BVIU Board Notes #457 4 January 22, 2014

School Board Notes

The Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 7:30 P.M.

Members Present: Mr. Henderson, Mr. Angus, Mr. Bovalino, Ms. Cook, , Mr. Ross, Mr. Gilarno Mr. Yanyanin, Mr. Carver, Mrs. Acon, Ms. Robbins and Mr. McGeehan

Members Absent: Mr. Oswald, Mr. Bufalini and Ms. Williams

Others Present: Dr. Rosendale, Dr. Italia, Attorney Al Steff, Ms. Weldon, Mrs. Murtha, Mrs. LeDonne, Mrs. Deitch, Mrs. Harmotto, Mrs. Verma, Mrs. Mathianas, Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, Mr. Huwar, Mrs. Fencil and Mrs. Ference

Action Taken:

1.  The Board seated the following new Board members:

Mr. Marques Henderson representing Aliquippa School District. Mr. Henderson

fills the unexpired term of Mr. Justin Battalini, which expires on June 30, 3014.

Mr. Richard Oswald representing Blackhawk School District. Mr. Oswald fills the

unexpired term of Mr. James Fitzgerald which expires on June 30, 2016.

Mr. Harry Gilarno representing Freedom Area School District. Mr. Gilarno fills the unexpired term of Mrs. Kathleen Schlegel which expires on June 30, 2015.

Mr. Paul Carver representing Riverside Beaver County School District. Mr. Carver

fills the unexpired term of Mr. Emmett Santillo, which expires on June 30, 2014.

2.  The Board approved the following persons as additions to the Substitute Lists:


a. Miss Julia Ciucci, Golfway Road, Aliquippa

b. Miss Danielle Grogg, W. 5th Street, Beaver Falls

Teacher Aide

a. Miss Stephanie LeDonne, William Penn Way, New Brighton

3.  The Board granted authorization to conduct a mail ballot election for the Board members whose terms expire on June 30, 2014.

4.  The Board approved the following persons for employment as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) course instructors for the spring 2014 term:

Instructor / Address / Course / Instructor's Fee
Colleen Anzio / Beaver / A-Z Guide on Positive Discipline
The Art of Interaction
Active & Engaging Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
Achieving Excellence -14 Things that Matter Most
A+ ideas for Every Student’s Success / $1800.00
Rhonda & Michael Bielawski / Bradford Woods / Addressing Learning Disabilities in Education: Inclusive Practices
ADHD in Education: Inclusive Practices
Autism in Education: Inclusive Practices
A New Look at Working With Students With Autism / $1800.00
Kathleen Himes / Delmont / A Closer Look at Learning Disabilities: A Refresher Course for all Educators
Are Your Student’s Tuned In? Strategies for Engaging Every Student
Break the Ice: Icebreakers for All Ages
Building Bridges: Working With (Difficult) Parents / $1800.00
Jeannine McCoy / Ambridge / American Sign Language (ASL#1)
American Sign Language (ASL#2) / $600.00
Rick Roth / Glenshaw / 21ST Century Educator Essentials
“Apps” & iPads in the K-12 Classroom / $1800.00
Phil Jamison / Pittsburgh / Working With Children Who Are Grieving / $600.00

5.  The Board authorized a request from Geneva College for placement of two students for the period between January 21 and May 2, 2014:

Intern Classroom Teacher

Miss Sarah Beck (Mondays) Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford

Mr. Stephen Carr LSS Classroom

Miss Kendra Dressler (Mondays) Mrs. Rachael Gaydosh

Miss Lize Hugo (Fridays) LSS Classroom

6.  The Board approved the rescheduling of school on February 17 and March 10, 2014, due to the cancellation of school on November 27, 2013, and January 7, 2014.

7.  The Board approved the New Horizon School Spirit Wear fund raising activity for the remainder of the school year.

8.  The Board granted authorization to solicit bids for the continuation of the replacement of the unit ventilators in the New Horizon School.

Addendum Items

9.  The Board approved a contract with the Private Industry Council for the BVIU to provide technology (iPad Management and Maintenance) services through our Instruction & Technology Department.

Correspondence – None

Executive Director’s Report

A. Budget Review Meeting

We recommend that a Budget Review Meeting be scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2014, at 6:30 PM prior to the regular Board Meeting. This meeting is being recommended to review the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit budget for the 2014 – 2015 school year.

B. Comprehensive Plan

Invitations were recently sent out to solicit participation in the development of our Comprehensive Plan. We know it is critical to have representative views from all our partners in education and in conjunction with the legislative requirements including, but not limited to Chapter 4, 12, 14, 16 and 49, our planning committee must contain at minimum:

·  (6) Teacher representatives (chosen by the teachers)

·  (2) Educational specialists (chosen by educational specialists)

·  (2) Administrative representatives (chosen by the administrators)

·  (2) Parents of children attending a program in the Intermediate Unit (appointed by the board of directors)

·  (2) Local business representatives (appointed by the Intermediate Unit board of directors)

·  (2) Community representatives (appointed by the Intermediate Unit board of directors)

At the overview meeting that took place just prior to our Board Meeting this evening, several people volunteered to participate on the committee. This list is provided for your review. As noted above, the Intermediate Unit Board of Directors must appoint several of these members. I would like to ask at this time for the board to approve the list of parents; business representatives; and community representatives who have agreed to participate on the Comprehensive Planning Committee.

C. Arbitrations and Court Decisions

A copy of recent arbitration / court cases on file in the BVIU Administrative Office is provided for your review.

D. Dates to Remember


23 - Beaver County CTC Joint Committee Meeting – 7:30 PM Conference Room


1 – School Directors’ Workshop – Conference room 107 – 8:15 AM – 12:00 PM

26 – BVIU Board of Directors’ Meeting – 7:30 PM – Conference room 211

27 - Beaver County CTC Joint Committee Meeting – 7:30 PM Conference Room


18 – School Directors’ Workshop – Conference room 107 – 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

22 – School Directors’ Workshop – Conference room 107 – 8:15 AM – 12:00 PM

26 – BVIU Board of Directors’ Meeting – 7:30 PM – Conference room 211

27 - Beaver County CTC Joint Committee Meeting – 7:30 PM Conference Room

Solicitor’s Report – Nothing to report.

Other Business – The Board convened in Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.

Mr. McGeehan commended Mr. Chris McCabe for organizing the Polar Bear Plunge. Mr. McCabe stated that they raised over $60,000. He also stated that Ms. Weldon and Mr. Huwar also did the plunge with him.

Ms. Weldon and Mrs. LeDonne submitted the Highmark Healthy Schools Grant and we were recently awarded $2,500.

Mrs. Murtha stated that the Early Intervention program will be very busy working on Transition to Kindergarten.

Mrs. LeDonne stated that she is getting ready to submit another grant, Youth Career Connect.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Eric G. Rosendale

Executive Director
