Employment Policy

  1. Recruitment

1.1.The Management Committee will:

1.1.1.aim to fulfil the policy and procedures in respect of recruitment of staff outlined in its Equalities Policy;

1.1.2.ensure the availability of up-to date job descriptions and person specifications for both existing and new staff posts at the Charity.

1.2.Roles and job descriptions will be expressed as duties or in terms of competencies. The person specifications will be expressed in terms of knowledge, skills, aptitude and experience.

1.3.Members of staff appointed must fulfil the responsibilities outlined in the job description and must have met the requirements of the person specification.

1.4.The current job descriptions and person specifications for the Charity’s Toy Library Manager are available on request.

  1. Appointments

2.1.When a staff post falls vacant, the Management Committee will ascertain whether the work associated with the post is still necessary or whether the work should be undertaken by making some organisational change.

2.2.If the Management Committee decides to go ahead with filling the post, it will follow a fair and transparent process of advertisement and appointment, as it will with any new post which it decides to establish.

2.3.It is the Secretary’s responsibility to:

2.3.1.devise a timetable for the appointment of staff;

2.3.2.advertise the post externally and internally where appropriate;

2.3.3.distribute recruitment packs to applicants;

2.3.4.establish a Panel to shortlist and interview candidates.

  1. Advertising

3.1.All vacant posts will be advertised as the Management Committee sees fit.

3.2.A copy of the job description, person specification, background information about the Charity and an application form will be provided to each applicant.

3.3.All recruitment advertising will include reference to our:

3.3.1.Equalities Policy;

3.3.2.Privacy and Data Protection Policy; and

3.3.3.Relevant Health and Safety Policies.

  1. Selection Panel

4.1.The Selection Panel, which must be approved by the Secretary, will consist of members of the Management Committee[LH1], the majority of whom are members. TExceptional circumstances notwithstanding, the Chair of the Management Committee will normally chair the Panel for an employed position.

4.2.The Panel will normally consist of 3 people formally appointed by the Management Committee. The Panel may include people with special expertise, including co-opted persons. All members of the Panel will have due regard to our Equalities Policy throughout the recruitment process.

4.3.No member of the Charity who is related in any way to any applicant may participate in any stage of the selection process. Failure on the part of a Panel member to disclose a known relationship constitutes a breach of the Charity’s Code of Conduct and may lead to expulsion from our membership. Failure on the part of an applicant to disclose a known relationship constitutes grounds for rejection or for dismissal should the applicant be appointed.

  1. Selection Shortlisting

5.1.Only applicants who meet the essential requirements outlined in the person specification will be shortlisted for interview.

5.2.Shortlisting must be against agreed criteria for which evidence can be gained from a written application.

5.3.Reasons for shortlisting (and not shortlisting) should be recorded, as should reasons for offering (or not offering) an appointment.

  1. Interviewing

6.1.Interviewingwillbe against carefully structured questions to ensure that the process is objective and fair. Questions willbe devised in such a way as to cover all aspects of the person specification and to enable Panel members to assess a candidate’s suitability against that specification.

6.2.Records will be kept of the interview process including reasons for decisions at interviews whether conducted by the Panel or the Committee.

6.3.At least two references must be taken up before the confirmation of an offer is made.

6.4.The successful applicant’s details will be submitted for an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. Employment will be terminated if the applicant does not pass.

  1. Employment Terms

7.1.In drafting terms of employment, the Selection Panel shall have regard to the Draft Contract of Employment appended to this document including its appendices.

  1. Related Documents

Volunteer Policy

Job and Role Descriptions

Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers



Date of Next Review



Terms and Conditions

This contract is drawn up in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996.

  1. Name and Address of Employer:

The Management Committee

Lewisham Toy Library

Unit 46

Lewisham Shopping Centre

Molesworth Street

London SE13 7HB

  1. Name & Address of Employee:
  1. Date of Commencement of Employment:
  1. Job Title:
  1. Your Line Manager is:
  1. Your normal place of work is:
  1. Your annual salary is £......

7.1.Your salary will be reviewed annually. The date of the first review of your salary will be 1st April 20**.

7.2.You will be paid monthly by credit transfer to your bank account on the __ working day after the __ of each month.

  1. Hours of Work

8.1.Your hours of work total __ hours per week and leave entitlement etc. is based on that week.

8.2.You will work a flexi-time system agreed with Charity’s Management Committee.

8.3.Evening attendance at the Charity’s meetings may be necessary.

  1. Overtime

9.1.Overtime will not usually be necessary, unless agreed in advance with the Management Committee.

9.2.If overtime is worked and time off in lieu cannot be taken, payment will be made at the appropriate rate.


  1. Probationary Period

10.1.Your employment is for an initial probationary period of 6 months[AB4]. Your employment will be formally reviewed after the first 3 months of employment.

10.2.Your employment will either be confirmed after 6 months [AB5]of employment or the employer may recommend an extension of the probationary period up to 9 months.

