circuit excel association of south australia

1st Quarter 2016 General Meeting – Minutes

Monday 1st February 2016

  1. Meeting Opened 7:30pm at TAFE SA Regency Park campus.

Andrew Young in Chair. Peter Hood as Minutes Secretary.

Present:Peter Hood, Andrew Young, Wayne Pannowitch, Martyn Butler, Nathan Green (no others listed).

Apologies:Ashleigh Bennett, Trevor Pound, Richard Bailey.

  1. Minutes of previous GM (2015 AGM): Accepted - moved by Wayne Pannowitch, seconded by Martyn Butler. Carried.
  1. Actions from previous AGM minutes: Nil.
  1. President’s Report.
  2. Peter Hood had a meeting with Mr Gene Ebel , Dealer Principal of Stilwell Hyundai. The CEASA have been presented with an offer of $3000.00 for Stilwell Hyundai to become the "naming rights sponsor". In effect our series would become known as the "Stilwell Hyundai Circuit Excel Cup". StillwellHyundai will supply the windscreen banners, which all cars will need to display. The club will pay for the banners at an approximate cost of 12.00 per banner, with a suggested 40 to be made. Peter Hood to contact Gene and organise before Round 1.
  3. Moved by Martyn Butler, seconded by Leon Bonderenko. Carried.
  1. Secretary’s Report.
  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  1. Technical Committee Report:
  • Martyn Butler talked about engaging an independent eligibility scrutineer. Alan from Car Torque Products would do this at a suggested price of $10 per competitor. Dave Shaw, a new member has also volunteered for this role. Darren Mattiske to look into any CAMS accreditation that Dave might need. Moved by Martyn Butler, seconded by LeonBondarenko.
  • The rear quarter panel regulation was queried and Andrew confirmed that this ruling was now not applicable.
  1. Promotions Committee Report:
  • Martyn Butler has again arranged support from Car Torque Products for the sponsorship of rear window banners ($1100.00), and Valvoline are again supplying $1000 worth of products - great work!
  1. Competition Secretary Report:
  2. Nathan Green spoke about awarding a "club championship" for those competitors with an Excel, but not necessarily interested in circuit racing (so targeting hill climbs, mod regularity etc.). Andrew proposed that Nathan Green, Dave Shaw, Ashleigh Bennett and Darren Mattiske set up a working group and report back to the committee within the month.
  1. General Correspondence: Not Applicable.
  1. Circuit Excel Management Committee (CEMC) Update:
  2. Andrew Young spoke about the Victorians wanting to introduce their own supplementary regulations, to overrule CAMS regulations, to enforce XYZ Coil overs as the only suspension allowed in their series. The opinion of Brendan McLean from CAMS was that if they were running a CAMS sanctioned event the National rules would prevail.
  3. Various discussions were had regarding the vice rules, agreement was that the national rules need "refining" to tighten up a few items. Andrew Young offered anyone with issues relating to the rules to email him.
  4. Nathan suggested we look at measuring track width as a simple way of checking cars
  5. The Queensland association are hosting the first ever national Circuit Excel event on 24th and 25th of September.
  1. Other Business:
  2. Andrew Young acknowledged the recent CAMS award received by Darren Mattiske.
  3. Martyn Butler enquired as to what the club would be spending our healthy funds on, discussion suggested a club car trailer, but with some concerns due to the cost prohibitive nature of one (i.e.: $15,000.00). Nathan agreed to email a questionnaire before the next meetingto seek some ideas (perhaps donation to JDP, hire of a shed at Mallala to store a BBQ as further examples).
  4. Martyn Butler also enquired if a Driver Standards Officer will be present at the upcoming race meeting. Peter Hood will contact Keith Williamson at the Sporting Car Club of SA to clarify.
  1. Meeting Closed 9:31pm.
  1. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday 2nd May.