The meeting commenced at 7.04pm and concluded at 8.57pm


D Chick- Friends of Poole Park - Chairman

B Lister-Friends of Poole Park - Publicity Officer

T Smith-Friends of Poole Park - Events Co-ordinator

M Heckford-Friends of Poole Park – Treasurer

E Marsh-Friends of Poole Park – Committee Member

L Moore-Friends of Poole Park – Committee Member

J Marter-Borough of Poole – Leisure Services

R Nicholson-Borough of Poole – Leisure Service

M Raudsepp-Borough of Poole – Leisure Services

I Andrews-Society of Poole Men

J Austin-Williams -Orchard Area Residents’ Association

G Baldock-Friends of Poole Park

K Bearcroft-Parkstone Bay Association

J Boot-Bakker-Friends of Poole Park

D Broadhurst-Friends of Poole Park

G Budworth-Salisbury Resident

C Bullen-Poole Park Miniature Railway

L Cooper-Friends of Poole Park

L Dey-Friends of Poole Park

J Dibley-Poole Radio Yacht Club

F Douglas-Friends of Poole Park

V Douglas-Friends of Poole Park

J Eales-Friends of Poole Park

D Eldrett-Friends of Poole Park

Mrs Farnham-Friends of Poole Park

S Forster-Friends of Poole Park

E Gault-Friends of Poole Park

Cllr D Gillard-Councillor – Borough of Poole

M Grundy-Friends of Poole Park

A Hooper-Friends of Poole Park

W Hooper-Friends of Poole Park

R Jones-Poole Borough Band

N MacGregor-Friends of Poole Park

S MacGregor-Friends of Poole Park

C Middleton-Friends of Poole Park

J Norman-Friends of Poole Park

R St John-Friends of Poole Park

T St John-Friends of Poole Park

P Steer-Parkstone Bay Association

L Strothard-Clerk to the Friends of Poole Park


The Chairman opened the Meeting and welcomed new Members to the Friends of Poole Park. Committee Members and Local Authority Officers were introduced.


Apologies for absence were received from Mrs E Allen, Mr and Mrs Atkin, Mr Boot, Councillor Bulteel, Councillor Burden, Councillor Collier, Mr and Mrs Butler, Mr Bill Butler, Mrs M Coombes, Mr J Gillingham, Mr C Gorman, Mr and Mrs Lodge, Mr R Mountford, Mr and Mrs Muir and Mr C Watkins.

Members agreed to take Agenda Item 9, Treasurer’s / Membership Report, first.


The Treasurer presented the latest financial statement. (Full Report attached).

The balance on the Friends of Poole Park accounts stood at £18,696.03 as of 5September 2005. A profit of £9,226.00 from Fest ‘05 receipts had been recorded, with outpayments totalling £1,412.88. In response to a query from Mr Bearcroft, Bob Lister explained that negotiations with the Council over the cost of sound monitoring of the event were ongoing.

Members noted a sum of £480.00 from The Daily Echo and £1,017.00 profit from a bottle stall held by Chris Bullen were still to be credited to the account. Members expressed their sincere thanks to Chris for his fund-raising efforts and noted that the final profit from Fest ‘05 proceeds was likely to be substantial.


There were currently 178 Members, with 25 Temporary Members acting as Fest ‘05 Volunteers. Mike Heckford apologised to new Members awaiting Member Numbers and gave an assurance that Membership Forms would be processed within the fortnight.


AGREED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6June 2005 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendments:

(i)Pg. 1 – List of those Present, Line 13: G Budworth – ‘Poole Resident’ to be amended to read ‘Salisbury Resident’.

(ii)Pg. 8, Agenda Item 9 (a), Para. 4 – to be amended to read ‘Mr Ian Andrews outlined for Members his investigations into ownership of the waste land and stated that he had made a complaint to Poole’s District Auditor, as a result of which Western Challenge Housing Association had amended their plans for housing on the land’.


(a)Proposed New Restaurant Facility

Mr Ian Andrews presented feedback from The Society of Poole Men on plans to establish a new restaurant in Poole Park.

The Society supported the regeneration of the Park and responded positively to the concept of a new ice rink in the Cygnet Café. However, the Society wished the Friends of Poole Park and Local Authority to note the following observations:-

(i)the detailed design of the proposed new Restaurant should complement the Park and its surroundings;

(ii)concern was expressed there was no intention to go to open tender on the Project;

(iii)concern was expressed at the possible loss of trees at the proposed site;

(iv)the Society expressed the hope that the future of boating on the lake would be safeguarded;

(v)Members felt that recreational boating of all kinds should be included in the overall development plan and that provision should be made in the event of the Restaurant taking over the site of the former boatyard;

(vi)a number of issues would need to be addressed in the detailed planning phase including car parking arrangements, park opening hours and methods of excluding water birds from the outside decking of the Restaurant.

