Meeting Minutes
Meeting: Wolds View Patient Group / Time: 1900 Hrs / Date: 07/07/2015 / Venue: Staff Room, Entrance A, Bridlington Hospital
Attendees: Anita Burnhill (Service Manager), BE, RT, MW. TH / Apologies: CE, CA
Agenda Item Number: / Action / Description / Who? / Timescale?
1 Apologies / Apologies as above
2 Minutes of last meeting / Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.
3 Matters Arising / Pharmacy Permission Sheets: AB had queried with Commissioning Support Meds Management the use of these forms patients were being asked to sign. Med Management advised this was an advanced service now being provided by most pharmacies and they would see if there was a standard permissions sheet.
Action: AB to chase up response. / AB / Next Meeting
4 Priority Areas / Practice Reputation: One of the key priorities identified at the previous meeting was keeping the good reputation of the practice with increasing registration and demand for the walk-in service. AB stated that the practice had to report to the commissioners each quarter the hours of appointments per week available per 1000 patients. This was one way for the practice to monitor any significant impact on appointments. Looking back at the last 2 quarters the number of hours had remained the same but it would be expected that this would decrease somewhat with the increase in list size. At the moment the practice can still offer routine appointments within 3 days.
Patient Survey: AB informed the group that a further patient survey would be undertaken by CHCP in the near future. The group could then review the results of this survey and identify any actions to address any issues raised.
5 Patient Champions / AB gave an update on the Patient Champions. The funding from Humber Foundation Trust was coming to an end in July but the practice would continue to support and work with the champions to identify ways to support the practice and to encourage new champions.
Variety Club: The champions were still holding weekly Variety Club meetings on Fridays at the Windsor Hotel in Bridlington to try and help social isolation, etc. After a slow start when initially set up there seemed now to be a bit more interest in the club from members of the public. The champions themselves also benefitted from these weekly meetings.
Dementia Friendly Practice: The champions and the practice had identified this as a project they could jointly work on. The practice were going to create a “Dementia Plan” in conjunction with “Dementia Friends” for the practice and also arrange for a talk from “Dementia Friends” for practice staff and champions around Dementia Awareness. The patient group expressed an interest in attending this talk.
Action: AB to arrange a date.
Healthwatch Workshops: Some of the champions were interested in attending workshops facilitated by Healthwatch on how to use NHS Choices to collate information for patients on local services to support health and wellbeing.
Action: AB to arrange dates for workshops. / AB
AB / Sept 2015
Sept 2015
6 Friends and Family / The group reviewed the recent Friends and Family feedback. Overall most service users would recommend the service. Out of 31 responses there was 1 response saying Unlikely and one saying Extremely Unlikely to recommend. Main theme in additional comments was waiting times but overall positive comments.
Action: AB to add comments for improvement to the spread sheet to aid action plan later in the year.
Action: AB to arrange for F&F cards to be placed in holders in the clinic rooms to try and encourage more feedback.
Action: AB to remind reception staff to clean the Ipad used for online F&F feedback at the end of each day. / AB
AB / Ongoing
7 Patient Champions / AB gave an update on the Patient Champions. The project funded by Altogether Better and Humber Trust was coming to an end in July but the practice would continue to support and promote the patient champions. The Variety Club was operating weekly now and attracting a few more attendees and the champions were hoping to provide regular signposting sessions in the practice.
9 Any Other Business / a)  Acupuncture: TH asked if Dr S was going to be doing acupuncture. AB advised this would depend on if it was listed in the specification for Minor Surgery for GP practices. The practice are currently looking at the specification for Minor Surgery to see what procedures could be undertaken in general practice. This would also be dependent upon an Infection Control inspection of the room to be used.
b)  Contract: TH asked how long the current contract had to run for Wolds View. AB advised it was approximately a further 2 years.
c)  Staffing: AB advised that JH had now left her post as Medical Secretary to take up a new job and relocation to York. The vacant post was to be advertised in the near future. / AB / Ongoing

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday 1 September 2015 at 7 pm.