Minutes of Meeting

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee

Tuesday 5th September 2017. 7pm - 9pm.

The Hall – The Grange, Southam

Attendees:Helen & Laurence Caves, Sharon Lythe, Linda Doyle,Mike Brooks, Graham Foster, Gary Smith, Jon Swain, Marion Childs, David Thompson, Gary & Joan Cripps,Jeff Smith, Pamela Palmer

Apologies: James

  1. Introduction

The Chairman welcomed the team with an agenda to focus upon the September Summit. Business began at 19:05 with Steering Committee business.

  1. Steering Committee Business

The minutes of last meeting were discussed and approved.

Gary awaits the mandate for bank signatory, Jon having completed his mandate, to both gain access to the internet bank account Action: MB/GS/JS

There was no update from the Communications sub-committee.

  1. Southam Neighbourhood Plan Update Meeting (the“September Summit” for short)

Sharon asked if, and it was confirmed that, tea would be provided on Summit day.

Actions and action owners were debated, the update being:

  • What is the Plan? – Jon (from the summary in the draft Plan)
  • History & Future View – Gary
  • Plan Boundary Maps – David (to also show the hierarchy of plans NPPF, SDC Core Strategy, NP)
  • 4 x Workgroup Summary, Vision Statements and Rationale – Workshop Leaders, Jon, Graham, Mike and David.
  • Links to the Southam Development Plan (Core Strategy) - David
  • FAQ Section – Graham
  • Photo Competition Slideshow - Jon

All to be presented on 6 off toblerone-shaped (3-sided) presentation stands to be provided by Jon.

Gary reported that the event had been publicized on social media – Southam News & Views, Southam News, Southam Web-Site, FB and our own website.

All printing to be to David by Wednesday 13th Sept 2017.

  1. Workgroup Updates

Each workgroup leader then took us through their draft material intended for Summit Day.

A debate was had regarding the Dallas Burston Polo Ground. It was a surpise to some in the room that DBPG actually sits within the parish of Long Itchington and so would not form part of our Neighbourhood Plan.

We then addressed the “General” content for the Summit and concluded that:

  • We should clearly show parish boundaries and sites under construction - DT
  • An explanation of what a NP is - GF
  • Who and what we’ve done - JS
  • Summary of the SDC Core Strategy – DT

Linda promised some photos of yesteryear to be interleaved with the new for Jon’ photo montage.

  1. AOB

The AGM would now be held on Wednesday 4th October 2017 and will be made open to all Southam folk. (past actions: Jon to circulate a paper recommending changes to the constitution to all volunteers before the AGM and Mike suggested to allocate Sarah Brooke-Taylor a space to exhibit).

We then chatted on ideas for next data/evidence gathering forums, possibilities are:

  • Turner Festival @ Southam College on Nov 4th 2017
  • Christmas Lights switch on Nov 26th 2017
  • The October 16th Mop fair was considered too soon to be a candidate.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 9.00 PM.

Next Meetings (all confirmed 7pm-9pm Grange Hall, unless otherwise stated)

Wednesday 4th October - AGM