HELD ON 9th MAY 2011

David Scott (Chairman) opened the meeting and welcomed Derek Moss, Trustee, and Susan Brown (Area Community Co-ordinator for Coalfields). He also expressed sorrow for the deaths during the past year of Alma Howe, Jane Patterson and Betty Binks.

1.MINUTES OF AGM held on 24th May 2010

David welcomed 25 members to the meeting and asked for the minutes to be read. After one or two slight discrepancies were acknowledged these were agreed as correct.


Derek Moss was proposed by David Scott, seconded by Lesley Shale and agreed.


3.1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from B. Ball, Bill Brookes, H. Ferry, J.Harrison and F. Mole.

3.2 Chairperson’s Address

D. Scott reported that last year there had been a number of costs, e.g. outside paintwork, emergency lighting, window repairs, and drains problems. In contrast we had had a very successful Scarecrow Trail, both in terms of finance and pleasure. Our website had been created and thanks were extended to Mike Brewster for managing this. Some spring bulbs had been planted last autumn and these had provided a cheery display this year. Finally he thanked everyone whose contributions in whatever way had helped the running of the centre.

3.3 Secretary’s Report

Lesley Shale was pleased to report a successful year with fantastic support from the committee who had taken on all sorts of roles voluntarily. The statutory 10 committee meetings have been accomplished and some of them included presentations by outside speakers. A lot of jobs had been done by committee members which has saved us spending money. Particular thanks were expressed to George Lumsden, David Scott, Mike Brewster and Bill Brookes in this regard. Others had been engaged in cleaning and tidying duties. Although we have had a lot of expenses this year it is hoped this will be to the benefit of the centre in the future. We are hoping to have some new lighting by this time next year and, if so, then we shall be able to remove the old battery powered unit in the room behind the stage. Lesley also announced a project which she was working on to improve the grounds of the centre. Discussions are in progress with Groundworks on plans to clear eyesores and to landscape the present grassed areas.

This Saturday there is to be an Open Day to promote the opportunities and activities at the community centre. Disappointingly one of the martial arts groups can not now provide a demonstration of their sport but it is hoped the other groups will fill the gap. The groups using the centre are much the same except that the W.I. have decided to move their main meetings to the village hall. However, they wish to remain involved in any future events. A new group – the Zumba class – is attracting good numbers, particularly of a young to middle aged group. We have had a good variety of private hire events and parties, funerals, blood doning sessions etc.

Our Service Level Agreement allowance for this year is £1200 which enables us to afford a cleaner and entitles us to grass-cutting services by the council workmen.

Lesley then thanked the Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary for their efforts, and all members for coming to events and giving their support.


Page Hargrave went through the three pages of his statement which summarised the income, expenditure and balances for the year. He explained that the balance was down on the previous year, mainly due to the aforementioned costs in connection with the upkeep of the building. The statement was agreed and formally adopted.


Those members who had expressed a willingness to serve were elected unopposed. They comprise:

W.L. Brookes, S. Dinsdale, P. Hart, G. Lumsden,

M. Mole, G. O’Donnell, M. Scott, A. Stafford.


The Chairman asked Mr. Moss to take over the chair to conduct the election.

The following officers were elected unopposed:-

Nominated bySeconded by

ChairmanD. ScottJ.P. HargraveL. Shale

Vice ChairmanM. BrewsterL. ShaleE. Faith

SecretaryL. ShaleJ.P. HargraveD. Scott

Assistant SecretaryP. BrookesL. ShaleS. Dinsdale

TreasurerP. HargraveD. ScottL. Shale

Vice TreasurerJ. ChapmanE. FaithG. Lumsden


Ladies Section – Olive Bellas and Liz Watts.


It was proposed by D. Scott that we continue with the services of Reah & McBride. This was agreed unanimously.


9.1 Parents & Toddlers No report.

9.2 Carpet Bowls David Scott reported a satisfactory year.

9.3 Ladies Section Liz Watts gave a concise account of the activities and achievements for the year. They had raised their subscription to 50p per session.

9.4 Childminders’ Support Group A written report had been received from Maureen Bell who apologised for absence from the AGM and Open Day. The group had suspended their activities at present. However rent was received via the Monument Centre.

9.5 Whist George O’Donnell reported very enjoyable afternoons and were always looking for new members. They were sad to report the loss of their oldest member.

9.6 Friday’s Friends A group of 6 adults and 10 children met and held activities, mainly during the school holidays.

9.7 Youth Group No report, but Lesley mentioned that Phil Conn and/or John Butler were here on Friday evenings when they had approximately 40 children attending. Police reported positively on the effects locally.

9.8 Social Events Lesley reported on quite a varied programme over the year. Forthcoming events are:-

21 MayPeter Southern to entertain at social evening.

25 JuneRace Night organised by Elliott Patterson as a fundraising event.

JulyChocolate themed evening with quiz and prizes.

SeptemberScarecrow Trail and Ceilidh

OctoberHoping to engage Friends of Jazz to play.

Christmas Fair


Open Day Saturday 14th May. David Scott thanked those involved in leaflet distribution and asked for more volunteers.

Website Improvement Mike Brewster reported that facilities were to be extended to include “buttons” at the side of the screen to promote special events which would then link to information on the topic. All information for such events should be forwarded to Mike.

Heritage Projects Susan Brown, Area Community Co-ordinator for Coalfields explained briefly that there was funding available for heritage projects and that she was willing to come and talk on the subject.

There being no other business David Scott closed the meeting at 8.30 p.m. and invited everyone to enjoy the refreshments organised by Mr. & Mrs. Chapman.

AGM 2011 Minutes125/04/12