10.3.If an extension had been recommended your employment will be formally reviewed at the end of the 9 month period and the employer will either confirm or terminate the employment.

10.4.You can appeal against the termination of employment in accordance with the Charity's grievance procedure.

  1. Annual Leave Entitlement

11.1.The Charity's leave year commences on 1st April and finishes on 31st March the following year.

11.2.The basic entitlement to paid leave will be __ days in the full leave year. Your leave entitlement in the current year will be contained in the leave record issued to you when you start work.

11.3.Leave must be agreed with your Line Manager in advance.

11.4.Up to 5 days holiday may be carried forward in the next leave year with the agreement of your Line Manager.

11.5.Payment in lieu of leave not taken will not be made except on termination of employment, or with the express agreement of the Management Committee.

11.6.Employees leaving the Charity's employment who have exceeded their entitlement will have their final salary payment reduced pro-rata.

11.7.Additional holiday, with or without pay, is at the discretion of the Charity’s Management Committee.

  1. Public and Privilege Holidays

12.1.There are 8 public and privilege holidays [AB6]in addition to annual leave entitlement. These are New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring and August Bank Holidays, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

  1. Compassionate Leave

13.1.The Management Committee will give consideration to any hardship or difficulty which might arise and necessitate a request for absence from work on compassionate grounds, such as bereavement or illness of an immediate family member.

13.2.Each request for compassionate leave will be considered on its own merit without recourse to any precedent, and leave may be granted with or without pay, or with reduced pay.

13.3.Requests for compassionate leave should be made in writing to your Line Manager.

  1. Training

14.1.A training programme and budget will be agreed between you and the Management Committee.

14.2.If agreed by the Management Committee, fees for appropriate courses shall be paid by the Charity, and if a course is not on a normal working day, the hours shall count in the flexitime system.

  1. Sickness Absence and Sick Pay

15.1.Provided that you comply with the notification requirements as set out in Paragraph 16, and produce self-certificates and doctor's statements when required, your entitlement to sickness allowance will be in line with the statutory requirements in force at the time.

  1. Notification Requirements

16.1.You, or someone acting on your behalf, must notify your Line Manager or another appointed member of the Management Committee of your absence by telephone (by not later than 2 hours after your normal starting time on the first day of absence).

16.2.If you will be unfit on the fourth day, you must give notification to your Line Manager /Committee Member by telephone or by other means (by not later than 2 hours after your normal starting time on the fourth day).

16.3.On return from up to 7 days sickness absence you must complete a self-certificate of absence form for all absence not covered by a doctor's statement for your Line Manager/Committee Member in order that Statutory Sick Pay may be awarded for the absence.

16.4.Where your sickness absence extends for more than 7 calendar days (including Saturday and Sunday) you must obtain a doctor's statement and submit this to your Line Manager/Committee Member by the 8th calendar day of absence.

16.5.All continued absence must be covered by doctor's statements and these must be submitted promptly.

  1. Work Injury

17.1.If you sustain an injury in the course of carrying out your duties for the Charity, you must report it to your Line Manager (or in his or her absence, a Committee Member) who will then ensure that the appropriate reporting procedures are followed.

17.2.If you are absent from work as a consequence of a work injury, you must follow the notification requirements for sickness absence set out above.

17.3.If the procedures for reporting an accident at work are not complied with, then payment for a work injury may not be made.

  1. Redundancy

18.1.Staff may be made redundant if the Charity ceases to operate as a whole or when particular management functions diminish.

18.2.The Management Committee undertakes to keep staff as fully informed as possible and consult with them about all options.

18.3.All staff will be treated equally under the redundancy procedure, regardless of age or length of service.

18.4.The main criteria for making decisions about staff redundancies are:

18.4.1.that the Charity 's constitutional obligations can be fulfilled;

18.4.2.that the strategic needs of the organisation are taken into account.

18.5.If staff are made redundant the Charity will meet its statutory obligations which are as follows:

18.5.1.if you are a member of a recognised trade union, the relevant trade union will be consulted prior to the redundancy taking place;

18.5.2.you will be given a written notice of redundancy which complies with the legal minimum notice required at the time;

18.5.3.reasonable time off to look for work will be given provided that:

  • you are full time and have had 2 years of continuous service;


  • you are part-time and have had 5 years of continuous service.
  1. Redundancy Pay

19.1.The amount of redundancy pay given will depend on your age, length of service and weekly pay.

19.2.Redundancy pay will be paid in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996 which governs statutory redundancy pay, or any subsequent legislation that is in force at the time.

  1. Termination of Employment

20.1.You may terminate your employment with the Charity by giving 3 months’ [AB7]written notice.

20.2.The minimum period of notice to which you are entitled is 3 months.[AB8]

20.3.During the probationary period the minimum notice by either side is 2 weeks.

  1. Pensions and Retirement

21.1.Under the Pensions Act 2008 you are entitled to a workplace pension if you earn more than the minimum wage.

