THEATRE / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


Philosophy Statement

NJ Theatre Resources / Offers no evidence of familiarity with resources available to the NJ theatre educator / Offers minimal evidence of familiarity with resources available to the NJ theatre educator / Offers adequate evidence of familiarity with resources available to the NJ theatre educator / Offers significant evidence of familiarity with resources available to the NJ theatre educator / Offers superior evidence of familiarity with resources available to the NJ theatre educator (professional companies, service organizations, etc.)
Arts Advocacy and
Arts Education / Offers no evidence of an informed view of arts advocacy and the value of arts education / Offers minimal evidence of an informed view of arts advocacy and the value of arts education / Offers adequate evidence of an informed view of arts advocacy and the value of arts education / Offers significant evidence of an informed view of arts advocacy and the value of arts education / Offers superior evidence of an informed view of arts advocacy and the value of arts education
Educator as Artist / Offers no evidence of range of experiences as a practicing theatre artist / Offers minimal evidence of range of experiences as a practicing theatre artist / Offers adequate evidence of range of experiences as a practicing theatre artist / Offers significant evidence of range of experiences as a practicing theatre artist / Offers superior evidence of range of experiences as a practicing theatre artist

Contextual Factors

Theatre in the
Community / Does not identify the extent of theatre’s presence in the local community / Displays minimal or irrelevant knowledge of theatre in the local community, with no evaluation / Displays general knowledge and conducts only a partial evaluation of theatre’s presence in the local community / Displays general knowledge or partial evaluation of theatre’s presence in the local community / Establishes appropriate criteria and conducts evaluation of theatre’s presence in the local community (ie, theatre companies, curricular and extra-curricular exposure to the arts, contact with professional artists, etc.)
Learning Goals

Assessment Plan

Design for Instruction

Theatre Technology / No use of theatre manipulatives, artifacts, technology, or media / Use of theatre manipulatives, artifacts, technology, or media is superficial, irrelevant, or inappropriate / Use of theatre manipulatives, artifacts, technology, or media is substantive, but does not contribute to instructional support for achievement of learning goals / Integrates a limited number of theatre manipulatives, artifacts, technology, or media into instruction to support achievement of learning goals / Integrates a variety of theatre manipulatives, artifacts, technology, and media into instruction to support achievement of learning goals
Theatre Literacy / No attempt to develop theatre literacy / Theatre literacy content is incorrect, irrelevant, or inappropriate / Strategies are used to integrate theatre literacy into instructional design, but they do not support the learning goals / A single strategy is identified and used to integrate theatre literacy into instructional design in support of learning goals / Multiple strategies are identified and used to integrate theatre literacy into instructional design in support of learning goals
Instructional Decision-Making
Analysis of Student Learning
Reflections & Self-Evaluation
Context for Content / No attempt to relate past theatrical experiences to current context / Previous theatrical experiences are irrelevant or inappropriate to the current context / Previous theatrical experiences are described, but they do not support reflection and self-evaluation of the current context / Appropriately relates current context to a single previous theatrical experiences to support reflection and self-evaluation / Appropriately relates current context to range of previous theatrical experiences to support reflection and self-evaluation
Writing Mechanics and Organization
Theatre-specific language / Insufficient use of advanced, precise, and accurate theatre vocabulary, terminology, techniques, or concepts / Minimal use of advanced, precise, and accurate theatre vocabulary, terminology, techniques, or concepts / Adequate use of advanced, precise, and accurate theatre vocabulary, terminology, techniques, or concepts / Significant use of advanced, precise, and accurate theatre vocabulary, terminology, techniques, or concepts / Superior use of advanced, precise, and accurate theatre vocabulary, terminology, techniques, or concepts

Submitted by Rachel Evans

Draft, July 28, 2008