Bill-of-Materials Extraction Released 11/13/96

Code Development:Lie Lwang, Pius Fischer, Kurt Vaillancourt

Interface Design:Pius Fischer

DocumentationKurt Vaillancourt


The Bill-of-Materials Extraction utility is used to extract the bill-of-materials from an EMS file, as an ordered set of ASCII data. This data will then be used to create drawing trees in an Oracle database.


The Bill-of-Materials Extraction utility creates an ASCII file in the users current working directory containing an ASCII representation of the bill-of-materials data. The icon for the utility can be found in the SLAC/Drawing Formats panel menu. The file created by the BOM Extraction utility is of a special format which, if altered by the user, will fail at the Document Control Release stage. DO NOT edit the BOM file. The bill-of-materials must be extracted prior to Releasing the drawing.


BOM file creation:

The BOM Extraction utility will create a xx12345678.b<rev lev> file in the current working directory or overwrite if a file of the same name already exists.

Part of “Release File” procedure:

You are now required to extract bill-of-materials from all drawings except model files (i.e., mo34467890.e0). The BOM files associated to an EMS file are deleted from both local(usr) and server(u3,u4,u5,u6,u7,u8,u9) directories on completion of “Release File”.

Automatic conversion of  to the string “DIA”

The BOM Extraction utility automatically converts the diameter symbol  to the ASCII text DIA.

Interactive post-processing of BOM data

The BOM Extraction utility allows the user to modify incorrect BOM data immediately after extraction.

Item Number Sequence check

The BOM Extraction utility checks the sequence of the Item Number column and displays an error message if necessary


1. Select the “Extract BOM” icon on the “SLAC/Drawing Formats” panel menu.

2. Read prompts and “place fence” accordingly.

3. Continue to “place fence” around data or “move on” to review bill-of-materials.

4. Review the ASCII representation of the bill-of-materials form and make any necessary changes.

5. Select the check on the form to complete the Bill-of-Materials Extraction.

6. Exit EMS without saving.


Some special characters, such as sub/super script and Greek, will not convert properly to the ASCII data set.

The BOM Extraction utility only extracts data from files that exist in the current working directory.

The BOM file must be newer than the EMS design file in order to be released.

The BOM Extraction utility will only extract data from CAD files which have been named using the Mechanical Design standard i.e.; xx12345678.e0

Segmented bill-of-materials must be located in the correct order (i.e., 1-10, 11-20, 21-n).

The BOM Extraction utility only recognizes 3 bill-of-materials grid row types as shown below.


3,4 or 6 cells per grid row

Completely empty grid cell (no text nor empty text) however it’s best to use the appropriate number of cells

Empty text nodes in grid cells

Empty text nodes and non-empty text nodes sharing the same grid cell

Multiple text elements within the same grid cell (sorted left to right, top to bottom)

Varying grid row heights


1,2,5,7-or-more cells per grid row

Multiple overlapping lines representing grid cell boundaries

Text location origin located outside of the grid cell boundaries(to view text location origin, snap to text)

Graphical entities embedded in BOM text(circles, lines, arcs, points etc.)

Cell boundaries which are not absolutely(1e-7 degrees) horizontal or vertical.

More than 256 characters per grid cell.


Error Message / Solution
Unrecognized escape sequence HEXIDECIMAL VALUE / None, ignore the message
Unrecognized character HEXIDECIMAL VALUE / None, ignore the message
No Vertical Lines Found! / Make sure that when placing BOM Extraction fence, all linear elements are completely encapsulated inside the fence.
No Horizontal Lines Found! / Make sure that when placing BOM extraction fence, all linear elements are completely encapsulated inside the fence.
CAD filename incorrectly specified, use xx12345678.e0 notation; Exiting BOM extraction / Use UNIX command mv to rename the EMS CAD file per the Mechanical Design standard i.e.; xx12345678.e0

FIXES: None ascribed