United Nations / Distr.
Environment / GENERAL
Programme / UNEP/OzL.Pro.S/Inf.4
20 December 1996
ORIGINAL: English/Francais/Spanish





San José, 2527 November 1996








San Jose, Costa Rica, 1927 November 1996


27 November 1996



M. Mohamed El Hadi BermadjiH.E. Mr. Humberto Toledo

Directeur d'EtudesEmbajadar

Direction Générale de PenvironnementEmbajada de Argentina en Costa Rica

Immeuble El Djamila Apdo. 19631000

Bt No.6 place El Qods Hydra San José

Alger Costa Rica

Algeria Tel: (+506) 234 65 20

Tel: (+213 2) 60 48 64 Fax: (+506) 283 99 83

Fax: (+213 2) 60 50 72 Telex: 2117EMBARG


ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Ho n. Adolfo Rosellini


H.E. Dr. John W. Ashe Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Ambassador/Deputy Permanent RepresentativeReconquista 10887

Permanent Mission of Antigua Buenos Aires

Barbuda to the United NationsArgentina

610 Fifth Av., Suite 311 Tel: (+541) 311 45 29

New York, N.Y. 10020 Fax: (+541) 311 45 29

USA Email:

Tel: (+212) 541 41 17

Fax: (+212) 757 16 07 Mr. Roberto Hugo Kurtz

Email: ecretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente


San Martin 459Buenos Aires(1004)


Tel: (+54 1) 348 83 87

Fax:(+54 1) 348 83 67

Mr. Osvaldo J. DegdegAUSTRIA

Embajada de Argentina en Costa Rica

Apdo. 711201000Hon. Martin Bartenstein

San Jos6Minister

Costa RicaFederal Ministry of the Environment

Tel: (+506) 234 65 20Stubenbastei 5

Fax: (+506) 283 99 83A1010 Vienna

Telex: 2117EMBARGAustria

Email: l: (+43 1) 515 22 0

AUSTRALIAMs. Irene FreudenschussReichl

Federal Ministry of the Environment

Mr. Richard BroniowskiStubenbastei 5

Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeA-1010 Vienna

Australian Embassy Mexico CityAustria

MexicoTel: (+43 1) 515 22 16 27

Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 76 26

Mr. James ShevlinEmail:

Assistant Director

Ozone ProtectionDr. HugoMaria Schally

Environment Protection AgencyFederal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

40 Blackall St.Ballhauspl. I

Barton ACT 2600A1014 Vienna


Tel: (+,616)274 14 81Tel: (+43 1) 53,1 15 33 51 / 32 88

Fax: (+616)274 1640Fax: (+43 1) 531 85 235

Email: ail:

Mr. Gregory Lawrence RoseMr. Manfred Ogris

Trade Environment and Nuclear Law UnitBMUJF

Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeStubenbastei 5

Parkes ACT 2600A1010 Wien


Tel: (+61 6) 261 27 05Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 17 41

Fax: (+61 6) 261 21 44Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 77 37


