Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency


Miramarska 24b

10000 Zagreb

Application under freedom to provide services pursuant to Article 78 of the Insurance Act


Registered office:______

Contact person (name, surname, phone, e-mail)______


Countries in which services are to be provided (please mark with an X):

Country / ISO code / Country / ISO code
Austria / AT / Norway / NO
Belgium / BE / Poland / PL
Bulgaria / BG / Portugal / PT
Cyprus / CY / Romania / RO
Czech Republic / CZ / Slovakia / SK
Denmark / DK / Slovenia / SI
Estonia / EE / Spain / ES
Finland / FI / Sweden / SE
France / FR / United Kingdom / GB
Germany / DE
Gibraltar / GI
Greece / GR
Hungary / HU
Iceland / IS
Ireland / IE
Italy / IT
Latvia / LV
Liechtenstein / LI
Lithuania / LT
Luxembourg / LU
Malta / MT
Netherlands / NL

Business operations shall be carried out via (please mark with an X)

a)The above undertaking

b)An EEA branch of the undertaking

The registered office of the branch is located at:______

Notification of the insurance classes for which the undertaking has a domestic licence pursuant to Article 3 of the Insurance Act and which are to be operated in the countries concerned:

Non-life insurance

Class / Name / Particular requirement / Please mark with X
1 / Accident
2 / Sickness
3 / Land vehicles (other than railway rolling stock)
4 / Railway rolling stock
5 / Aircraft
6 / Ships (see, lake and river, and canal vessels)
7 / Goods in transit
8 / Fire and natural forces
9 / Other damage to property
10 / Motor vehicle liability (vehicles operating on the land)
11 / Aircraft liability
12 / Liability for ships (see, lake and river, and canal vessels)
13 / General liability
14 / Credit
15 / Suretyship
16 / Miscellaneous financial loss
17 / Legal expenses / Please select option of Article 3(2) of Directive 87/344/EEC
18 / Assistance / Please provide details of organisation of assistance in the country of activity

Life assurance

Class / Name / Please mark with X
19, 20 and 21
(I.) / Life assurance, annuities and supplementary insurance in addition to life assurance
22 (II.) / Marriage insurance and birth insurance
23 (III.) / Life assurance and annuities which are linked to the investment funds
24 (V.) / Tontines
25 (VI) / Capital redemption operations
Other classes according to the Consolidated Life Directive 2002/83/EC

Other comments:


Signature and company stamp______