2013 GIBC History


President – Wanda Johnson

VP – Sandy Rolland

Secretary – Jen Palladino

Treasurer – Marlene Hinds

Committee Chairpersons

Trip/Entertainment – J Miller

Poker Run – Sandy Rolland

Historian – Debra Gleaton

Publicity – John Mathis

Scholarship – Dale Cozart

Christmas Parade – Alfred Kelley

First event of 2013 was Happy Hour at Goat Island Restaurant on Jan 11, 2013. We usually have Happy Hour on the last Friday of every month but we decided we needed one early in January.

Needless to say....service was poor!

Feb. 3rd - Super Bowl 47 -San Francisco 49'ers VS Baltimore Ravens and as usual we had a party at Carl & Carolyn Cagle's. Carl fried fish (yum) and Winston did his famous chicken stew (yum again). Everyone brought extras so there was plenty to eat and drink. Unfortunately, the Ravens won....I can say that because I am the Historian this year and I wanted the 49ers to win!

We had a $100 board with the $25 a quarter winners being – First half winners were Joe Campbell & Eddie Gleaton, Wayne Simon third qtr. and fittingly, Mr. Carl Cagle won the final $25.

Friday, Feb. 22 we had happy hour at LakeVue Landing.

On Saturday, Feb. 23 we all lost a dear friend and valued member, Nate Fowler. The boat club is sending a $100 memorial to Children's home in Turbeville, SC. Nate was buried in the NationalCemetery in Florence, SC. Nate was a true southern gentleman and will be missed terribly.

Monday, March 10 – Carl & Carolyn Cagle, Debra & Eddie Gleaton, Alfred & Ann Kelley and Sandy Rolland went to Columbia for the Santee Cooper / SCDNR meeting on the 2013 Aquatic Plant Management Plan. There were only 6 responses in support of the plan from our membership.

March 23, - 51st Running of the Elloree Trials was attended by Eddie & Debra Gleaton, J & Bob Miller, Carl Cagle ( Carolyn was off having fun ), Ann & Alfred Kelley, Kay & Jerry Hatcher, Dale & Betty Cozart, Jen & Mike Palladino, Kay Thasher & Judy and Joe Campbell. Guest was Brandon Wiggins, Maria Linn, Hoyt Kelley and Marian Boseman. Eddie was ambidextrous (LOL) as that he was our 'drunk bus’ driver and our bookie. In spite of the terrible weather we had fun! It rained and was cold. Thanks to neighbors that loaned us a tarp we were able to fashion a ‘lean to’ shelter! Very redneck looking! Bloody Marys were provided for our ride over to Elloree by Kris Blesie even though she was not with us!

March 29- Happy Hour at Scarborough's. Usual suspects were present. Ann & Alfred, J & Bob, Sandy & Robin (thankfully Robin is safe, not dead in the backyard as we all suspected after an extended visit to Florida) Cathy & Hal White, Joe Campbell and myself. Eddie wimped out.

April 8th the Scholarship Committee met and reviewed 23 applications. The meeting was held at Hal & Cathy White's house. Attending were Hal & Cathy, Marlene Hinds, Joe Campbell, Debra Gleaton and Dale Cozart. Final decision was #1 Ellen Catherine Hall for the $2000 and #2 Kelly Lynn Pacheco for $1000. Presentation to be at the SBF in Manning, SC on April 26, 2013.

April 20th, 2013 was the first GIBC Poker Run held on a Saturday and it was the first Saturday of the Striped Bass Festival. Sandy Rolland, our VP was also the Poker Run Chairman, did a great job. The day was very cool and windy thus a poorer than usual turnout. However, the 50/50 was the largest pot ever with the winner getting $542 and luckily most members knew our winner, Mona LaFette. The money winners were as follows.....Top money was won by Ronnie Cox of $300. Second place was Bobby Raymond, and third place was a tie between Travis Feagan and Michele Noviello. Travis's step-sister drew the highest number for a win.

April 26, Scholarship presentations were made at the Striped Bass Festival Opening ceremonies by club President, Wanda Johnson and Scholarship Chairman, Dale Cozart. Both scholarship winners were present. Our $1000 scholarship winner was Kelly Lynn Pacheco from St. Matthews who attends CalhounCountyHS. Miss. Pacheco will be attending USC majoring in Business. Ellen Catherine Hall was the $2000 scholarship winner. Miss. Hall lives in Moncks Corner and attends Berkley HS. Ms. Hall plans to major in Engineering at Clemson. Several club members continued the evening with our monthly last Friday 'happy hour' at Georgio’s. Debra & Eddie sold beer at the 'beer booth' at the festival.

April 27 was the 'Almost Annual Redneck Golf Tournament' held at Foxboro Golf Course, coordinated by Winston Hinds and his “helpmate' Marlene. Winston presented Winning Guest Capt. David Hanna with Eddie, Dan Smith, Sylvia each a trophy with a Sponge Bob golf ball. Teams were Capt. Dale Cozart with Debra, Carl and Nancy Smith: Capt. Winston Hinds with Marlise Margnault, Kris Blesie & Robin: Capt Chan Joye with Marlene, Alfred and guest Chris Jeffcoat : Guest Capt Del with J, Sandy Rolland and Carolyn. Guest Capt. Richard Danback with Bob, Ann and Jerry. And Capt. Doug Blesie with Betty, Mike and Charley Pickrell.

