Notebook Page 68- The Impact of Climate and Location on Population Distribution

SS7G11- The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical features, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Southern and Eastern Asia

SS7G11a. The student will describe the impact climate and location has on population distribution in Southern and Eastern Asia

The climates of most of the ______in Southern and Eastern ______vary depending on each country’s ______. Nearby ______, ______, ______, latitude and ______affect climate.

India has many types of ______. Snow and ice are in the northern ______, hot dry ______are in the central ______, and steamy tropical ______is along the southern ______. Along the mountain ranges to the ______, the temperatures are like those in other high altitude ______. Some of the highest ______are covered with ______and ______. A large ______area borders ______, while the ______is humid and almost ______. The ______in the center of the country is more ______, with a subtropical ______along the ______. Most of India’s people rely on ______and other agricultural ______, so most of the ______live along the great ______and in the fertile ______. Some of India’s largest ______are located along the ______or near the ______. Fewer people live in the ______in the higher center of the ______.

The climate of India is ______by seasonal ______known as ______. These winds blow hot, dry ______across the continent from the ______during the ______. In the ______and ______, the winds come from the opposite ______and bring heavy ______from the ______.These ______winds can be a ______when they bring much needed ______. On the other hand, monsoon ______can cause destructive ______. The______are very ______.

The people of ______have had to live their ______around these seasonal ______and ______. When the shifts in the ______are moderate, the Indian ______are able to ______the rich river ______soil and use the ______for ______and ______.

The same ______of climates is found in ______. A country as large as ______has nearly every type of ______. High mountain ______to the south cut ______off from India and the ______that might come from the ______. The ______and ______desert regions in the center of the ______are______and ______. Mongolia to the north is ______, and the areas to the ______and ______are ______and even ______. Most of China’s one ______people live in the ______of the country that have the ______climates. Here are found the great ______and most of the fertile ______.

Japan, an______nation on the far ______edge of ______, has a climate affected by ______. The ______Current coming from the ______brings ______to the southern and eastern ______of Japan, while the ______Current coming from the ______cools the ______coast. The ______parts of the country are able to have longer ______seasons for farmers, while those living in the ______north rely on ______. Japan experiences ______rains and even tropical ______called ______.

North Korea shares a ______with ______and has short ______and long, cold ______, much like that of the ______corner of China. The land is ______and not as heavily ______as South Korea.

South Korea has fewer ______and a milder ______, due to the warm ______that come from the ______. South Korea has a larger ______than North Korea. Many South Koreans live in the ______largest city, ______. Farming is more widely ______here than in the ______north. Countries further to the ______like ______are warmer and ______. Here climate and ______join to create rich ______where ______of the world’s ______is grown.

  1. What is the name of the seasonal winds that affect India?
  1. Where do most of the people of India live today?
  1. What is the best way to describe the climate of China?
  1. Where do most people live in China today?
  1. What are the main factors that influence the climate of Japan?
  1. How could you best describe the geography and climate of North Korea?
  1. How could you best describe the geography and climate of South Korea?
  1. Which type of climate makes Vietnam ideal for growing rice?