The Many Troubles of Andy Russell, Chapters 1-2

The author’s purpose for writing this book is to

a.  persuade

b.  inform

c.  entertain

d.  describe

The word confetti means

a.  pasta you eat with tomato sauce

b.  small bits of paper made for throwing

c.  special food for gerbils to eat

d.  an Italian cookie

What is Andy’s problem in Chapter 1?

a.  his snake has escaped from its cage

b.  his sister is going to tell his parents about the gerbils

c.  he forgot to do his math homework

d.  some of his gerbils have escaped from their cage

Andy was very distracted during math class because

a.  he is in trouble with his dad

b.  he is worried about his gerbils

c.  he is sad because his mom is mad at him

d.  he is hungry

The setting in the first two chapters is mainly

a.  home

b.  park

c.  school

d.  school bus

Andy doesn’t like Stacy Ann because

a.  she always knows the answers

b.  she always does her homework

c.  she threatens to tell Rachel that the gerbils got out

d.  she wants to be Tamika’s best friend

Explain why Tamika lives with the Perlmans.


The Many Troubles of Andy Russell Chapters 3-6

The word tranquilizer means

a.  a drug that reduces tension or anxiety

b.  a drug that cures a cold

c.  something that helps you sleep

d.  a drug that helps you pay attention

What secret was Andy keeping from his best friend Bruce?

a.  his gerbils got out of their cage

b.  he likes Stacy Ann

c.  he is going to ask his parents if Tamika can live with them

d.  his sister found his snake in her boot

Which word describes Andy?

a.  mean

b.  caring

c.  absent-minded

d.  lazy

The setting in Chapters 3-6 is mostly

a.  school

b.  park

c.  Andy’s house

d.  Bruce’s house

What secret do both Andy and Bruce have to keep?

a.  Tamika has to move

b.  Rachel hates gerbils

c.  Andy has to do detention with Ms. Roman

d.  Andy’s mom is pregnant

Explain Andy’s plan for catching the gerbils.


Which of the following sentences is a fact?

a.  It’s better than the lottery.

b.  Your mother isn’t sick.

c.  It is the best secret there is.

d.  Gerbils are really friendly.

The Many Troubles of Andy Russell Chapters 7-10

The word complicated means

a.  something that is happening at the same time as another thing

b.  something that has many parts or items

c.  something that is first

d.  something that is very important

Tamika cannot go to South America with the Perlmans because

a.  she gets carsick

b.  she wouldn’t be able to visit her parents

c.  she would miss Andy and Rachel

d.  she couldn’t take the gerbils with her

How do you know that Tamika’s friendship is very important to Andy?

a.  she gives him answers to his homework

b.  she likes him better than his sister Rachel

c.  when he thinks about her having to move, he gets upset and starts to cry

d.  he is tired of Bruce

The setting in Chapters 7-10 is mostly

a.  Andy’s house

b.  school

c.  the Perlman’s house

d.  Bruce’s house

Andy asks his father if Tamika can live with them and his dad says he will talk to his mom and Rachel. Andy thinks this means

a.  Tamika can live with them

b.  Tamika cannot live with them

c.  Tamika will go to another foster home

d.  Tamika will go to South America

How do you think Tamika will feel if she can’t live with the Russell family?


Andy needs to stay awake in class. Number the following things he did in the order that he did them.

____ wrote “Wake Up” and “Pay Attention” on the cover of his notebook

____ he ties his sneakers really tight

____ he tightens his belt

The Many Troubles of Andy Russell, Chapters 11-12

The word diversity means

a.  college

b.  when things are not all the same

c.  when things are all the same

d.  a school that teaches diving

The word rehabilitation means

a.  to build something

b.  to restore to health

c.  to have something valuable

d.  to make someone sic

The setting in Chapters 11-12 is mostly.

a.  school

b.  Tamika’s house

c.  Bruce’s house

d.  Andy’s house

What is the surprise in the meatloaf?

a.  a stacking clown

b.  a rubber duck

c.  a dill pickle

d.  a hard-boiled egg

Why do you think Mrs. Russell interrupts Mr. Russell when he starts to tell Tamika that she can’t live with them?

a.  she wants to tell Tamika

b.  she has changed her mind about Tamika living with them

c.  she has seen a gerbil

d.  she is choking on Tamika’s salad

Tamika wants the Russells to meet her parents because

a.  she doesn’t want her parents to worry about her

b.  she has to see them every week

c.  they have to drive her to the rehabilitation center

d.  she left her homework with them

At the end of the book Andy realizes that his troubles with gerbils, Ms. Roman, and Rachel’s chewed up autograph book were not real troubles because

a.  Tamika is going to live with them

b.  his parents were healthy and he lived at home

c.  Rachel and Tamika were going to share a room

d.  his mother is pregnant