College of Charleston Cougar Counseling Team application

Program Description

The Counseling and Substance Abuse Services office at the College of Charleston offers a counseling program focused CofC students and surrounding college age individuals. The Cougar Counseling Team members are members of College of Charleston with many different interests, talents, and experiences who will connect with freshman and transfer students and act as a resource, role model, and a sounding board for mentee’s questions, concerns, and frustrations.

Overview of the Cougar Counseling Team

The purpose of the CASAS Cougar Counseling Team is to provide young adults with a highly trained member of the community who can listen and assist using nationally recognized emotional response techniques. Team members will also have information on student support services, academic skills such as time management, organization, critical thinking skills, self-advocacy, and student life. The role of the CCTs is to help students identify their goals and develop the skills needed to make those goals a reality. The role of CCT is to guide, rather than to instruct; provide resources, rather than supply the answers, and encourage improvement, rather than criticize poor choices. Counselors are not expected to be “miracle workers” or to have all of the answers, but counselors are expected to utilize information obtained from training sessions, and consult with the Coordinator and Counselors of Counseling and Substance Abuse Services. Counseling sessions are NOT tutoring sessions or professional counseling.

Goals of the Cougar Counseling Team

  • Provide academic, personal, and social support for students
  • Assist students in the navigation of the college environment
  • Build relationships between students, staff, and faculty
  • Foster individual development of self-reliance and self-advocacy


Student information disclosed to the Counseling and Substance Abuse Services department at College of Charleston is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.

Academic Ethics

Cougar Counseling Team Membersmust adhere to the Student Code of Conduct policy on Academic Dishonesty as described in the University catalog.

Skills and Qualities Desired in a CCT member

  • Possess the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse group of people
  • Exhibit leadership potential and eagerness to continuously improve
  • Display a high degree of maturity, responsibility, professionalism, flexibility, motivation, integrity, and initiative
  • Possess the ability to manage time and multitask efficiently

Duties of a Cougar Counseling Team Member

  • Act as a resource to mentees by sharing information about a variety of aspects regarding the College of Charleston community
  • Work with CASAS staff to facilitate the success of all aspects of the Cougar Counseling Team
  • Positively represent the College of Charleston


All Application materials must be turned in to Counseling and Substance Abuse Services or emailed to

Location: RM 320 on the Top Floor of Robert Scott Small Building


Mandatory All Day Training Dates (No exceptions):
 Cougar Counseling Team Active Listening Training, SBIRT and Procedures January 9th and 10th

 Be able to attend and complete Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, on aSaturday and Sunday, January 21st and 22nd

Minimum Six hours per week for the academic year, Spring 2017 through Fall 2017.

Counseling shift: 4 hours

Marketing/development/outreach: 1 hour

Meetings/Trainings: 1 hour


Minimum Earned Credit Hours: 30


Cougar Counseling is a service for college age students offered by College of Charleston community. CofC’s Counseling and Substance Abuse Services support the program.The Cougar Counseling Team provides therapeutic listening, help with decision making, if needed suicide intervention, and referrals for various campus andlocal services and activities. All of this is offered in a confidential, non-judgment environment.


_ Provide therapeutic listening skills to College of Charleston students

_ Market the services of the Cougar Counseling Team.

_ Participate in biweekly meetings/supervision sessions

_Participate in campus outreach related to health education initiatives


_ Therapeutic listening skills

_ Assisting with decision making processes

_ Certified in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills through Living Works

_Referrals to campus and community services

NOTE: The 2 recommendation forms must be completed by instructors, advisors, or supervisors fromyour current or previous place of employment. The recommendation can be given on the form or contact information can be provided on the application so that we can contact the professional reference.

Email, Mail or Bring all application materials (in one envelope) to:

Rachael McNamara

Counseling and Substance Abuse Services

175 Calhoun Street

College of Charleston


College of Charleston Cougar Counseling Team Application

Name ______Date ______

Male _____ Female _____ Student ID#______

Date of Birth ______

Email Address ______

Local Address ______

Permanent Address ______

Home phone ______Cellular ______

Major ______G.P.A. (Min: 3.0) ______

* If grade point average falls below a 3.0 after being accepted or during participation in the program, acceptance will be reconsidered.

Class: Freshman ______Sophomore _____ Junior _____ Senior _____ Grad Student_____

Expected date of graduation ______

Expected semester course load for the Spring and Fall semesters ______

Total credits earned at a college or university (Min: 30) ______

Will you be working during this academic year? YES_____ NO_____

If yes: Number of hours? ______

List all languages you speak fluently: ______

Have you ever been involved in a college judicial sanction? YES__ NO__

If yes, please explain:


College of Charleston Cougar Counseling Team Application

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Have you ever been convicted for a crime? (Exclude convictions for marijuana-related offenses for personnel use more than two years old; convictions that have been sealed, expunged or legally eradicated, and misdemeanor convictions for which probation was completed and the case was dismissed)

Yes_____ No___

If yes, please briefly describe the nature of the crime(s), the date and place of conviction on a separate sheet. This progarm will not deny employment to any applicant solely because the person has been convicted of a crime. However, we may consider the nature, date and circumstances of the offense as well as whether the offense is relevant to the duties of the position applied for

Have you ever been hospitalized for a mental health issue? YES__ NO__

If yes, please explain: ______

Are you experiencing any mental health concerns that are not successfully treated and managed?

YES__ NO__

If yes, please explain: ______

List any impediments you might have to effectively delivering Peer Counseling services. ______


List College of Charleston and or community activities; positions held and level of commitment:



List all organizations and service opportunities in which you are currently active; including offices you hold.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______

List previous leadership experiences you have had:

Do you have any experience working with and/or speaking to students with disabilities?


I agree, if accepted, to:

Attend weekly meetings

Participate in one counseling shift per week

Commit for an entire academic year

Participate in marketing/ advertising activities at least twice per month

To be an active member of group

Signature of Applicant: ______

Date: ______

College of Charleston Cougar Counseling Team


Name: ______

1. Please evaluate the following characteristics. Order them from the most like you to the least like you. Keep in mind that we willbe looking for evidence in your application and references to support your thoughts.

Organization skills
Communication skills
Ability to work as part of a team
Accepts responsibility
Uses good judgment
Comfort with views other than your own
Public speaking

2. Essay Statement: On a separate sheet of paper, please attach a typed essay (1-2 pages) responding to (a),(b) and (c).

a. Describe why you want to be in the College of Charleston’s Peer Counseling Program.

b. From the list of characteristics above, state which two (2) qualities you feel aremost important to being a Peer Counselor and describe prior experiences in which youhave demonstrated these characteristics.

c. Peer Counselors are highly trained and eager to learn. One of our main goals is to make sure students know about the program and know how helpful it can be. Describe what you would do to market this program and how you would work to implement your idea.