After golf we enjoyed food and drinks at Goat Island Restaurant with there being 4 door prizes of $25 each.

May 15 – 28.. The annual Ladies Island Spring Camping trip was a success despite the lousy weather. The campers were Ann & Alfred, Debra & Eddie and J & Bob. J & Bob had 2 guest campers. Robbie Conlin, J's brother and Duker ??, Bob's longtime friend. Duker introduced us all to the 'Yogi trail'. Have to ask Bob about that !! Alfred & Ann hosted a fish fry which was well attended! Several of the men ran the Swamp Fox Poker Run. Happily I report that there were no snake bites this year!

May 31 - Finally!! Red's Bar & Grill opened! Happy Hour Friday....Service was 'iffy' but they are just getting started! We look forward to many HH’s at Red’s.

June 15, the Cozart's hosted a pool party. Pirate theme but I do have to say that Eddie was the 'best dressed' pirate or 'gay' pirate with his gold earring compliments of Sandy Rolland. There was a brief stop at Hot Dog Bob's on the way for nourishment before the festivities!! Boats were the Kelley’s & Gleaton's... Lake got nasty on the way home so the Gleaton's choose a safer way home ( Alfred's truck) and left their boat at the Kelley’s.

June 28 - Happy Hour was at the newly opened “Baxley's” in the old Casa de Pasta location. It was opened by Joey Baxley of Scarborough's fame. We wish him well and are happy to have another place on the water to go to.

July 27 - Happy Hour was at LakeVue where we celebrated J's birthday!!

August 10th, The Cagle's & Gleaton‘s hosted a Luau party at the Cagle's pool. Lots of food, drinks (Blue Hawaiian) and fun was had by all. Pool game prizes were awarded as well as Best Dressed Male & Female….but I don’t know who they were …Sorry

August 30 was Happy Hour at Goat Island Restaurant.

Sunday, September 1st was BoatChurch with a picnic at GreenIsland. As we always do, the island was cleaned up. J Miller reported that the island was a mess.

September 6th, in the early morning, Ann & Alfred, with J & Bob Miller and Hoyt & Stephanie Kelley on their boat set out for Beaufort's Downtown Marina. Hal & Cathy White traveled on their boat. Diane & Mark Munkitterick came up from Savannah on their boat on Sept.7th. Debra & Eddie were already in Beaufort doing a 3 week 'adventure' inn-sitting at a B&B in Beaufort. ( That's another story) There was an awesome Frogmore stew cooked on the docks that was enjoyed by 26+. On Sunday the Goat Island Boat Club was honored at a party/cookout at Hemingway’s although only the diehard’s remained. Millers, Gleatons, Kelleys X 2 and the Whites. Sparky Jones played great music while Cha-Cha did give-aways. As usual, we partied well !! Monday everyone got home safely.

Sept. 21 was the annual River Sweep. Eddie Gleaton was 'team captain' again this year. Lots of garbage collected. Most notable was a refrigerator from the back side of Green Isl. Participation was good. Hot dogs and hamburgers were cooked at John C Land Landing with Eddie as the chef!

Oct. 25 - was a quite month with the exception of Happy Hour at Baxley's.

Saturday, Nov 9th Darlene & Eddie Hebert hosted an oyster roast at their home.

Fall camping started on Saturday, Nov. 23 going through Sunday, Dec.1. Veteran campers Ann & Alfred Kelley and J & Bob Miller stayed the whole week and it was the most wet, windy and cold ever!

There were 16 present for the Thanksgiving feast!

On Saturday, Nov. 30 the boat club helped with a party to celebrate Honorary members Ron & Shirley McCollister's 50th wedding anniversary. Stephanie & Hoyt Kelley manned the island so the campers could attend.

Dec. 6 & 7 were the boat parades. Poor turnout as usual. For the Taw Caw parade there was 8 boats, 7 members ( Kelley, Cagle, Miller, Gleaton, Hinds, Hatcher & Palladino) and 1 non-member, which was 'Rooster” for the second year. There was 8 member boats ( same as Taw Caw with addition of Mathis boat), “Rooster' was the Santa boat with 5 non-member boats that were in & out of the line at various times.

Dec. 13 the Christmas Party was held at Santee Resort Clubhouse. DJ was Furman Dominic. It was a huge success. The ladies of the boat club were serenaded by several of our men with a rendition of “My Girl”. They were quite good but need to keep their day jobs !

We welcomed 5 new memberships this year:

Doug & Kris Blesie

Marian Boseman (returning member)

Dan & Nancy Smith

Mark Knechtel & Marilyn Adams

Charlie Pickell & Marlise Guillerault

Jerry & Sally McCown

There were a couple of member reflections:

Dale Cozart expressed concern over the lack of male presence in the club’s cabinet of officers in 2013. All though he did admit that the all women officers did an excellent job !!

An anonymous member expressed what a beautiful Christmas parade it was but that after a long night in the dark, while underway is probably not the perfect time to reprogram your GPS.