


1. Apologies to be accepted by the Chairman:

Apologies were received from Councillor P Crawley, District Councillor S Phelps and County Councillor T Hale.


Councillors , D Hogan, B Hogan, C Gibbons,and David Flewelyn.

Also District Councillor A Gardiner.

It was reported that resignations had been received from Councillors S Payne and D Toresen these vacancies will be advertised, this now leaves 6 vacancies, 4 of which can be filled by co-option should anyone be interested.

It also means that the number to be quorate is now 3 as there are a lower number of councillors available.

2. Approval of Minutes

The minutes for September were agreed as true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor B Hogan and seconded by Councillor D Hogan.


3. Interest Pecuniary, Substantial Personal or Insignificant Personal

None declared at this point.

4. Public Discussion:

There were no members of the public in attendance.

5. District/County Councillors Report:

A report was given by CouncillorA Gardiner, who raised the matter of the Black Bridge, it is important to get the footpath recognised and registered, this must not be lost sight of with so many other issues we must be careful not to take the focus away from this.

With regards to the boundary review, having spoken to Drybrook and Ruardean the feeling is that the affinity between Lydbrook and Ruardean is great and it would be sad to split and a retrograde step.

The District Councillors report was continued by Councillor B. Hogan, who agreed totally with everything said about the Footpath issues, it is vital that the Gloucestershire half of this path is recognised, the Herefordshire side already is, it has been acknowledged that there is extremely strong evidence to support the application, so why is it not being put on an agenda to get it moving forward and approved. Once it recognised then reinstatement would have to take place, which is the responsibility of the County Council, if it is not a statutory responsibility which at the moment as it is unrecognised it is not, then 3rd party funding can be applied for, but if it is recognised this is harder to access, this is maybe why things are being dragged out.

With regard the boundary in 2019 the District Councillors will be reduced from 48 to 36, under the new proposals Lydbrook would be able to stand alone as a single member


ward, it would be very difficult to make the split any other way, without splitting other areas which seems pointless just to achieve 2 2 member wards, it would entail slicing Drybrook village in half, and joining with Ruardean and Lydbrook, it was proposed by Councillor B Hogan that as a parish Lydbrook support the suggestions for Lydbrook becoming a single member standalone ward this was seconded by Councillor D Hogan and carried unanimously.

6. Matters Arising:

a) Worrall Hill – Speeding Petition:

It was reported that the construction phase is still ongoing, this is between Edge End and Nailbridge.

b) Black Bridge:

See Councillors Reports

c) Stowfield Viaduct – DMMO – Footpath Diversion:

See Councillors Reports

d) Obstruction Hawsley Turning Area:

This is being investigated, it will be requested that a no parking, turning only sign be erected, as it is very important that this area is kept clear for its intended purpose.

e) Water on Road – entrance to Village:

This is ongoing, Footpath.

f) Raised Ironwork – Ross Road Junction:

This has now been done.

g) Flooding Worrall Hill Bus Shelter

A blockage was found and will be repaired as part of the county wide maintenance programme.

h) Website:

One of the representatives were unable to make the meeting and making contact has proved impossible. In attendance was Ian Whitburn of Whitburn Designs, who gave out some samples of websites he has designed including Mitcheldean Parish Council, the price quoted is £150 set up and £50 per page, this is actually a section not a page, and £100 help and admin i.e domain name etc. After this short presentation Mr Whitburn left, discussion took place, and it was proposed by Councillor B. Hogan and seconded by Councillor D Hogan that this option be taken, this was carried unanimously, the Clerk will contact Mr. Whitburn and discuss the current position with a view to seeing if he can get the existing now discussed site taken down, and setting up a new site, if a new name is needed it was proposed Lydbrook Parish Council Forest of Dean.


i) Lydcare - Donations:

This was discussed, last year a donation of £1100 was given, this was because the usual donations for the Lunch Club and Lydcare had been added together, it was felt that this should be slightly lower, and it was proposed by Councillor C Gibbons and seconded by Councillor D. Hogan that the sum of £600 be given, this was carried.

j) Footpath – Maintenance Side of Churchyard:

This is supposed to have been carried out, but it was reported that nothing had been done, the Clerk will chase this matter again.

k) Drain Camomile Green – Blocked

This has been cleared.

l) Notice Board – Repair:

This is in hand, but is taking rather longer than anticipated to get delivery of the materials.

m) Lowering of speed limit through Village

It was suggested from highways that a speed survey would be needed, this was not felt appropriate as we are not saying that the current speed is being exceed, but that it should not be as high as it is, the Clerk will take the matter back.

o)Railings – and War Memorial – and road closure for Remembrance Sunday:

This will be put to Mr Heck to see if any volunteers can be found, the Clerk will also get a quote, just in case. It seems likely we may be able to borrow some signs from County, and the Clerk will put in place the relevant paper work, with the District Council.


7. Planning Applications and Decisions

.8. Financial Report:

The following cheques were approved, £10 Memorial Hall – hire of room, Rise & Shine £300 shelters, £600 Lydcare donation.

9. Correspondence

11. Any Other Business

a) Chalet Building Central Lydbrook

It was asked if this had ever had permission, this has been raised previously and is with the enforcement team.

b) Mirestock Cross Roads – Volume of Traffic

this was raised and the question asked if improvements could be requested, such as lights or a roundabout, the Clerk will raise the question.

12. Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on the 13th November, , 2017, at 6.30 at Lydbrook Memorial Hall.