21.2.The Charity provides a pension scheme with XYZ[AB9]. Further details are available from your Line Manager.

21.3.You will be automatically enrolled in this scheme.

21.4.The Charity contributes 3% and you must pay a minimum of 5% of your pre-tax earnings into the scheme.


  1. Maternity/Paternity Leave and Maternity Pay

22.1.You are entitled to be paid maternity leave in accordance with the statutory requirements if you are:

22.1.1.pregnant and continue to be employed;

22.1.2.have at least 12 months’ continuous service;

22.1.3.Inform the Charity in writing at least 4 weeks beforehand, or as soon as is reasonably practicable. [AB11]

22.2.Entitlement to annual leave continues during maternity leave.

22.3.Paternity leave will be given in accordance with the statutory requirements in force at the time.

  1. Membership of a Trade Union

23.1.The following rights exist in respect of membership and activities:

23.1.1.the right to be a member of such trade unions as you may choose;

23.1.2.the right not to belong to a trade union.

  1. Rules and Conditions

Data Protection

24.1.The Charity is registered as a data user and you must comply with all of the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.


24.2.You are expected to fulfil your obligations under this contract, i.e. you are expected to perform your duties so that an efficient and acceptable standard of service is provided to the Charity and its members.

Personal Details

24.3.You are required to notify the Charity of any change in your private address, email address and landline and mobile telephone numbers.


24.4.Your integrity must be beyond suspicion.

24.5.If you have to deal with any matter in the course of your duties in which you have a private interest you are required to disclose all the facts to your Line Manager.

24.6.You must declare any interest you have in any organisation with which the Charity does business.

24.7.Failure to declare such an interest may be treated as gross misconduct.

24.8.Because you are working with children and at risk adults, your details will be submitted for a Disclosure and Barring Service advanced check. Your employment will be terminated if you do not pass.

24.9.Failure to declare any subsequent conviction for a criminal offence during your employment will be treated as gross misconduct.

24.10.You must have regard to the Charity’s Code of Conduct.

Gifts and Hospitality

24.11.In general, these should be refused as it may be difficult to avoid obligation to the giver in the future.

24.12.However, gifts of low value may be accepted provided details are recorded in a hospitality book.[AB12]

Outside Employment and Private Trading

24.13.You must seek approval from the Management Committee if you wish to take any other paid employment or engage in private trading.

24.14.If permission is granted, you must ensure there is no conflict of interest between this employment and your work for the Charity.


24.15.You must not knowingly use or pass on information gained in the course of your employment with the Charity to any unauthorised third party.

24.16.You must comply with the Charity’s Code of Confidentiality[AB13].

24.17.You may give references for volunteers, but these should be agreed with your Line Manager.

Use of Premises and Office Facilities

24.18.The Charity’s premises and facilities may not be used for the business or purposes of any other organisation without the agreement of the Management Committee.

Travelling and Subsistence Allowances

24.19.You are expected to meet the costs of travelling to and from your normal place of work. If you travel on behalf of the Charity you will be entitled to a travel and subsistence allowance.

Return of Property

24.20.You must return to the Charity upon request, and in any event upon termination of employment, all documents, computer files and tangible items which belong to the Charity or which contain or refer to confidential information and which are in your possession or under your control.

Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure

24.21.The procedures to be followed are contained within the Charity's Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure which are appended to the Contract of Employment as Appendices A and B.

Health and Safety at Work

24.22.The Charity undertakes to comply with the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, as amended and all the relevant regulations and codes of practice issued under these Acts.

24.23.The Charity will seek to provide and maintain a working environment for all employees that is safe, without risk to health and with adequate welfare arrangements.

24.24.You are encouraged to make suggestions for the improvement of staff safety and security at work. It is your responsibility to work in a safe manner, and to report any potential safety hazards to your Line Manager.

24.25.You are required to observe the rules and regulations and fulfill the duties set out in the Charity’s Health and Safety Policy. Failure to follow these procedures may result in disciplinary action.

24.26.The Charity’s Health and Safety Policy will be given to you.

Equal Opportunities

24.27.It is the policy of the Charity to provide equality of opportunity to all. You will be given a copy of the Charity’s Equalities Policy.

24.28.If you do not comply with the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010, the Disability Discrimination Act 1955 amended 2005 and any other relevant equalities legislation, disciplinary action may be taken against you.


24.29.If you have serious concerns about wrongdoing relating to the administration or operation of the Charity you should discuss these with the Chair of the Trustees in confidence.

24.30.If you feel that your serious concerns are not being met, you should report the matter to the Charity Commission after reading their advice at:

  1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

I accept the appointment to the service of Lewisham Toy Library (the Charity) in the post of:


under the terms and conditions set out above.






  1. Introduction

1.1The Charity acknowledges its responsibility to provide a clear and transparent framework for dealing with difficulties which arise between employer and employee as part of the working relationship.

1.2Disciplinary procedures are needed so that employees know: