Date 9/27- 6 PM

LOCATION: Lincoln Middle School Cafeteria

Potluck and Meeting

****Non-perishable items donated to the Viterbo Student Food Pantry*****

Call to Order 6:35 PM

ATTENDANCE: Robert Haavind, Abby Hines, Lea Hines, Janice Hauswirth, Kelly Krieg-Sigman, Officer Andy Tolvstad, Kim Snider, Ilene Zastrow, Cindy Shireman, Audrey Kader, Pris Hecox, Eileen Temte, Karla Anderson, Dennis Hallemeier, Chris Hallemeier, Henry Greengrass, Rita Magno, Sandra Hoeser, Sister Marie Kyle, Dawn Reinhart, Lori and Roger Beckstrom, John Heim, Sharon Chavolla, Nancy Johnson, Sister Ladonna Kassmeyer, Vickie Unferth, Jo Ann Neve

APPROVAL OF MINUTESMotion to approve by Kelly Krieg-Sigman, 2nd by Sister. Marie Kyle.

GUEST SPEAKERS:1. Dawn Reinhart-City Planning Office: Development on 800 block of 6th St.

City of La Crosse Community Development has acquired property on the 800 block of 6th St. S. A zoning change will be requested to change the zoning from Washburn Residential to Nontraditional Family, with the intention of constructing owner-occupied twinhomes. They are currently looking for a developer to purchase land, finance the project, and assume the risk. One contingency for the develop will be if they are unable to sell as owner-occupied, only 2 units could be converted to higher-income rental. Seeing an increasing need for quality rentals. Coulee Cap is not involved in this development.

Question from membership: What are plans for single-family plots? Could City purchase some dilapidated multifamily units and convert them. The challenge is the City can’t displace anyone, so if tenants exist, they need to continue the rental arrangement, or absorb $20,000 per person to relocate them. They would certainly look at properties that may need assistance. Contact Dawn at City Planning with any information.

Question from membership: Is there any opposition? None at this point. General maintenance (i.e. snow removal, grass, etc). will be up to developer to determine arrangements . Otherwise each property owner would be responsible. Enforcement of those things can be done. If city is unhappy with the property management, they have the right to claim the property

Question from membership on density: There are 6 parcels, and density will actually go down. In addition garages are required, removing any current tenant parking on the street.

Question from membership on the status of the 5th & Mississippi house? Becoming a nuisance property. Couleecap needs a CUP before they can demolish. Representatives from that project will be coming to the WNA October meeting. Updates and progress will be on their website.

La Crosse Fire Department – Division Chief Mark Amann and Chief Greg Cleveland.

In 2010 they started on a process to evaluate entire city, encompassing 47 different planning zones and a risk analysis. The end result is, based on data, the city is in need of an additional fire station. New Station #5 will help distribute more uniform coverage through the entire city, avoiding stripping resources from one location to deal with another. Station #4 on the north side (Liberty and Gillette) was built in 1941 and is the oldest. Station #2 on Monitor was built in 1957. Station, #1 at 5th & Market was built in 1967 and Station #3 across from Central was built in 1967. Oldest is almost 75 years old. Data from all calls between 2010 and 2016 was used to plot an ideal spot for each of the 4 stations. 3 of the four were either on the mark, or close. There were 6,400 calls to Station 1. Goal is to reach the event in 4 minutes (travel time), and that goal was met 90% of the time. One additional station will require more personnel and apparatus, and will take approx 5 years to accomplish in a logical, cost-effective manner. Possibly may incorporate other services. Water supply is sufficient. The Mayor has included $500,000 to look at land, and possible sight preparation. Plan to look seriously in 2017. City actually owns property on far south side that could potentially be sold to help with funding. What are possible funding sources? Federal government offers funds for 3 firefighters for 3 years, including benefits. Will also look to other sources. Most important thing is to look at an architectural operations i.e. biological hazards, blood-born pathogens, etc. A feasibility study is going on right now looking at all facilities, what they need, what they can afford. To plan out capital budgets several years down the road.

TREASURER’S REPORT Handout refers to the 2nd to last column. Our fiscal year ends on August 31

Annual numbers:


Light up Neighborhood event $ 676.00

Total income$9,392.00


Difference between income and expenses $ 877.50

Highlights of the year. Garden Expo expense was $3,209.88. We received a grant of $2,500 from Mayo Health Care, and $500 from Sysmex, to help offset that cost. The garden plots gave us a $1,710 donation to St. Clare Health Mission. We also received a thank you from St. Clare and Mayo Health Care for the donation.

2017 Budget Estimate highlights

Garden plot revenue$1,680

Rain barrel revenue$2,000

Garden Expo $2,000

Approved grant from FSPA$2,500_____

Estimated total income$7,680

Estimated total expense$7,665

Estimated balance $25.00

Motion to accept fiscal report by Bob H. 2nd by Sandra. Motion carried.