In response to the submission by The Society of Poole Men, Bob Lister confirmed that boating was integral to the Project and facilities would be provided as part of the new building.

In addition, Mr Ken Bearcroft requested the Friends of Poole Park formally minute that a number of assurances were sought from the Local Authority’s Planning Department regarding the development, as follows:

(i)that major trees on site be protected during and after the build;

(ii)that the path around the perimeter be retained without filling in the lake;

(iii)that the building be retained on the given site and not encroach on the adjacent grass or car park;

(iv)that the time limit on the adjacent car park be retained at one hour;

(v)that the site should not be extended to cater for staff parking, deliveries and storage;

(vi)that no wedding, birthday or alcohol drinking parties be permitted;

(vii)that the licence to serve alcohol not be extended beyond 10.30p.m.

Matti Raudsepp reassured Mr Bearcroft that items (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (above) had been discussed at the Special Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park on 11May 2005 and assurances had been given against the points raised. Members were reminded that the Local Authority’s Leisure Services was very confident and secure with the Project.

Items (vi) and (vii) related to Licensing issues and did not form part of the formal Planning Application. Adrian Forte would enter into discussions with the Local Authority’s Licensing Officers to determine licensing regulations for the new facility. Bob Lister reminded Members that there had never been a suggestion that the facility would be anything other than a Restaurant facility and would not become a ‘pub’ type venue.

Terms of lease for the property were currently being negotiated and would include a stipulated time for ‘last orders’. Mr Bearcroft asked that the terms of lease be ‘watertight’ in order to provide a safeguard in the event of the lease being sold in the future. On concluding negotiations, the terms of the lease would pass to the Portfolio Holder for Resources for decision. Subsequently there would be an opportunity for Local Authority Councillors to ‘call-in’ the decision for scrutiny. Ian Andrews requested that:

(i)where possible, the Friends of Poole Park be provided with the timetable of meetings to negotiate the lease;

(ii)that The Friends of Poole Park be consulted over the negotiations;

(iii)that The Friends of Poole Park be notified of the finalised terms of lease.

Matti Raudsepp agreed to approach the Portfolio Holder for Resources with the above request.

AGREED that:

(i)wherever possible, The Friends of Poole Park be informed of the timetable of Meetings to negotiate the terms of lease; and

(ii)that a formal request be made to the Local Authority that the Friends of Poole Park be consulted before a final decision be made on the terms of the lease.


(b)Children’s Play Area

Work on the new play area would commence in September.


The Chairman reported that the Friends of Poole Park would pay for the CCTV system.

(d)RSPB Identification Boards

The first vandal-proof stone cairn would be mounted at the Salt Water Lake, adjacent to the new picnic table. Sea bird artwork had already been received.

(e)Wooden Picnic Table

The circular hardwood picnic table had been installed after being fitted with a brass plate inscribed ‘Donated by the Friends of Poole Park’. A further table had also been ordered.

(f)Condition of the Cricket Square

It had not been necessary to hold a meeting with Leisure Services as the Council had improved the ground to a satisfactory level. Further improvements would be made with works commencing 12September. The Square was currently being irrigated in order to assist the removal of the grass and reinstatement of the surface was likely to take some time.

(g)Mr Robert Nother

Mr Robert Nother’s name had been omitted from the list of those present at the Special Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park held on Wednesday 11May 2005. Members agreed that his name be added to the Minutes retrospectively.

AGREED that Mr Nother’s name be added to the list of those present at the Special Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park held on 11May 2005.


A special mention was made of Terry Smith (Events Co-ordinator) and Lynne

Dey (Friends of Poole Park) who had announced their engagement at the

close of Fest ‘05. The Friends of Poole Park expressed its warmest

congratulations and presented a bouquet to Lynne.


Members were advised of the following issues:

  • new illuminated ;’No Entry’ signs had replaced the old signs at the entrance to the Swan Lake car park and at the main Lodge;
  • New signage banning coaches from entering the Park had been erected at the Whitecliff Causeway and at the mini roundabout;
  • 20 mph carriageway roundels had been repainted;
  • lamp post roundels had been cleaned;
  • new floodlighting was to be installed at the putting green;
  • the carpet of bedding plants at Lodge End had been relit;
  • resurfacing of the Westfield, Mini Marina and Swan Lake car parks had been arranged. Re-surfacing works could not be deferred until after completion of the new build as surfaces were in a dangerous state of disrepair, however it was agreed to re-surface the Swan Lake car park first in order to mitigate against damage from Plant Vehicles;
  • in response to a query from Mr John Austin-Williams, Poole Park’s Ranger advised that speed limit signage which had been removed from the Copse Close end of the Park would not be replaced. The Ranger agreed to investigate whether the road was a designated Park Road and report back to the next meeting;
  • new car parking spaces would be marked in order to maximise parking capacity. Leisure Services were considering marking bays in either green or red paint;
  • the contractor appointed to install wooden bollards would commence work within the fortnight;
  • in response to an issue raised by Ken Bearcroft, Matti Raudsepp agreed to investigate reports that Council Maintenance Vehicles were not utilising designated Council spaces when carrying out works in the Park.

