Questionnaire on the participation to the 6th broadband- and spectro- radiometers intercomparison (ISRC201/) held at ENEL Green power, Catania, (I) 12-16 June 2017

Dear partners, a few lines to ask each participant some practical information on the instrumentation involved in the intercomparison.

Please complete the following table with information about the instrumentation you want to bring to ENEL green power, Catania: give details like instrument(s) weight and size, special requirements (flanges, cables, compressed air, cooling water, etc.).For spectroradiometers,please indicate if they need to be directly mounted on the tracker or only optical fibres have to. Instrument pictures can also be useful.Please, mention if you bring your own tracker and if there is some space left on it. If your Institution is not listed in the following table, please add lines.

Institution / Spectroradiometers / Pyrheliometers / Cavities / Tracker available / Pyranometers / Reference detectors
JRC / 3 EKO spectroradiometer (701+wiser system), collimating tube for direct irradiance / 2 kipp&zonen CH1, (mounting flanges provided) / 3 (mounting flanges provided) / 2 available payload for partners: 30 kg / 1 (mounting flange provided) / 1 c-Si ref. Cell
(mounting flange provided)
EKO Instruments
Radboud/ ReRa sol. / - / -
SUPSI / - / - / - / 3 / -
UCY / -- / -- / --
AIT / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Tecno-el / / / / / / / /
Loughborough University

If you bring instrumentation with you, please prepare a list of material as below described in order to obtain entrance permit from ENEL:

Description / Serial Number / Identification / Weight [kg] / Value € (approx.)

If you foresee to ship the material directly to ENEL, please make sure your shipment back is organised and paid for.

Shipping address:

Enel Green Power
Laboratorio Solare Catania
Passo Martino - Zona industriale
95121 Catania

Contact person : Mr. Salvatore Scalia (+39 329 94 51 717)

For those bringing PV reference cells, in order to correct to STC conditions, we need for each PV device the spectral responsivity (in order to correct to AM1.5G (IEC60904-3). If data is not available, we can only adopt the Air Mass regression method (IEC60904-4) but that method has higher uncertainties.

Keep in mind that we will measure using the direct beam irradiance (for the PV reference cells) and that the size of the cell can be max 20 x 20 mm. The collimator tubes are calculated for that size! Other PV detectors with larger cells will be measured under global illumination.

PLEASE make sure that your Pyrheliometer / Pyranometer / ISO type Cell has at least 5 m of cable….. In the past we lost too much time making extensions on some participant’s detectors.

If space on trackers will not be enough, then priority will be given inthe following order: spectroradiometers, pyrheliometers, pyranometers and reference detectors.The JRC cavities radiometers will be used for traceability in any case.

We already filled our part and we need your input to arrange the space on our trackers together with flanges and other mechanical parts. As soon as we receive your input we can have a complete picture of the ISRC 2016 participation.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Best regards.

Wim Zaaiman & Roberto Galleano