May 13, 2004

Overcoming Fear of the Inside Pitch

Official Policy:

Overcoming the fear of getting hit by a pitched ball and learning the proper technique for avoiding a pitched ball is an important skill for youth baseball and softball players to understand. Many children simply lift up their arms and take a step back in the batters box whenever they think a pitch may hit them. Other times, this fear will cause a child to take his initial step away from home plate – also opening up the front of his body to injury. This fear often manifests itself even on pitches that may be in the strike zone. These instinctive reactions put the child at the greatest danger of getting hit in the front of the body or in the face where the most injury can result.

Rather than stepping out or away at the first inclination, a child should be taught the following technique to avoid an inside pitch and reduce the risk of injury if he should be hit:

1)Immediately turn his upper body (from the waist up) away from the pitch.

2)The head and shoulders act as one unit turning away.

3)The shoulder nearest the ball should rise up a little to protect the face.

4)The elbows drop in close to the sides to protect the ribs.

5)The chin dips down to the chest to protect the neck from a direct impact.

6)The bat lowers directly in front of the players upper body.

This technique ensures that if a ball does hit the child, it is most likely to hit them in the rear where the pain the risk of serious injury is minimized.

When teaching this technique, a coach should use soft tosses with a wiffle ball or tennis ball from 20 to 30 ft. It is also critical that both the parents and the children understand that this is being taught and why. Under no circumstances should the technique be taught using a regulation league ball. Even with a softer ball, it is not permitted to intentionally throw a ball at a child who is unaware of the proper technique to protect themself from the ball.

It is understood that during live batting practice, pitches may accidentally be thrown too far inside and may strike a batter. However, during live batting practice, this must never be done intentionally. Pitching inside and an occasional hit batter is a known risk of the game and children should be using the proper technique for avoiding getting struck by a ball and/or minimzing the risk of serious injury. During live practice, if children are bailing out, the coach should reinstruct the player on the proper technique – not plunk him in an attempt to make him understand the pain.


Any incidents involving a player or an adult intentionally striking a player with a ball in a way inconsistent with this policy will be investigated by the PHYBS Board and the offending parties, at the discretion of the board may be suspended.

David Boldt

PHYBS President

ProspectHeights Youth Baseball / Softball * P.O. Box 7172 * Prospect Hts, IL60070