Instructor: Mrs. Matonis………………………………. Room 911
Classroom Procedures, Expected Behaviors and Rules
- Be on time, take out your project, needed tools, and begin working at assigned seat.
- Be responsible for personal area and other areas where you are working. KEEP IT CLEAN. If it’s around you seat, it is your responsibility whether you put it there or not. Students will not leave classroom until this is done.
- Learn about and use tools and supplies correctly.
- Return tools, supplies, books and artwork to designated areas.
- No talking when teacher is presenting information or instructions. Quiet talking during student independent work time.
- Stay out of supply room, office and teachers desk, unless given permission.
- Students are to stay in their assigned seats until the bell rings, no loitering at the door, no leaving early.
- Time is allotted between classes to use the bathroom and water fountain. Only in rare instances will you be allowed to leave the classroom for this or any other purpose. If permission is granted you must sign out on the sign out sheet and get a pass.
- NO CELL PHONES. Consider this your one and only warning. Any cell phone use or any cell phone I see will be taken and turned into the office.
Actions That Will Result In Disciplinary Measures
- Talking during instruction.
- Actions annoying or disrupting other classmates.
- Actions causing damage or destruction to school or personal property.
- Rude or discourteous behavior.
- Willful disobedience or failure to follow classroom amd school rules.
- Defiance of teacher authority
- Use of profane or obscene language.
No Projects will contain subject matter relating to gangs, inappropriate slurs to a group of people, or drug and drug paraphernalia. In the case that one of these occurs, the student will receive an F for the project
1. Students will be given a verbal warning about inappropriate behavior.
2. Continued misbehavior will result in parent phone call.
3. Administrative referral inappropriate behaviors continue.
Note: All students are expected to follow the code of conduct as stated by LemonBayHigh School and the School Board of Charlotte County. Any major infraction of this code will result in immediate administrative referral.