB Annual Conference
"Baltic Environment & Economy: Chances, Conflicts, Cooperation"

Economical Use of the Baltic

All speeches, speakers, guests and locations are preliminary. Consent has in some cases not been given.

- Friday, May 11 -

12.00 - 15.00 Registration

Location: Rostock University, Aula

15.00 Welcome session

Location: Rostock University, Aula


·  Gunnar Norén, CCB Executive Secretary,

·  Dr. Till Backhaus, Minister for Agriculture, Environment & Consumer Protection MV

·  Practical Information from the Organization Committee

15.30 Session 1 - Economical instruments in environmental policy

Location: Rostock University, Aula

Risto Veivo, Baltic 21, Stockholm

Economical instruments as a means for ecological conservation


Calculating true costs: Potentials and restrictions of total accounting

- coffee break -

16.30 Session 2 - Economical & ecological sustainability in the Baltic

Location: Rostock University, Aula

Dr. Ralf Döring, Greifswald University

A future for cod and fishermen: The way to Economical Fisheries in the Baltic

Susanne Ortmanns, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Economic instruments for reducing air pollution from ships

Holger Janßen, Baltic Sea Research Institute Rostock-Warnemünde

Climate change, water quality and tourism in the Baltic: An ecological and economical view on preventive and reactive measures

18.00 End of session

19.00 Dinner

Also on Friday: 13.30 Press conference

- Saturday, May 12 -

9.30 Session 3 - Economical & ecological sustainability in the Baltic Sea Action Plan

Location: Rostock University, Aula

Kaj Forsius (HELCOM)

The socioeconomic approach in the BSAP

Kaj Forsius (HELCOM)

Economic analysis of eutrophication in the BSAP: Is doing nothing most expensive?


Programmatic integration of BSAP goals: An outlook to possibilities and aspirations from a regional perspective

- coffee break -

11.30 Special Discourse

Oleg Bodrov, Green World St. Petersburg

Economy, society and the environment in Russia:
A disproportion of power plus a lack of democratic involvement and its consequences for the environment - case studies from St. Petersburg area

12.00 Session 4 - Sustainable projects

Location: Rostock University, Aula

Wolfgang Günther, Institute for Tourism Research in Northern Europe (NIT), Kiel

Checking sustainability for Tourism projects: An approach to determine the economical and ecological quality of projects

Jens Masuch, Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Leezen

INTERREG as a financing instrument for NGOs

subsequent information exchange with room for questions, continued through lunch

13.30 Lunch buffet

Location: Rostock University, Main Building

15.00 Session 5 - Working groups

Location: Rostock University, Main Building & Zoological Institute

I. Project factory

Creating well-financed and sustainable cross-border projects

- proposed topics:

·  Finding international project partners within and beyond CCB

·  Possible funding sources: INTERREG and others

·  Which INTERREG projects might be promising for NGO partners to join

·  Utilizing the European Green Belt for project creation

- moderating experts:

·  Katharina Diehl (IUCN)

·  Jens Masuch (Landgesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

II. Planning sustainability

How can planning processes and project financial support become more aware of sustainability requirements?

- proposed topics:

·  Implementing sustainability criteria in planning procedures: Where & how

·  Implementation of sustainability criteria in INTERREG and other funding instruments

·  Implementing the AGORA sustainability check for tourism projects
This evaluation tool for the Baltic region was developed jointly with economical (Baltic Chamber of Commerce) and ecological (CCB) partners

·  Fields for action for NGOs and regional, national and EU authorities; defining a roadmap for cooperation

- moderating expert:

·  Wolfgang Günther (NIT)

III. Sea traffic in the Baltic

Environmental progress with better-suited ships and infrastructure

- proposed topics:

·  Utilizing and coordinating spatial planning for seaports

·  How to reduce trafffic emissions

·  “Green Shipping” as a growing market

·  Influencing cross-sea traffic: e.g. employ COINCO results

- moderating expert:

·  Susanne Ortmanns (SSNC)

- coffee break -

17.30 Presentation of the working group results

Working group chairpersons are requested to produce a short written account of the WG outcomes to be included in the meeting materials page on the CCB website

18.00 End of session

18.15 Option to take part in a guided tour through the collections of the Zoological Institute

19.30 Barbecue evening

- Sunday, May 13 -

9.00 Extra Ordinary General Meeting

Election of a new CCB chairperson

10.00 Session 6 - Planning CCB's Action with special respect to the BSAP
(Working groups)

Location: Rostock University, Main Building

Promotion of good ecological water status

1. Promotion of sustainable wastewater management

2. Promotion of sustainable river basin management

3. Promotion of water protection measures in agriculture

Prevention of installations and activities harmful to the Baltic Sea environment and coastal areas

4. Protection of the Baltic Sea environment from harmful installations and transports

5. Promotion of sustainable development in coastal zones, and Local Agenda 21

6. Protection of Baltic river ecosystems from ecologically harmful hydro-electric power plants

Development of sustainable Baltic Sea fisheries

7. Protection of the naturally spawning Baltic Salmon
& Promotion of Baltic Sea sustainable fishing practices

11.00 Reporting back from Working Groups; Closing of the conference

11.30 Lunch buffet

12.00 Excursions

A Sea towage vessel Schottel ASD Tug "Fairplay 26" (Return by 15.00)

B Rostocker Heide (Return by 17.00)

C National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft (Return by 20.00)

Stops at the ferry port (Seehafen) and at the Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) will be arranged upon return if possible.


BUND Rostock

Jörg Schmiedel

Tel. +49-381-2015755

The conference is supported by:

Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung (NUE)
(funds from the environmental lottery "BINGO!")
/ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state