Feedback Scenario 1: Recess Visual Strategy
Justin is a second grade student with ASD who is integrated into Mrs. Brown’s 2nd Grade Class. During a weekly caseload team meeting, Mrs. Brown explained she was really concerned about Justin at recess. She explained he was totally disconnected from the other students and spent his time at the far end of the playground by the fence.
The team decided to provide additional adult support on the playground. The result of that decision was that the adult and Justin stand by the fence during recess. At the next caseload meeting, the team decided to develop and implement a visual recess schedule. This way Justin can see what the expectations are for him on the playground. Justin’s mom reported that Justin likes to shoot baskets, he also likes to play on the slide and swing. This was incorporated into the visual schedule. The staff developed the schedule above and gave it to the paraprofessional assigned to him on the playground. At the next caseload meeting, Mrs. Brown said that Justin and the paraprofessional were still standing at the fence during recess. The team decided the building coach would meet with the paraprofessional and determine why the schedule was not being utilized.
The paraprofessional explained to the building coach that Justin did not seem interested in the schedule. She explained she showed it to him at the beginning of every recess. How canthe building coach enhance the probability the paraprofessional will implement the visual schedule?
Feedback Scenario 2: Academic Modifications
Jim is a 5th grade student with ASD who is integrated into Mr. Karl’s 5th grade classroom for the majority of the day. Jim goes to Mrs. Singer’s resource room class from 2:45-3:15 for organization and homework support. Jim requires significant academic modifications to participate in the general education curriculum. Mr. Karl and the paraprofessional assigned to the classroom are not implementing the academic modifications that the team have agreed to. Instead, they just give Jim the materials the other students receive even though Mrs. Singer has modified the same materials. They explain he doesn’t pay any attention to the modified materials so what is the use. Below is the science assignment for the following day. How can the building coach ensure that Mr. Karl and the paraprofessional implement the modified assignment?
Science Assignment - Name the stages of the water cycle
Jim’s Modified Science Assignment
Name the four (4) stages of the Water Cycle.
The process by which liquid water changes to water vapor is ______.
The process by which water vapor changes to liquid water is called ______.
Oxygenation Condensation
The process by which water is released through leaves is called ______.
The process by which water returns to the earth is called ______.
Hydrogenation Precipitation.
Feedback Scenario 3: Behavior Plan Implementation
Aiden is a 8th grade student with ASD. He has a behavior plan that was developed following several meeting mechanics / functional behavioral assessment meetings. All staff as well as parents participated in the meetings and the following behavior plan was developed:
Antecedent Strategies / Responding Plan- Utilize visual systems for transitions between hours, within tasks, and across settings
- Provide scheduled opportunities for movement.
- Alternate preferred activities throughout day/week.
- Utilize appropriately challenging tasks.
- Use a timer for unstructured tasks to provide a temporal frame.
- Increase opportunities for functional communication: View behaviors as communication and pair that behavior with the communication system that allows Aiden opportunities to appropriately communicate wants and needs.
- Increase independent behavior through the use of visual mini-schedules for activities.
- Utilize first / then cards can help organize expectations as well
- Maximize peer to peer opportunities.
- Reduce verbal prompting utilized by the paraprofessional and increase use of visual prompts.
3 Tokens
Paired with Visual Expectation Card with 1st token
Paired with Break Card for 2nd token
Time Away in Sensory Room
Puzzle for Compliance Task
Following a week-long implementation period, the coach leader did an observation to assure that strategies were being implemented with fidelity. In a 2 hour block, the only strategy in the behavior plan that was consistently utilized was the timer during tasks. Otherwise, little to no evidence of implementation for the antecedent strategies was observed. Further, although the token system was present during the observation, it was not paired with Aiden’s behavior nor were prompts of visual expectations or the break provided. Instead, Aiden was warned he would go to time away if he didn’t change his behavior. The staff indicated that if his behavior didn’t change, he would need to go home for the remainder of the day.
How can the building coach ensure that the behavior plan is implemented with fidelity?
Feedback Scenario 4 – Medium of Exchange
Sarah is a 6th grader with ASD educated in a Cross Categorical class.
During the 2nd Hour Current Events Class, Sarah is supported by three 7th grade girls. During the last 10 minutes of the current events class, the group of 4 girls has the opportunity to engage in an activity of their choice.
One of the 7thgrade girls selected a puzzle. Sarah turned her chair around and began tapping her shoes and talking about princess dolls, “purple princess doll with purple nail polish, red princess doll with red nail polish, green princess doll with green nail polish…”
The other girls began giggling, insecure and unsure about what they should do.
The teacher in the Cross Categorical Class explained at a team meeting Sarah does not seem to connect with other students even though she gives the girls 10 minutes at the end of each class period. She also explained she does not see the purpose of the peer to peer supports.
As the building coach, what might you say / do so the teacher can ensure the peer to peer students will engage with Sarah?
Scenario 5 – Preferred Activity
Ryan is a 9th Grade student with ASD. Ryan’s schedule is listed below:
Class Period / Teacher / TimesAlgebra I / Mr. King / 7:32-8:28
Physical Education / Mrs. Emmeret / 8:33-9:29
World Studies 9 / Mr. Long / 9:34-10:40
Lunch / 10:45-11:15
ELA 9 / Mr. Flemming / 11:20-12:16
Biology 9 / Mr. Wright / 12:21-1:17
Support / Mrs. Jones / 1:22-2:18
Ryan is a non-verbal student who requires significant academic modifications to participate in the general education curriculum. At a recent team meeting, Ryan’s special education teacher/coordinator explained that Ryan is having a difficult time at the end of class periods. The data shows that Ryan is trying to leave the general education classes in the last 9 minutes of the classes. When the staff followed Ryan when he exited the class, he goes straight to the gym. He then tries to get into the basketball cage to get a basketball. The only class that Ryan does not try to leave is Physical Education. At the end of the Physical Education class, Mrs. Emmeret lets Ryan shoot baskets until the bell rings.
Ryan is extremely talented at shooting baskets and seems very driven to do so. He also regularly chooses to shoot baskets at the end of the lunch period. The team all agreed that Ryan is trying to leave the end of the class period to shoot baskets.
As the building coach, what might you do to help the team incorporate shooting baskets into Ryan’s schedule / day.