Dr. DEREK JAMES WILSON: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, York University



Degree University Department Year

Post Doc. Cambridge University Chemistry 2005-2007

Ph.D. University of Western Ontario Biochemistry 2001-2005

Ba. Hons. Trent University Biochemistry 1997-2001

Employment History:

2012 – present / Associate Professor / Chemistry / York University
2007 - 2012 / Assistant Professor / Chemistry / York University
2005 – 2007 / Post Doctoral Researcher / Chemistry / Cambridge, UK
2002 – 2005 / Teaching Assistant / Biochemistry / U. West. ON
2001 – 2005 / Research Assistant (Ph.D) / Biochemistry / U. West. ON
2001 (summer) / Research Assistant / Biochemistry / Trent University
2000 (summer) / Research Assistant / Histology / Holburn Biomed.
2000 – 2001 / Teaching Assistant / Chemistry / Trent University


Graduate Courses

CHEM 5610A: ‘Analytical Biochemsitry’, Winter term 2008/2010 (developed)

Undergraduate Courses

CHEM 3050 / BIOL 3010: ‘Advanced Biochemistry’, Winter term, 2008 – present (developed)

CHEM 4081: ‘Advanced Mass Spectrometry’, Winter term, 2010 - present (developed)

CHEM 4000: ‘Undergraduate Research Project’ (Course coordinator), F/W and S, present

IMS Module on Mass Spectrometry (U of T), Winter 2010 - present

CHEM4000 Supervisions

2007/08 – Ethan Tumarkin (Chem club award), Ashkan Salehzadeh, Lavina Fernandez

2008/09 – Linda Jugowiek, Lusia Sepiashvili, Ekaterina Olkhov, Peter Liuni, (swept SOUSCC!)

2009/10 – Stephanie de Jong, Hoimara Haqdad, Karan Hingorani

2010/11 – Ivit Yakob, Mihiret Kedida, Rhavinder Bhatti, Shaolong Zhu, Preet Gill, Shaukat Khan, Brahamjot Nayyar


2009 – 2011: Fadie Jabrail (USRA), Tahia Khan (SPARK)

2012: Jaspreet Diol (USRA)



PhD: 3 (In progress)

Yanfang Liang (OGS): ‘Saturation Transfer NMR and Amyloidosis of TTR105-115’

Tamanna Rob (NSERC): ‘Microfluidics coupled Electrospray Mass Spectrometry for HDX Studies’

Peter Liuni: 'Measuring Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Enzymatic Pre-steady State by Time-resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry'

MSc: 2 + 2 (co-supervised) (In progress)

Shaolong Zhu: “Identification of pathogenic structures in Tau protein using sub-second continuous labeling HDX”

Araby Jagenathan: ‘Application of Time-resolved Electrospray MS to Study Beta-lactamase Enzyme Mechanisms’

Paul O’Brien (co-supervised with Dr. Organ): ‘A Flow Reactor for Phase Shuttling Chemistry’

Jiayin Bao (co-supervised with Dr. Krylov): ‘ESI Analysis of CE eluents from NECEEM experiments’

Graduate Supervisory Committee Memberships:

Completed – 10 MSc: Sarah Grimes (Bohme), Zhulin Zhao (Krylov), Roman Gilani (Johnson), Miguel Nueves (Johnson), Sahar Jahavoirian (Krylov), Julia Prestradi (Krylov), Negar Nosrati (Tsoukanova), Anna Kharkhania (Krylov), Bryan Dodson (Krylov), Seydina Lo (Siu/Hopkinson)

5 PhD: Yuong Ke (Siu), Vladimir Romanov (Siu), Laura Banu (Bohme), Chi Yuet Chan (Siu), Xi Wang (PhD, Siu)

Current – 9 committees: Anna Bondarenko (PhD, Bohme), Moriam Ore (PhD, Morin), Agnesa Shalla (PhD, Audette), Irine Saminathan (PhD, Siu), Declan Williams (PhD, Siu), Fletcher Agostino (PhD, Krylov), Hengameh Amoupour (PhD, Golemi-Kotra), Kaveh Amini (MSc, Golemi-Kotra), Michelle Farraro (MSc, Audette)

External Examination Committee Memberships:

