Summer 2006 CRN 30003


EDST E633C – Software and Web Site Evaluation and Tools

Professor:Dr. Katherine Hayden

Phone:(760) 750-8545; cell 619 559 1236


Office:UH 218

Lab: `Students must have access to up-to-date computer and Internet.

Office Hours:Online or phone by appointment

College of EducationMission Statement

The mission of the College of Education Community is to collaboratively transform public education by preparing thoughtful educators advancing professional practices. We are committed to diversity, educational equity, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life-long learning, innovative research and on-going service. Our practices demonstrate a commitment to student-centered education, diversity, collaboration, professionalism, and shared governance.

(Adopted by COE Governance Community, October, 1997).


Description: This course prepares educators to critically examine education-specific software for classroom use and to evaluate educational Web sites and activities. Course assignments will include development of a teacher Web page and use of online survey tools and blogs.

Computer Concepts and Applications Supplementary Authorization: this course is one of the four courses that have been approved to satisfy the California Supplementary Authorization (CSA) in Computer Concepts and Applications requirement. All four courses are offered completely online! Regardless of where you live in the state, you may now fulfill CSA requirements by completing four, three-unit, graduate-level courses in Computer Concepts and Applications, offered collaboratively by the CSUSM College of Education and Extended Studies. Contact Extended Studies for more information: Catherine Boyle at (760) 750-8713 or .

Graduate Credit: this is a graduate level course, and successful completion can be applied toward elective requirements for some Masters Programs including the Masters in Education option in Science, Mathematics, and Educational Technology through the College of Education at Cal State San Marcos. Note that students must receive an A or B in order to use the course as one of their electives.

Required Course Materials and Texts

  1. ISTE Student Membership: ($54) including the Learning and Leading with Technology (L&L) Professional Journal. ISTE registration must be complete by beginning of week 2 of course).
  2. Storage device: Flash Drive recommended (128M) Note: to back up all work.
  3. Email Account – You are provided a campus email account automatically after you are registered for the semester. To activate, contact Help Desk.
  4. *Computer Access –you must have a computer available throughout the course with ability to install and preview software, review online audio clips and videos.
  5. You must have a web page editing software program, and identify an online host to post your personal professional web page.

Course Goals: Learner Outcomes

By the end of this class, students will

1.Be knowledgeable of important elements to consider for evaluating software for classroom use.

2.Create a rubric and use it for evaluation of education specific software.

3.Be knowledgeable of important elements to consider for evaluating Web site activities for educational settings.

4.Learn about online survey tools and implement a survey for evaluation of educational web sites.

5.Use a current forms of electronic communication such as threaded discussions and blogs to collaborate with educators on topics related to education.

6.Create and post a professional education web site using appropriate development and editing tools.

COE Attendance Policy

Due to the dynamic and interactive nature of courses in the College of Education, all students are expected to attend all classes and participate actively. At a minimum, students must attend more than 80% of class time, or s/he may not receive a passing grade for the course at the discretion of the instructor. Individual instructors may adopt more stringent attendance requirements. Should the student have extenuating circumstances, s/he should contact the instructor as soon as possible. In this online course, the instructor has adopted this policy: you must be active in online coursework including email, discussions and activities regularly (at least twice weekly), or you cannot receive a grade of A or A-; if you are inactive for one week or more, you cannot receive a grade of B+ or B. If you have extenuating circumstances, you should contact the instructor as soon as possible. Modules begin on Tuesday each week and end on Monday of the following week (see online schedule of modules).

Plagiarism and Cheating

Please be sure to read and understand the university policy on plagiarism and cheating, as it will be strictly enforced. Academic dishonestly will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade for this course and will be reported to the University.

Disabled Student Services

Students with disabilities who require academic accommodations must be approved for services by providing appropriate and recent documentation to the Office of Disabled Student Services (DSS). This office is located in Craven Hall 5205, and can be contacted by phone at (760) 750-4905, or TDD (760) 750-4909. Students authorized by DSS to receive accommodations should meet with me during my office hours or in a more private setting in order to ensure your confidentiality.

Important Course Requirements and Considerations

Discussion Posting (Value Added Model)
When replying to a posting in the discussion area (or through a Web Blog) by another student, instructor, or guest, your reply must include the previous message below your comment. You can do this by clicking the quote button, instead of reply, to begin the post. To Add Value, your response must do one of the following: give an example of what the prior post had described; provide a different perspective of the topic posted; OR expand upon the idea posted in the message by including more detail and depth. The instructor will provide feedback in the first few modules to support understanding of this concept.
Participation: It is expected that all students will have an active presence in the online community (see attendance policy). Organize each week so that you visit the WebCT shell every 2-3 days. This will provide you the opportunity to stay in touch with the module assignments and discussions. You will need to use an up-to-date computer and operating system that has the ability and speed to use WebCT and participate in activities such as review of education specific software, use online survey and rubric tools, and create, edit and post a professional web page), as well as play sound files and movie clips. It is your responsibility to check these capabilities out as soon as you begin the course and have a plan for completing and accessing these resources regularly. Note that assignment documents must be completed in Microsoft Office (Word and/or Excel) and a web page editing software will be required for the course. There is a tune up tool on WebCT to use to test your browser and access.
Assignment Questions: There is a Question topic section in the discussion area of WebCT. This section is included to allow everyone the benefit of having access to instructor responses to questions about the course, activities, and/or assignments. Please review the posted questions before posting your question(s). Instructor will respond to posts within 48 hours. If you do not have a response by 48 hours, please contact the instructor directly by email or phone.
WebCT Help: Contact the CSUSM help desk. Their location and hours are listed on the web: Be sure to leave a phone number and/or email if you leave a message at the help desk regarding a problem you are having. They can help with all technical aspects of the WebCT environment including problems with accessing files, uploading assignments, and using WebCT tools.
Important Considerations:
  • Assignments are due when noted on the assignment page.

