Minutes of the MAAIA Regional Meeting

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Beaumanor Hall, Leicestershire

Attendance / Apologies
Mick Adams
Julie Ash
David Bartlett
Dave Beddard
Gill Bladon
Peter Brown
Andy Checkits
Ann Davis
Ruth Fitton / Mavis Humphries
Amanda Johnson
Helen Masefield
Mick Marks
Cathy Openshaw
Jill Painter
Rose Payne
Pat Peel
Nicola Scott (part)
Anita Willars / Andy Baker
Kath Butler
Hayley Dilks
Duncan Gregory
Pam Hatfield
Collette Higgins
Elizabeth Lewin
Lisa Morris / Dorothy Rickerby
June Ryan
Joan Wilcox

This Regional meeting formed part of the MAAIA Regional Day, there were inputs from:

  • Christine Tarpey (Stoke on Trent) on The World Class Primary Programme
  • Gill Bladon (Wolverhampton) on AFL and
  • Pauline Pittman (Walsall) Progression Guidance
  • Pam Hatfield had sent information about the recent developments and findings form MGP in Leicestershire

The minutes represent the record of discussion between these inputs.

Matters arising from minutes/recent developments: / Action / Resp.
PB attended a conference and gave an update on the future of SIPs:
  • Headteacher SIPs encouraged
  • Upgraded role with 20 days per school (link adviser role being removed)
  • NCSL taking over training etc
  • At the conference questions were asked about apparent duplication/conflict in NCA/SIP roles in NC schools. LA accountability an issue, no answers were given
  • Needs to be clarification of financial mechanisms, reaccreditation and brokerage arrangements
  • Issues of capacity and communication if more serving Heads involved
PP had used the spring term SIP agenda meeting to undertake some joint work with consultants / Report any further developments at they arise / All
Professional Discussion
Chartered Assessor
Adam Goldstein is looking at assessment issues for including in the conferences. There was discussion around concerns for members. The picture around accreditation remains unclear.
CIEA appear to have the lead for monitoring EYFSP nationally. Achieving ‘Chartered Assessor’ status will allow employment (through LA, or independently?) to evaluate processes in schools. Worth £300 – 3400 per day to LAs but in current circumstances would an LA take this activity on?
To achieve Chartered Assessor status an MA in assessment is a suitable credit, alternatively CIEA are offering 2 day training with the requirement to submit a portfolio (as costs £2,000 could a group rate be negotiated?) / Invite Graham Herbert of CIEA to speak at 9 June 2010
Check membership levels and the requirements for the various levels. / CO/EL
EYs data
GB had attended a ‘Building Bridges’ conference. The focus was the same as the ‘Continuing the Learning Journey’ materials.
There had been an input on some data tracking EYFSP outcomes comparing to KS1 outcomes. Correlations were below those achieved in the similar Midlands analysis (eg CLL–KS1 APS = 0.68). There followed a discussion about correlation and issues surrounding the validity of the data. Jan Dubiel was attending but made no comment. / Group agreed that Midlands EYFSP-KS1 data analysis should continue (national cannot be relied upon to be produced again and regional version is possibly more reliable) / DB
QCDA update
EL - the issue of the possible boycott of tests was raised with QCDA at a recent meeting. The NAHT/NUT question for ballot is based around frustration of the reliability of the data. LAs are required to go ahead with the monitoring schedule and maintain the integrity of security. Any non-compliance should be reported through the Monitoring form and will then be a malpractice issue for QCDA.
MM suggested that the LA, through the Director, should contact schools identifying the implications for Headteachers of supporting the action; breach of contract issues, governing body responsibilities and/or likely actions that will be taken.
RF reported that the number of applications for additional time she had received was minimal, and if this could be an indication of schools intention to boycott. Other authority numbers were not much different, so unlikely.
There is a question mark over the SLTs and their administration. / Keep group informed / EL/CO
SCAAT table information
CO asked about ARA pg 57 and FORVUS – discussion of issue with removal of newly arrived pupils. Erratum had been issued to the effect that is it still 2 year period for eligibility.
QCDA Conference ideas
  • Landscape for the future
  • ‘KS2 light touch moderation’ – what does this mean
  • Science test feedback
  • Be prepared to confront issues that are concerning the audience
  • Redress balance of core function (KS2 tests actually represent less work in terms of statutory functions than KS1, and therefore need a lower priority within other conference items)
DATES likely to be in the first two weeks of November
Dr Brian Male
AD asked about whether or not group wanted to continue discussions with Dr Male. There was discussion around his suggested charges and how to manage a meeting, perhaps an extra half day attached to the summer regional meeting? / Approach Dr Male to establish if he is prepared to input for a half day. / AD
AAIA Tracking document
DB mentioned that the document would be updated if members thought worthwhile. This was agreed, and DB said it would go on the new website (which is looking good!)
Dates for next year
Meeting dates for 2010 – 2011 had not yet been set. / Propose dates by email / CO
Key Stage 1 Conference dates
Proposal for:
Wednesday 24 November 2010 or
Tuesday 30 November 2010
(depending on availability of conference centre) / Confirm and inform group / JP/CO
EYFSP Conference dates
Need to set a date – also for postponed Managers meeting / Suggest dates by email / AW

NEXT MEETING - WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2010: Venue Martineau Centre

AFL group to meet 10.30am

EYFS group to meet 11.30am

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