1. Sept 6th, 2011: Michelle Douma, PhD defense. Supervisor: Richard Oleschuk (Queen’s)


External Research Funding:

2011 / Alzheimer’s Society of Canada / National / York University / $114,000/2yr
2011 / ERA (Ontario MRI) / Provincial / York University / $150,000/5yr
2008 / NSERC Discovery / National / York University / $150,000/5yr
2007 / CFI LOF / National / York University / $250,000/5yr
2007 / ORF / Provincial / York University / $250,000/5yr

Internal Research Funding:

2009 / Junior Faculty Fund / Internal / York University / $3,000/2yr
2007 / Startup / Internal / York University / $100,000


Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals

1. Tamanna Rob, Peter Liuni, Preet Kamal Gill, Shaolong Zhu, Naresh Balachandran, Paul J. Berti and Derek J. Wilson (2012) “Measuring Dynamics in Weakly Structured Regions of Proteins Using Microfluidics-Enabled Subsecond H/D Exchange Mass Spectrometry”, Anal. Chem., 84(8), 3771-3779

2. Yanfang Liang, Moriam O. Ore, Sylvie Morin, and Derek J. Wilson (2012) “Specific Disruption of Transthyretin(105–115) Fibrilization Using “Stabilizing” Inhibitors of Transthyretin Amyloidogenesis”, Biochemistry, 51(16), 3523-3530

3. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2012) “Time-resolved Mass Spectrometry for Monitoring Millisecond Time-scale Solution Phase Processes”, Euro. J. Mass Spectrom., 18(2), 205-214

4. Jiayin Bao, Svetlana Krylova, Derek J. Wilson, Oren Reinstein, Philip Johnson amd Sergey Krylov (2011) “Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis with Mass-Spectrometry Detection (KCE-MS) Facilitates Label-Free Solution-Based Kinetic Analysis of Protein-Small Molecule Binding”, ChemBioChem, 12(17), 2251-2254

5. Peter Liuni and Derek J. Wilson (2011) "Understanding and optimizing electrospray ionization techniques for proteomic analysis" Expert Rev. Proteomics, 8(4), 197-209

6. Yanfang Liang, Shohreh Zahedi Jasbi, Sylvie Morin, and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Rational Manipulation of Amyloidogenesis Using an Atomic Level Map of Peptide-Fibril Interactions" Biochemistry 49(28), 5829-31

7. Peter Liuni, Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "A Microfluidic Reactor for Rapid, Low Pressure Proteolysis with On-Chip Electrospray Ionization" Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 24(3), 315 – 320

8. Yanfang Liang, Sina Haftchenary, Shohreh Zahedi Jasbi, Sylvie Morin and Derek J. Wilson (2009) "Binding Interactions in Early and Late-stage Amyloids of TTR105-115" Biophysical Chemistry, 144(1), 1-8

9. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2009) "A Versatile Microfluidic Chip for Millisecond Time-Scale Kinetic Studies by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 20(1), 124-30

10. Peter L. Ferguson, Mark C. Kuprowski, Brian L. Boys, Derek J. Wilson, Jingxi Pan and Lars Konermann (2009) "Protein Folding and Protein-Ligand Interactions Monitored by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Current Ana.Chem., 5(2), 186-204

11. Peter Ferguson, Jingxi Pan, Derek Wilson, Brian Dempsey, Gilles Lajoie, Brian Shilton and Lars Konermann (2007) "Hydrogen/deuterium scrambling during quadrupole time-of-flight MS/MS analysis of a zinc-binding protein domain" Anal. Chem. 79(1): 153-160

12. Derek J. Wilson, Jingxi Pan and Lars Konermann (2006) “Protein Folding Mechanisms Studied by Time-Resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry” Biotechniques, 135(2): 135 – 141

13. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2005) "Ultrarapid desalting of protein solutions for electrospray mass spectrometry in a microchannel laminar flow device" Anal. Chem. 77(21): 6887-6894

14. Jingxi Pan, Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2005) "Pulsed Hydrogen Exchange and Electrospray Charge-State Distribution as Complementary Probes of Protein Structure in Kinetic Experiments: Implications for Ubiquitin Folding" Biochemistry 44(24):8627-8633