  • All assignments should be based on thoughtfulreflection and at a masters level, and submitted only after final editing, proof-read and word-processed. The university has a 2500-word writing requirement for each course that is met through the course reflections, assignments and discussions.

  • Contact instructor in advance of any extended absence to accessing and contributing to module activities. When you contact the instructor about an absence, suggest a timeline for how you will make up missed sessions, contribute to group work, and if there is a need for an alternative assignment.

  • Grading of coursework will be based on adherence to the assignment guidelines, evidence of application of course readings and resources, and clear evidence of specified revisions, clarity, and coherence, in revised work. Points are deducted for spelling and/or grammar errors.

  • Remember to cite all information obtained from others completely in APA 5th Edition format. References are required.

No / Assignment / Description / Points
1 / CA EdTechProfile Self Assessment / Students take a proficiency self-assessment, at the beginning and end of the course, based upon rubrics established in alignment with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) technology standard for a California K-12 teaching credential to reflect on their growth in the areas identified as important by the CA Department of Education. Students submit results provided by the EdTechProfile site along with their reflections. / 5
2 / Goal 1:Evaluation of Software / Students will read about educational software evaluation and consider the important elements to consider. They will reflect and share through a threaded discussion using Value Added Comments (see course definition of value added). Points are based on quality of postings and contributions. / 10
3 / Goal 2A: Rubric / Working in groups, students will use a free online rubric tool to create a rubric for educational software evaluation / 5
4 / Goal 2B: Software Evaluation / Students will download two education specific software programs, thoroughly review each and evaluate based on a group rubric. / 10
5 / Goal 3: Web Site Activity Evaluation / Students will participate in a Web Clinic to evaluate Internet-based activities and report on their perceptions based on a role assigned to them. / 10
6 / Goal 4: Survey / Students will become knowledgeable about free online survey tools and design a survey to assess web sites for educational settings. / 10
7 / Goal 6: Web Site / Students will design a web page for an educational purpose and post it on a server so that it can be accessed through the web. A web blog will be used to discuss important elements and resources. / 20
8 / Goal 5: Communication and Participation / Students are active participants in course discussions and activities online. The use of electronic communication in WebCT and through a Web blog are required for class activities. Attendance (through online presence), participation, and timely access to online activities are critical to success in this course. Value Added postings are required. / 20
All assignments, requirements, due dates and scoring rubrics will be available through WebCT. Students should check the course schedule and assignment sections regularly for updates.


In order to successfully complete this course, assignments must be completed with at least an acceptable level noted on assignment rubrics. In addition to the assignments described above, performance assessment will be on student’s ability to perform tasks using a variety of software.

California State University San Marcos has adopted an all-university writing requirement. In each course, students are required to write at least 2500 words in essays, exercises, papers and examinations.

Grading Procedures And Assignments

Grading is calculated based the following percentages:

94 - 100 =A / 80 - 83 = B- / 70 - 73 = C-
90 - 93 = A- / 77 - 79 = C+ / 60 - 69 = D
87 - 89 = B+ / 74 - 76 = C / below 60 = F
84 - 86 = B

EDST 633C Proposed Schedule: Subject to Change

Week and dates



/ Topic / Assignment / Approx. Due Dates
See Assignment in WebCT for details
Week One:
July 11-17 / Mod 0 / WebCT
Course Materials
EdTechProfile – / Review Class tools Post Introduction
Saving and Storing Files
EdTechProfile (1)
Assess current tech skills / Campus ID
WebCT access
Mod 1 / Software Evaluation
ISTE / Discussion of Software Evaluation (2)
  • Read Online/ISTE
  • Post
  • Reply: Value Added
/ EdTechProfile (1a)
Mod 2 / Software Eval:
Rubric Tools Online / Create Group Rubric (3) / Postings on Software Evaluation (2)
Week Two:
July 18-24 / Mod 3 / Software Eval:
Identify demos / Search Resources bookmark resources / Group Rubric (3)
Mod 4 / Software Eval: / Software Eval: (4)
Download, install and review one software
Mod 5 / Software Eval: / Software Eval: (4)
Download, install and review 2nd software / Software Eval. #1 (4)
Week 3:
July 25-31 / Mod 6 / Evaluation

Web Site Activities

/ Activity Eval- Web Clinic (5) / Software Eval. #2 (4)
Mod 7 / Evaluation Web Sites / Online/ISTE Readings
Blog Discussion (8)
Mod 8 / Online Survey Tools /

Survey on Web Eval. (6)

/ Activity Evaluation Web Clinic (5)
Week 4:
August 1-7 / Mod 9 / Designing
Web Pages / Software, design, hosts
Mod 10 / Designing
Web Pages / Layout Ed Web Page (7) /

Survey on Web Evaluation (6)

Mod 11 / Designing
Web Pages / Content Ed Web Page (7) / Blog Discussion (8)
Week 5:
August 8-12 / Mod 12 / Post Web Page / Draft Web Page (7) / **Complete Course Evaluation start of week
Mod 13 / Share Web Page / Peer Review - (8) Feedback/edits / Draft Web Page
Mod 14 / Final Posting /

Final Review of Web Pages


Final Web Page (7)

EdTechProfile (1b)

EDST 633C –Software and Web Site Evaluation and Toolspage 1