Mr. Kerry Kutch

DirectorMr. Ralf B6ckle

Development Bank SectionFederal Ministry of the Environment

AUSAIDStubenbastei, 5

62 Northbourne Avenue1010 Vienna

GPO Box 887Austria

Canberra ACT 2601Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 / 50 20

AustraliaFax: (+43 1) 515 22 50 00

Tel: (+616) 206 49 73

Fax: (+616) 206 49 98




Mr. Dwayne CurtisMr. BekpaKinhou Ange C. Michel

Chief Public AnalystFOEIBenin

Department of Environmental HealthLes Amis de la TerreBenin

Ministry of Health and EnvironmentBP 031162

P.O. Box N8903Cotonou


BahamasTel: (+229) 30 21 05

Tel: (+242) 322 28 45Fax: (+229)2205

Fax: (+242) 323 38 63



BELARUSMrs. Skelemani, Kelebone D

Ministry of Works , Transport and

Hon. Alyaksandr N. ApatskyCommunications

ViceMinisterP.Bag 007 /Gaborone

Ministry of Natural Resources andBotswana

Environment Protection of theTel: (+267) 35 85 05

Republic of BelarusFax: (+267) 31 33 03

Kollectomaya 10

220048 MinskMr. David Mmile Lesolle

BelarusPrincipal Meteorologist

Tel: (+375 172) 20 39 86 20 66 91Department of Meteorological Services

Fax: (+375 172) 20 55 83P.O. Box 10100


Dr. Alexandre A. SavastenkoBotswana

Chief Expert of SecretariatTel: (+267) 356 281

Interstate Ecological Council (IEQFax: (+267) 356 282

31 "A , room 612, V. Khoruzhaya str.Telex: 2533 WTHERBI)

220 002



Tel: (+375 17 ) 276 92 59

Fax: (+375 17 ) 234 65 22Mr. Antonio A. Dayrell de Lima

Cancilleria, Gob.

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


Tel:(+55 61) 224 10 79

Mr. Jozef Buys

Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation

Brederodestraat 6

B1000 Brussels


Tel: (+322) 500 63 11

Fax: (+322) 500 65 30


Ms. Vivian Loss SanmartinMs. Sandra Maria de Alvarenga

Ministry of External RelationsBrazilian Institute for the Environment and

Division for the EnvironmentRenewable Natural ResourcesIBAMA

Brasilia,D.F.IBAMASAIN Av. L4 Norte

BrazilEdificio Sede do IBAMA

Tel: (+55 61) 211 68 64Brasilia, D.F.

Fax: (+55 61) 224 10 79Brazil

Email: l: (+55 61) 316 13 25

Fax: (+55 61) 225 05 64

Mr. Evandro Soares

Ministry of Industry, Commerce andMs. Edna Stella B.G. Costa Manso


Esplanada Dos MinisteriosS.A.I.N. Parque Rural Norte

Blocko J. Sala 519Brasilia, DF

Brasilia D.F.Brazil

BrazilTel: (+55 61) 340 35 03

Tel: (+55 61) 325 23 02Fax: (+55 61)3403504

Fax: (+55 61) 325 23 02Email:

Mr. Leonardo Borba MeiraMs. Maria Kalyva

Planning and Budget MinistryFederal Government Environmental Ministry

Esplanada dos MinisteriosEsplanada. dos Knisterios

Bloco K, Sala 561Bloco B. Sala 836

Brasilia, D.F.Brasilia D.F.


Tel: (+55 61) 226 19 93Tel: (+55 61) 317 12 74

Fax: (+55 61) 225 40 22Fax: (+55 61) 317 13 52

Ms. Liamarcia Silva Hora

Ministry of Environment Hydric ResourcesBULGARIA

and Legal Amazone

Esplanada dos MinisteriosMr. Tzvetkov Vanguel Nikolov

BLB, 8 AndarChief of Department

Brasilia,D.F.Ministry of Environment

BrazilSofia W. Gladston 67

Tel: (+55 61) 317 11 64Bulgaria

Fax: (+55 61) 317 13 52Tel: (+359 2) 980 20 83

Email: Ishoramma.goo.Br Fax: (+359 2) 800 725/810509

Telex: 22145MOS



M. Victor YarneogoHon John A. Fraser, O.C. , Q.C.

Coordonnateur du programme de pays OzoneAmbassador for the Environment

Ministére d'Etat Ministre de I'EnvironnementDepartment of Foreign Affairs and

et de I'EauInternational Trade

03 BP 7044125 Sussex Drive

Owagadougou 03Ottawa, Ontario KIA OG2

Burkina FasoCanada

Tel: (+226)30 63 97

Fax: (+226) 31 81 34Ms. Lynn Berthiaume

Telex: SEGEGOVN 5555Manager, Stratospheric Ozone

Environment Canada

Mr. Nacro MouhoussineEnvironmental Protection Service

48 Range Road, OttawaGlobal Air Issues Branch

Kin 8J4 OntarioPlace Vincent Massey, Ilth floor

Canada351 St. Joseph Blvd.