15. Derek J. Wilson, Steven P. Rafferty and Lars Konermann (2005) "Kinetic Unfolding Mechanism of the Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Oxygenase Domain Determined by Time-Resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Biochemistry 44(7):2276-2283

16. Douglas A. Simmons, Derek J. Wilson, Gilles A. Lajoie, Amanda Doherty-Kirby, and Lars Konermann (2004) "Subunit Disassembly and Unfolding Kinetics of Hemoglobin Studied by Time-resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Biochemistry, 43(46): 14792-14801

17. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2004) "Mechanistic Studies on Enzymatic Reactions by ESI-MS Using a Capillary Mixer With Adjustable Reaction Chamber Volume for Time-Resolved Measurements" Anal. Chem., 76, 2537-2543

18. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2003) “A Capillary Mixer With Adjustable Reaction Chamber Volume for Millisecond Time-Resolved Studies by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry”, Anal. Chem. 75, 6408-6414

19. Derek J. Wilson and Steven P. Rafferty (2001) “A Structural Role for Tryptophan 188 of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase”, Bioch. Bioph. Res. Co., 287(1): 126 – 129

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

1. Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Microfluidic Devices for Studying Kinetics" Chapter 3 in Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology: Fundamental concepts, Invited, Editor: Challa Kumar, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.; ISBN: 978-0-470-47227-9

2. Derek J. Wilson and Jane M. Heffernan (2010) "The Undead: A Plague on Mankind or a Powerful New Tool for Epidemiological Research?" a chapter in Mathematical Modeling of Zombies, Editor: Robert Smith?, University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa, ON. in press, June 10 /10

3. Lars Konermann, J. Pan, and Derek J. Wilson (2009) "Biochemical Reaction Kinetics Studied by Time-Resolved Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry" Chapter 5 in Protein Mass Spectrometry, Editor: J. Whitelegge. Series: Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN-13: 978-0444530554

4. Lars Konermann, Derek J. Wilson and D. A. Simmons (2008) "Stopped-Flow Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Chapter 2.1 in Protein Structures: Methods in Protein Structure and Stability Analysis C, Editors: V. N. Uversky and E. A. Permyakov, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. ISBN: 1-60021-705-2

5. Lars Konermann, Jingxi Pan, Douglas A. Simmons, and Derek J. Wilson (2007) “Time-resolved ESI” The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry, Vol 6, Editors: M. L. Gross and R. M. Caprioli, pp 802 – 810, Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam. ISBN-13: 978-0080438016

Invited Seminars and Oral Presentations

1. Derek J Wilson and Tamanna Rob (2011) “A Microfluidic Device Enabling Spatially Resolved, Millisecond time-Resolved H/D Exchange Experiments for Studying Protein Dynamics”, The 24th Annual Lake Louise Conference on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Lake Louise, AB

2. Derek J. Wilson (2011) “Intrinsically Disoredered Proteins and Pathogenic Aggregation” invited speaker, Queen’s University Chemistry Seminar Series, Kingston, ON

3. Peter Liuni, Yanfang Liang and Derek J. Wilson (2011) “New Analytical Approaches for Studying Kinetic Isotope Effects in Enzyme Reactions and Amyloidogenesis” invited speaker, joint ICASS/CCACC conference, Toronto, ON

4. Derek J. Wilson (2011) “New NMR and MS-based Tools for Studying Protein Dynamics and Interactions in the Context of Amyloidogenesis” invited speaker, 57th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Toronto, ON

5. Derek J. Wilson (2011) “Protein Folding Intermediates. Who are they?... And What Are They Hiding?” invited speaker, Michigan State, Lansing, MI

6. Derek J. Wilson (2011) “Protein Folding Intermediates. Who are they?... And What Are They Hiding?” invited speaker, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

7. Derek J. Wilson (2011) "Protein Folding, Misfolding and Dynamics" session chair Gordon Conference on Biological Molecules in the Gas Phase and in Solution; Andover, NH

8. Peter Liuni and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Kinetic Protein (un)Folding Intermediates Monitored by DMA Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry" 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT

9. Peter Liuni, Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Transient Protein Intermediates in Amyloidogenesis" Lake Louise Conference on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Lake Louise, AB

10. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Protein Folding Intermediates: How do we uncover what they are hiding?" invited speaker , UQAM NanoQAM Seminar, Montreal, QC