September Report

Cash balance as of 8/1$2,737.94

After income and expenses, our ending balance (net worth): $3,615.14

Corrections to distributed report: FSPA grant should be $2,500

Garden expo cost increased to $3,000.

Motion to accept report by Pris, 2nd by Sister Marie Kyle. Motion carried.


Audrey – we are in the middle of the budget process. Capital budget is moving forward, including 5th street lighting.

Kelly Krieg-Sigman – showed sample of the sign to be installed in the front garden to acknowledge WNA efforts. Requested assurances we will continue to maintain the garden. Motion to continue by Nancy J., 2nd by Janice. Motion carried. Strategic plan update – still being approved and will do a powerpoint for the neighborhood at a future date. Discussion on hosting a meeting at the library. If there are plans for another free little library in the neighborhood, they are willing to assist. Dark La Crosse is coming back the final weekend in October and 1st weekend in November. All 6 performances sponsored, meaning all ticket proceeds will be divided 50/50 between the PumpHouse and Library.

Neighborhood revitalization – last meeting discussed merger of the City and County Libraries. It is exploratory only at this stage and there will be opportunity for more public input and hearings in he months to come.

Nancy – All Neighborhood Leaders Meeting: A lot of discussion on Memorial pool. Flyers for donations are available. Budget for next year only includes studies for options.


Nominations for Chair and Secretary. Nomination sheets were distributed to membership asking that they make recommendations for the two positions. Nominees will be contacted to determine their interest in running for either position. Voting will take place at the October meeting.

Downtown trick or treat event Saturday 10/29, 1-3 pm at 5th & Main - Rita: This is an opportunity to have a Washburn presence at the DMI event. Will set up a table by DMI with WNA information, and will also hand out candy. If you’d like to donate, please contact Rita.

Email – Motion by Vickie to pursue this e-mail as one common means of communication. 2nd by Janice. Stipulation that this needs to be maintained, monitored and controlled by the Board. Motion carried.


Viterbo Back to School Bash – event had good attendance, and was a great opportunity to connect with the student body. WNA donated a door prize and also had one prize at their table. Received alot of interest and positive feedback on the neighborhood lights.

Planters at VFW/American Legion - Pris: The American Legion and Eagles have taken very good care of them. Market Street beautification is being worked on. Grass and trees are coming. All expenses were covered by the City. We received an update and thank you from Bernie Lenz for our work. This was the third and final project funded.


Grant-Writing Committee – Rita: One grant application was submitted through State Farm. This grant was brought to our attention through contacts made from the Light Up The Neighborhood event. We applied for lighting under “security”. We will hear back in October. This is a $25,000 grant with the number of applicants capped at 2,000. That will be reduced to 200. Forty grants will be awarded and they will be determined by on-line voting. One person can vote up to 10 times a day, and the 40 with the most votes will get grants.

Marketing Committee – Rita: Light up the Neighborhood fundraiser. Had the hottest day of summer! A lot of people stopped in $676 in contributions earmarked for lights. Plan on making individual visits to businesses in the area. One individual generously donated $300.00.

Garden Committee – Jo Ann: We participated in a garden tour July 23rd, with thunder, lightning, rain, and a nice attendance. There were great comments about the garden. We served iced tea made with chocolate mint from the garden, and Camroon baked items made by the Sisters. A harvest noon meal is planned for 10/15, hay delivery on 10/22 and final garden cleanup on 10/29. Thanks to Rita for all her time and efforts in getting the garden spruced up for the garden tour.

Neighborhood Plan Revision Committee – Vickie: Jason Gilman will be giving us a presentation at our next meeting. His information will be needed to incorporate into our neighborhood plan.

Food Forest - Nancy: The YMCA has completed the plantings. Harvesting purple string beans and berries. The design is for sustainable, low maintenance gardens. The hope is it continues as a teaching, educational and food resource for the community.

Website – Rita: Anyone interested in learning about websites – we have to really turn it over to a new development tool. Rita has been our website editor behind the scene. If anyone is interested in working this, please contact her or the Board.

December Meeting – Kelly Krieg-Sigman: The Library auditorium is available for our meeting date in December and the Library would like to host this meeting. Membership agreed to move the December meeting/cookie exchange to the Library. This will also include a tour of the Library facilities. Direction to Rita and Kat to correct the meeting schedule on the website and facebook.


Kim requested we look at new t-shirts.

Mayors conference is scheduled for March 25, 2017. Focus on wellness in the City. What community things make us well – community, lighting, walkability, etc.

Motion to adjourn by Pris, 2nd Sandra Adjourned 8:25 PM

Meeting dates for 2016/2017 (all meetings start at 6 pm):

9/27/16, 10/25/16, 12/13/16, 1/24/17, 2/28/17, Garden Expo 3/11/17, 4/25/17, 5/23/17

Reminder: contact a board member with concerns or ideas for future speakers.

Vickie Unferth782-5846

Sr Ladonna Kassmeyer784-4244

Nancy Johnson788-3304

Jo Ann Neve386-1482

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Facebook at Washburn-Neighborhood-in-La-Crosse