Tel: (+613) 238 47 96Hull, Quebec KIA OH3

Fax: (+613) 2i8 38 12Canada

Email: el: (+1 819) 953 16 76

Fax: (+1 819) 994 05 49



Mr. Mark Gawn

Hon. Prof. Joseph MbedeA.lent Principal de programme Direction

Ministregénérale des programmes multilatéraux

Ministere de I'Environment et des FôretsAgence canadienne de développement


Cameroon200 Promenade du Portage

Tel: (+237 ) 23 94 61Hull, Quebec

Fax: (+237 ) 23 94 61Canada

Tel: (+ 1 819) 994 70 89

Mr. Roger TonleuFax: (+ 1 819) 953 53 48

Coordonnateur National du Programme OzoneEmail:

Action National

Ministere de I'Environnement et de Foréts

YaoundeMs. Sonja Henneman

CameroonPolicy Advisor, Stratospheric Ozone

Tel: (+237) 23 94 62Environment Canada

Fax: (+237) 23 94 61351 St. Joseph Blvd I Ith floor

Hull ' Quebec, KIA OH3


Tel: (+1 819) 994 61 43

Fax: (+1 819) 994 05 49




Conseiller Juridique Droit International de

1'environmentMr. Laurent Banguenon

Direction des opérations juridiques (JLO)Ministére de l' Environnement

125, Promenade SussexCoordinateur Point Focal Ozone

Ottawa, Ontario KIA OG2BY 828

CanadaBureau National Ozone

Tel:(+613) 995 11 35Bangui

Fax:(+613) 992 64 83Central African Republic

Email: l: (+236) 61 19 42

Fax: (+236) 61 49 18

Mr. Robert B. SaundersTelex: (+236) 52 09 RC

Policy, Program and International Affairs Branch

Atmospheric Environment Service

4905 Dufferin StreetCHAD


Ontario M311 5T4M. Madjiyengar Yoassourn

CanadaInspecteur d'Administration Générale

Tel:(+1 613) 416739 41 42Ministere des Travaux Publics, de

Fax:(+1 613) 416739 48 82I'Habitat et des Transports

Email: rection de l'Urbanisme et de I'Habitat

P.O. Box 57

Ms. Jacinthe SéguinNdjamdna

Manager, Technology Transfer OfficeChad

Environmental Technology AdvancementTel: (+235) 52 27 74/52 27 71/ 52 35 52

DirectorateFax: (+235) 52 37 09/52 14 98

Environmental Protection Service

18th Floor, 351 StJoseph Blvd.CHIME

Place Vincent Massey

Hull, Quebec KIA OH3Mr. Hernan Tassara

CanadaDeputy Director

Tel:(+819) 953 93 64Special Affairs Division

Fax:(+819) 953 72 53Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Email: thedral 1158Santiago


Mr. Alain TellierTel: (+56 2) 679 43 75

Department of Foreign Affairs andFax: (+56 2) 672 50 71

International Trade

Environment Division

Lester B. Pearson Building

Tower B 4th Floor

125 Sussex Drive

Ottawa, Ontario KIA OG2


Tel: (+ 613) 996 42 66

Fax: (+ 613) 944 00 64


Mr. Sergio VivesMr. Cai Lijie

Ministerio de Relaciones ExterioresChief Program Officer

de ChileDivision for International Organizations

Direcci6n de Politica EspecialDepartment of International Cooperation

Cathedral 1158 of 156National Environment Protection Agency

Santiago No. 115, Nanxiaojie Xizhimennei

ChileBeijing 100035

Tel: (+56 2)67943 84China

Fax: (+56 2) 672 50 71Tel: (+86 10) 66 15 19 33

Email: dipesp 1.@ mrree.cl Fax: (+86 10) 66 15 17 62

Mr. Pan Xiaojiang

CHINADeputyDirector General

World Bank Programme

Mr. Wang YangzuMinistry of Finance

Deputy AdministratorNo. 115, Nanxiaojie Xizhimennei

National Environment Protection AgencyBeijing 100035

No. 115 , Xizhimennei NanxiaojieChina

Beijing 100035Tel: . (+86 10) 68 55 25 76

ChinaFax: (+86 10) 68 55 10 62

Tel: (+86 10) 66 15 17 53

Fax: (+86 10) 66 15 17 68Mr. Gao Feng


Mr. Liu ZhemninDepartment of Treaty and Law

CounsellorMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Department of Treaties and LawBeijing 100701