11. Derek J. Wilson (2009) “Protein Folding Intermediates: Who are they?... And What Are They Hiding?” Sanofi Paster/York Scientific Exchange Series, Toronto, ON

12. Derek J. Wilson (2008) “Modular Microfluidic Devices as Enabling Technologies for studying Protein Function” Keynote Adress, Enabling Technologies in Proteomics, Toronto, ON

13. Derek J. Wilson (2008) “MS and NMR methods for Monitoring Transient Protein Intermediates” T.O.-MS, Toronto, ON

14. Derek J. Wilson (2007) “Time-Resolved ESI-MS: A new Source Option for QStar and QTrap instruments” MDS/Sciex invited talk, MDS/Sciex, Toronto (2007)

15. Derek J. Wilson (2007) “Native State Conformational Dynamics of AcP are Linked to a Transient Kinetic Folding Intermediate” Universita di Firenze invited talk, Florence, IT

16. Derek J. Wilson, Xavier Salvatella and Chris Dobson (2007) “Structure and Dynamics of a Catalytically Active Folding Intermediate of SSo Acp and Fibril-binding Conformation of TTR105-115”, Cambelona, Cambridge, UK

17. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Koneramann (2006) “Complex Biochemical Systems Monitored by Time Resolved Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry” Biophysics Colloquia, Cambridge, UK

18. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2005) “A Novel Microfluidic Device for the Ultra-rapid Desalting of Protein Solutions” Centre of Chemical Physics, London, ON

19. Derek J. Wilson, Steven P. Rafferty and Lars Konermann (2005) “Mechanistic Studies on the Unfolding and Subunit Disassembly Kinetics of Large Noncovalent Protein Complexes by Time-Resolved ESI-MS”, 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, San Antonio, TX

20. Derek J. Wilson, Marie Fraser, Lars Konermann (2003) “Monitoring Enzyme Kinetics on the Millisecond Time Scale Using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: A Novel, Non-stationary Capillary Mixing Technique”, 51st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Montreal, QC

21. Derek J.Wilson and Lars Konermann (2003) “Using Mass Spectrometry to Measure Biological Reaction Kinetics ”, Biophysics, San Antonio, TX

22. Derek J. Wilson and Lars Konermann (2002) “Pre-Steady State Enzyme Kinetics Studies Using a Novel Capillary Mixer Coupled to Electrospray Mass Spectrometry” Center for Chemical Physics, London, ON

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

1. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2011) “Cytochrome-c loop conformational dynamics monitored by microfluidics-enabled H/D Exchange” Proceedings of the 59th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO

2. Peter Liuni and Derek J. Wilson (2011) “Measuring Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Enzymatic pre-Steady State Using Time-Resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry” Proceedings of the 59th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO

3. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "An Integrated Microfluidic Device for Millisecond Time-Resolved Analyses of Protein Dynamics Using H/D Exchange" Proceedings of the 58th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT

4. Peter Liuni and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Measuring Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Pre-steady State Using Time-Resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Proceedings of the 58th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT

5. Karan Hingorani and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Separation Free Proteomics Using a Microfluidic Reactor for Limited Proteolysis" Proceedings of the 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT

6. Peter Liuni and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Using Time-resolved Electrospray Mass Spectrometry to Measure Kinetic Isotope Effects in the Enzymatic Pre-steady State" Trent Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Orillia, ON

7. Stephanie de Jong and Derek J. Wilson (2010) "Investigation of Hydrogen/Deuterium Scrambling During Collisional Activation in Xenon" Trent Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Orillia, ON

8. Peter Liuni, Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2009) "A Microfluidic Reactor for Ultra-rapid, Low Pressure Proteolysis Coupled to ESI-MS" Proceedings of the 57th ASMS Conference, Phillidelphia, PA

9. Tamanna Rob and Derek J. Wilson (2008) “Cytochrome c Unfolding Monitored Using a Novel Microfluidic Reactor Module” Trent Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Orillia, ON

10. Fadie Jabrail, Ethan Tumarkin and Derek J. Wilson (2008) "Fabrication of Electrospray Coupled Microfluidic Devices for Studying Transient Protein Folding Intermediates by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry" Trent Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Orillia, ON