(i)the Swan Lake car park be re-surfaced first in order to mitigate against damage caused by Plant Vehicles;

(ii)John Marter investigate whether the road at Copse Close was a designated Park Road and report back to the next meeting; and

(iii)Matti Raudsepp investigate reports that Council Maintenance Vehicles were failing to utilise designated Council spaces when carrying out works in the Park.



The Chairman expressed disappointment that, despite discussing tree planting and policy at the meeting on 6June, Leisure Services failed to give advance notification of the intention to fell a number of trees bordering the model yacht centre. In response, Leisure Services stated that they managed trees across the Borough and were taking steps to improve their performance in placing notices for such applications. Matti Raudsepp noted the issue for future applications.

Richard Nicholson, Technical Development Team Leader for the Local Authority’s Leisure Services, presented a report on Tree Management in Poole Park (attached). Main items as follows:

  • there were approximately 1,100 trees in the Park with 112 new trees planted since 2000;
  • a Tree Survey would be completed by Autumn 2005, the findings of which would form the basis of a Tree Management Strategy. Preliminary results indicated there was no decline in trees but a final figure would be available by the end of October. Recommendations of the Strategy would be brought to the Friends of Poole Park for consideration;
  • two key issues were already being considered by Leisure Services namely:

(i)an area of new planting to be the structural landscaping associated with the new restaurant on the promontory;

(ii)replanting of the Horse Chestnut Avenue. Approx. 50% of the trees had been removed and not replaced due to the need to maintain an ‘even-aged’ feature. Members would be consulted over options to replace the Avenue, including the option to fell all remaining trees and replace them altogether. Members could also consider the possibility of replacing the Avenue with a different broad-leafed species. English Heritage had been involved in preliminary consultations regarding the issue;

  • Leisure Services regretted their failure to inform the Friends of Poole Park in advance of the removal of a number of diseased Poplar trees. Every effort would be made in the future to better inform both the Friends and the Park Ranger.

Mr Austin-Williams expressed gratitude that Leisure Services were developing a comprehensive planting plan and requested the following issues be noted:

(i)two memorial Blue Cedars and a number of Oak trees bordering the Freshwater Lake had died;

(ii)the Council had in the past considered developing an Arboretum on the site of the old Zoo. Was this likely to be progressed?

(iii)Were there plans to remove the large trunk from the site of the old zoo?

(iv)Could care be taken with future replanting and choice of species – especially in the vicinity of the war memorial garden?

Regarding (i) and (ii) Richard Nicholson explained that Leisure Services had experienced some problems in establishing trees on parts of the site and it was speculated that the soil in certain parts of the Park was unsuitable for some species. Regarding (iii), the tree trunk had been pollarded in order to remove an unsafe crown and it was hoped that the tree would regenerate itself as a result. Regarding (iv), care would be taken that future replanting complemented the historical aspect of the Park.

Mr St John requested that, where possible, logs be left in the Park for ecological reasons.

The Chairman thanked Leisure Services for the report and requested that future reports make a note of the number of trees which have died.


(i)the contents of the Tree Management Report be noted; and

(ii)that future reports note the number of trees in Poole Park which have died.



Cllr Gillard reported on key issues as follows:

(i)Transportation Services had confirmed Traffic Regulations were applicable to Poole Park and the 20 mph speed limit and parking restrictions were legally enforceable;

(ii)notwithstanding (i) above, Dorset Police had indicated they were unlikely to take speeding in Poole Park as a priority for their Traffic Division;

(iii)the 2002 Traffic Regulations allowed repeat roundels to be painted on the carriageway and this could be a matter for consideration by The Friends of Poole Park.

The Chairman made a specific request that Cllr Gillard re-open discussions with Dorset Police to petition for the Park to be monitored just once annually, for a maximum of 1-2 hours at peak times. It was felt that just one speeding conviction could raise the profile of the problem across the Borough through media interest.

Members debated other possible measures to reduce the speed of traffic in the Park including

  • purchase or rent of solar speed monitors;
  • installation of additional ramps;
  • re-designating Poole Park a ‘Play Area’ and reducing the speed limit to 15 mph;
  • installation of planters infront of and behind the disabled bay to narrow the carriageway;
  • installation of rope speed humps
  • installation of traffic lights at Key Hole Bridge
  • selective closure of the Park to incoming traffic at peak times (4.00pm to 6.00pm)
  • initiating a one-way system of traffic-flow.

In addition, and following consultation with Transportation Services, Matti Raudsepp presented five options to Members for consideration:

1.preventing through-traffic at peak times (4.00pm to 6.00pm) by erecting a temporary barrier at the fountain and mini-marina in the centre of the Park;