Ministry of Foreign AffairsChina

225 Chaonei St.Tel: (+86 10) 65 25 55 20

Beijing 100701Fax: (+86 10) 65 13 45 05


Tel: (+86 10) 65 25 55 20Mr. Yang Yuanyi

Fax: (+86 10) 65 13 45 05Deputy Director General

Department of Science and Technology

Mr. Liu YiMinistry of Chemical Industry

Deputy Director GeneralBeijing 100723

Foreign Economic Cooperation OfficeChina

National Environment Protection AgencyTel:(+86 10) 64 91 44 55

No. 115, Nanxiaojie XizhimenneiFax:(+86 10) 64 91 56 54

Beijing 100035


Tel: (+86 10) 66 15 17 75COLOMBIA

Fax: (+86 10) 66 15 17 76

Mr. Jorge.Michelsen

Embajada de Colombia en Costa Rica

300 oeste Taco Bell San Pedro

San José, Costa Rica

Tel: (+506) 283 71 91

Fax. (+506) 283 68 18


Dr. Alvaro José RodriguezH.E. Mr. Manuel Dengo B.

Jefe de Cooperaci6n InternacionalEmbajador de Costa Rica ante

Ministerio del Medio AmbienteNaciones Unidas y Organizaciones

Calle 16 No 6-66, Piso 30Internacionales

BogotdI I Rue Butini

Colombia1202 Ginebra

Tel: (+57 1) 281 00 54Suiza

Fax: (+57 1) 281 00 54Tel: (+4122) 731 25 87

Fax: (+4122) 731 20 69

Mr. Diego VelascoEmail:

Carrera 8 #1573 P6


ColombiaMr. Alvaro Brenes Vargas

Tel: (+57 1) 282 80 17 ext 146Comision. Gubernamental del Ozono

P.O. Box 7 33501000 San Jose

Costa Rica

Ms. Carmen Silva Pinz6nTel: (+506) 258 23 70/ 258 26 21

Permanent Mission of Colombia toFax: (+506) 233 17 91

the United NationsEmail:

10, R. Chaussd, COQGeneva

SwitzerlandDra.Liliarn Arguello Zufliga

Tel: (+41 22) 788 33 45Ministerio de Salud

Fax: (+41 22) 791 07 87.San Josd , Costa Rica

Tel: (+506) 223 26 12

Fax: (+506) 222 14 20


Mr. Carlos Alberto Hidalgo

Mr. Marius Issanga NgamissiniCamara de Insumos Agropecuarios

Coordonnateur du Burea OzoneCongoLomas de Ayarco Sur, Curridabat

Bureau OzoneCongoSan José, Costa Rica

B.P. 958Tel: (+506) 272 39 92

BrazzavilleFax: (+506) 234 99 32


Tel:(+242) 83 30 46Mrs. Marietta Lizano

Fax:(+242) 83 30 46Ministerio Comercio Exterior

(+242) 83 71 50Calle 40

San Jos6, Costa Rica

Tel: (+506) 256 71 11

COSTA RICAFax: (+506) 255 32 81

Hon. Marco Antonio GonzálezMa. Isabel Rivero Roch

Viceministro de Recursos NaturalesJefe Departamento Ecolégico

Energia y MinasMinisterio de Relaciones Exteriores

San JoséP.O: Box 100271000 San José

Costa RicaCosta Rica

Tel: (+506) 257 56 58Tel: (+506) 223 03 01

Fax: (+506) 222 45 80Fax: (+506) 223 03 01

Telex: (+506) 257 56 58Email:



Dr. Carlos Noland EmptyMr. Ole Plougmann

Ministerio de Ciencia TecnologfaDeputy Permanent

y Medio AmbienteUndersecretary of State

Calle 20 Esquina 18A MiramarMinistry of Environment and Energy

HabanaHojbro Plads 4

CubaDK1200 Copenhagen K

Tel: (+537) 33 05 60 / 22 75 73Demnark

Fax: (+537) 33 07 98Tel. (+45) 33 92 76 00

Direct Phone: (+45) 33 92 76 43

Fax: (+45) 33 32 22 27


Mr. Henri Heron

Mr. Jiri DobiAsovskyAdviser

Ministry of EnvironmentMinistry of Environment and Energy

Air Protection DepartmentDanish Environmental Protection Agency

Vrsovickd 65Strandgade 29

100 10 Praha 10DK1 401 Copenhagen K

Czech RepublicDenmark

Tel: (+422) 671 223 65Tel: (+45) 32 66 01 00

Fax: (+422) 673 101 66Fax: (+45) 32 66 04 79

Telex: 31209 miljoe dk

Mr. Jaroslav Koubal

PMU OzoneGEFMr. Jakob Hoyrup

Adviser, Ministry of the EnvironmentMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Vrsovickd 65Asiatish Plads 2

100 10 Praha 10DK71448 Copenhagen K

Czech RepublicDenmark

Tel: (+422) 64 12 25 39Tel: (+45) 33 92 00 00

Fax: (+422) 67 31 20 99 Fax: (+45) 33 92 16 78

Mr. Michal Frank

Ministerio de Relaciones ExterioresDOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Czech Embassy to Costa Rica

P.O. Box ROHI1000 San Jos6,Mr. Rafael Veloz

Costa RicaCoordinator Governmental Ozone Committee

Tel: (+506) 296 56 71Secretaria de Estado, De Agricultura

Fax: (+506) 296 55 95Km 7 1/2 Duarte Road

Santo Domingo D.N.

Republica Dominicana

Tel:(+809) 547 25 85

Fax:(+809) 221 11 86

(+809) 227 12 81


Mr. Moisés AlvarezMrs. Salwa Gamal ElTayeb

VicePresidencia de la RepúblicaOzone Co-ordinator

Oficina de las CumbresEgyptian Environment Affairs Agency

Edif. Ofic. Gubernamentales Edif B.(E.E.A.A.)

ler nivel17 Teba St. ElMohadessen

Santo Domingo D.N.Cairo

Reptiblica DominicanaEgypt

Tel: (+809) 221 51 40 ext. 206Tel:(+202) 360 11 91

Fax: (+809) 221 64 29Fax:(+202) 361 07 64

Email: elex: (+202) 361 07 64


Mrs. Laura Donoso de León.Sr. Francisco E. Guevara Masis

Encargada de Negocios a.i. de EcuadorTécnico

en Costa RicaSecretarfa Ejecutiva del Medio Ambiente

EmbaJada de Ecuador en Costa Rica(SEMA)

Del Centro Cornercial Plaza Mayor 100 mtsPasaje Mar del Plata, Ndmero 2,

oeste y 125 surUrbanización. Buenos Aires,

San Jose,San Salvador

Costa RicaEl Salvador, Centro America

Tel: (+506) 232 15 03Tel:(+503) 226 87 55

Fax: (+506) 232 20 86(+503 1 )226 82 11

Email: x:(+563) 225 83 93

(+503) 226 07 23

Mr. Jorge Carvajal TamayoEmail:

Jefe del Departamento de Gestión.

Ambiental del Ministerio de Industrias del


Republica del Ecuador

Av Amazonas y Av. Eloy Alfaro EsquinaMr. Jiiri Truusa

Tel: (+59 32) 566 686Head of National Ozone

Fax: (+59 32) 562 258Programme Workshop

Director of the Estonian

EGYPTManagement Institute

Sutiste 2,1, EE 0034 Tallinn

Mr. Mostafa K. TolbaEstonia

EEAA Board of DirectorsTel: (+372 2) 52 16 19

Cabinet of MlnistersFax: (+372 2) 52 16 25

Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency

17 Teba St. ElMohandessen /Dokki



Tel:(+202) 360 11 91 / 360 13 91/ 360 18 39

Fax:(+202) 361 07 64



REPUBLIC OF)European Commission

200 rue de la Loi

Mr. Bekuretsion KassahunB1049 Brussels

National Meteorological Services AgencyBelgium

P.O. Box 1090Tel:(+32 2) 295 04 10

Addis AbabaFax:(+32 2) 295 02 81

The Federal Democratic Republic of EthiopiaEmail:

