/ 32nd Annual State Conference
September 28th – 30th, 2018

Speaker Application Form

/ P.O. Box 327  Austin, TX 78767 Office / Fax:844-272-8044
/ 32nd Annual State Conference
September 28th – 30th, 2018

Marriott Hotel Austin South

4415 South I-Hwy 35,

Austin, TX 78744

Hotel Reservation Information

Call: 1-800-228-9290

Individual Conference Tickets

Members - $159

Future Members - $200

Students (with ID) - $75

Exhibitor Booth Reservation Deadline

August 15, 2018

Exhibit Hall Times:

Friday Sept. 28, 2018

8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Booth Set up

1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Ribbon Cutting

Sat. Sept. 29, 2018

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Exhibitor Hall Open

5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Exhibitor take down

ProgramapplicationswillbeacceptedthroughJuly 31, 2018



2.Onlyon-linesubmissionswill beaccepted(nohardcopy).

3.BreakoutSessionsmustbe one(1)hourinlength.

4.Salespresentationswill NOTbeaccepted.

5.Presentersagreetotermsoutlinedinthepresenter agreement


Conference Learning TRACK – Indicate which will your proposed session will fulfill.

Leadership and Social Change

Professional Development

Personal Growth


Submission ofanapplication doesnotguarantee selection.ApplicationswillbereviewedbyHWNTProgram Committee,withpreferencebeinggiventothoseapplicationsthat are submittedbyHWNTMembers.Sessionacceptanceletterwillbee-mailedinJuly. BreakoutsessionswillbescheduledFridayafternoonaswellasSaturdaymorningand Saturdayafternoon.

/ P.O. Box 327  Austin, TX 78767 Office / Fax:844-272-8044
/ 32nd Annual State Conference
September 28th – 30th, 2018

Presenter Agreement

/ P.O. Box 327  Austin, TX 78767 Office / Fax:844-272-8044
/ 32nd Annual State Conference
September 28th – 30th, 2018

As the main presenter,I agree to andunderstandthe following:

  1. Application must be submitted bythe applicationdeadline.
  1. ApplicationwillbereviewedbyHWNTProgram Committee;preferencewillbe given tothose applications submittedbyHWNT members.
  1. Sales / Religious / Political presentationsare NOTpermitted. Presenter agrees not to conduct any during their presentation.
  1. Breakoutsession willbe one (1) hourinlength.
  1. Uptotwopresentersmaybedesignatedandpublishedintheprogram. If a panel is presenting, panelist will be listed on the program. All presenters / panelistmayregisterandpaythe standard Conference registration fee if they would like to attend other presentations throughout the conference.
  1. SessionsmayberecordedbyHWNT andall rightstorecorded session containedthereinshallbelongtoHWNT.Iunderstandthatby accepting thisagreement,Iauthorize HWNT to record the contents of my presentation and HWNT will own the rights to the recorded session only.
  1. IunderstandthatHWNTwillnotcontactpresenters;itisthemain presenter'sresponsibility torelay all sessionguidelinesandinformationto the co-presenters.
  1. Oncesubmitted,Icannotmakechangestotheapplication.Ifaccepted,I will havetheopportunity tomakechangestotheapplicationdetailsupon confirmation.
  1. Notification of acceptance of applications will be by Aug. 15, 2018 or before.

RoomArrangementandAudio Visual Setup

Each roomwill be set theaterstyle to maximumcapacity,with microphonesas appropriate,and data projectorandscreen.Roomchangeswill notbemadeonsite. Participants mustbring theirown computer. Additional equipmentwill need toberentedbypresenter.

Questionsand submission viaemail:

Application Form –Breakout Sessions

/ P.O. Box 327  Austin, TX 78767 Office / Fax:844-272-8044
/ 32nd Annual State Conference
September 28th – 30th, 2018

Thank youfor your interest inHispanicWomen’s Network ofTexas (HWNT) StateConference.

Pleasecompleteallsections ofthis application,saveit toyour hard drive, andsenditasanemail attachmentto .

Acceptance ofthis applicationdoesnotguaranteeitsselection.Iftheapplicationis accepted,presenters willhave an opportunitytomakeminor revisions tosession descriptors atalaterdate.Notificationofby August 15, 2018.


Deadlinefor applicationsubmissionisJuly 31, 2018.

Onlythoseapplications thatare completedinfullandsentas an email attachmentto will be accepted.

BreakoutSessionsmust be 45 minutes to one(1) hour in length.

MainPresenterInformation #1

Please select one. HWNT Current Member ☐YES ☐NO

First Name: Click here to enter text.______

Last Name: Click here to enter text.______

Company Name: Click here to enter text.______

Address 1:Click here to enter text.______

City:Click here to enter text.______State: ______Zip: Click here to enter text.

Phone No. Office:Click here to enter text. Cell:Click here to enter text.Fax:Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.______

Willthere be additional presentersfor this session? (Please select one) ☐YES ☐NO

If yes please provide the following information. If panel, please attach names, titles, company.

By completing this application I (and presenters) accept the Presenter Agreement presented to me.



Please select one. HWNT Current Member ☐YES ☐ NO

First Name: Click here to enter text.______

Last Name: Click here to enter text.______

Company Name: Click here to enter text.______

NOTE:Onlythemainpresenterandupto TWOco-presenterswillbelistedintheprogram.All communicationswillgothroughthemainpresenterandit istheresponsibilityof themainpresenterto coordinatepresentationdetailsdirectlywiththeco-presenter(s).

time / day of session. Indicate which preferencein session time slots. We will try to accommodate. Times may change or number of sessions as schedule is put together.

Friday – Sept. 28, 2018
☐ 9 – 11 a.m. Opening Session – Platicas
☐ 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: 2 Concurrent Sessions
☐ 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: 2 Concurrent Sessions / Saturday – Sept. 29, 2018
☐ 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. HWNT College Student Leadership Session- (2 Sessions 1 hr each)
☐ 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.: 2 Concurrent Sessions
☐2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 2 Concurrent Sessions

Session Title(10word maximum)

Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /

Session Description(75word maximum;usecompletesentences)-Please attach separate sheet if needed.

Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /

SessionCategoryIndicate which will your proposed session will fulfill. (selectonefromthefollowingoptions)

☐ Leadership
☐ Social Change / ☐ Professional Development
☐ Personal Development
/ P.O. Box 327  Austin, TX 78767 Office / Fax:844-272-8044