Emerging Engineers Award

entry form


The Emerging Engineers Award promotes and rewards excellence in the originality and communication of civil engineering ideas and research.

Graduate and student members are invited to submit articles, projects or papers on any topic related to civil engineering.

Entries should preferably be based on your own work and can be adapted from university and employment research papers, project reports, quarterly employment reports, or professional review reports

Why enter?

There are many reasons to enter theannual Emerging Engineers Award;these includean excellent opportunity to:

  • showcase your talent to the engineering community and peers
  • give a boost to your self-marketing skills and confidence in public speaking
  • network with industry VIPs and exposure at ICE Awards Ceremony
  • improve your written and verbal skills in readiness for your Professional Review
  • add to your continuing professional development and development objectives

Entry Process

  1. Submit the application form, together with a synopsis of your paper, to your ICE Regional Support Team (RST). Non-UK members interested in participating should contact
  2. You will be contacted directly to confirm whether or not you have been selected to provide a copy of your full length paper
  3. Each region will select entries to be presented at their regional heat. Selected candidates are then invited to present their papers and participate in an audience debate. The assessment of the written paper and its presentation are given equal weighting
  4. The winners selected at regional level are further shortlisted to three finalists who will present their papers again at the Emerging Engineers AwardFinal at One Great George Street to decide the overall winner

Conditions of entry

The following are the conditions of entry to the Emerging Engineers Award:

  1. You must be a current graduate or student member of the Institution of Civil Engineers at the time of entering the competition.
  2. Papers are to be written by one author only.
  3. Should you be successful in representingyour region at the final, no alteration to your written paper is permitted.
  4. Your paper must be written in English in the third person andcan be of any length up to 4000 words; this does not include appendixes or footnotes.It must be submittedelectronically in A4 pdf format with all drawings and photographs incorporated into the submission. The title of the paper should be a brief and accurate representation of the subject matter.
  5. Unedited published papers are permissible.
  6. Authors are permitted to enter in consecutive years but not with the same paper.

Presenting your paper

If asked to present your paper at your regional heat you will be allocated a total time of 20 minutes; 10 minutes for presentation and 10minutes for discussion.

Presentations should be fluent, informative and readily understood; you are not necessarily obliged to present your paper verbatim.When introducing the paper, you should emphasise the most important features and explain how you approached your topic. Finalists are encouraged to explore their medium of presentation. Experience has shown that you will have to plan the practicalities of your presentation with care.

Finalists living outside the UK are able to present by video conference.


Regional prizes vary. Details of these can be provided by your Regional Support Team.

Regional winners have the opportunity to publish their paper on the ICE website.

The three shortlisted finalists have the opportunity sit on an ICE specialist panel for one yearandto have their paper published in an ICE Journal.

The prizes for the overall winner of the Emerging Engineers Awardinclude £1,500 cash and the Institution Medal presented at the ICE Annual Awards Ceremony, and the potential publication and promotion of your paper.

Contact details:

ICE membership no: / Current grade:
Surname: / Title:
Other names: / ICE Region

Personal information:

Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3: / Telephone:
Country: / Mobile
Postcode: / E-mail:

Title of article, project or paper*:

*Please attach a synopsis of your proposed article, project or paper.

Please return to your Regional Support Team.

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