Tel: (+251 1) 51 63 08

Fax: (+251 1) 51 70 66Mrs. Susan Leubuscher

European Commission

Rues des Pierres 29



Mr. Jorgen HenningsenTel:(+32 2) 733 77 62

DirectorFax:(+32 2) 732 34 21

Directorate General for Environment

Commission of the European Communities

206, Rue de la LoiFINLAND

B1049 Bruxelles

BelgiumMr. Jukka Uosukainen

Tel: (+32 2) 296 95 03Ministry of the Environment

Fax: (+32 2~ 296 88 24Eteld Esplanadi 18

Email: B 218877 COME U B00120 Helsinki


Mr. Christoph BailTel:(+358 9) 19 9 11

Head of UnitFax:(+358 9) 63 31 06

Climate Change, Geosphere and BiosphereEmail: jukka:

European Commission

DirectorateGeneral XI-Environment,Mr. Elias Ldhdesmgki

Nuclear Safety and Civil ProtectionMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, B1049P.O. Box. 176

Bruxelles/Brussei00161 Helsinki

Tel: (+32 2) 295 40 99Finland

Fax: (+32 2) 296 95 57Tel:(+358 9) 134 151

Telex: 21877 COMEUBFax:(+358 9) 134 152 85

Mr. Michel RaquetMs. Vuokko Heikkinen

Directorate General for EnvironmentMinistry for Foreign Affairs

174 BD du TriompheP.O. Box 176, 00161 Helsinki

B1060 BruxellesFinland

BelgiumTel:(+358 9) 13 41 61

Tel: (+32 2) 296 87 56Fax:(+358 9) 13 41 62 00

Fax: (+32 2) 296 95 57

Email: michel.raquet@dg] Lcec.be

Ms. Merja TurunenMr. Luc Remont

Ministry of the EnvironmentMinistére des Finances

Ratakatu 3139, Rue de Bercy

P.O. Box 39975572 Paris Cedex 12

FlN00121 HelsinkiFrance

FinlandTel: (+33 1) 44 87 73 58

Tel: (+358 9) 199 19 732Fax: (+33 1) 40 04 27 16

Fax: (+358 9) 199 19 630Email:




Mr. Momodou Sarr

H.E. Mr. Pierre BoillotCoordinator of the Technical Services Network

Ambassadeur de FranceNational Environment Agency

au Costa Rica5 Fitzgerald Street

Lomas de Ayarco SurPMB 48, Banjul

San JoséThe Gambia

Costa RicaTel: (+220) 22 80 56/22 48 67/69

Fax: (+220) 22 32 06/22 97 01

Mr. Samy Hofmann

Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres

37 Quai D'OrsayGEORGIA

Paris 75007

FranceMr. Zaal Lomtadze

Tel. (+331) 43 17 51 37Head of Department

Department of Environmental Policy

Mme Laurence Mussetand Internation al Relations

Ministére, de FEnvironnementMinistry of Environment of Georgia

20 avenue de S6gurKostava Str 68a.

75302 Paris c6dex 07 SPTbilisi

France380015 Georgia

Tel: (+331) 42 19 15 85Tel: (+995 32) 36 16 98/23 06 64

Fax: (+331) 42 19 14,68Fax: (+995 32) 98 34 25


Mme Monique Barbut

Caisse Frangaise de développement

35 rue Boissy d'AnglasGERMANY

75379 Paris cedex 08

FranceMr. Manfred Hohnstock

Tel: (+331) 40 06 32 48Director General

Fax: (+331) 40 06 34 12Federal Environment Ministry

D53048 Bonn

P.O. Box 120629


Tel: (+49 228) 305 24 00

Fax: (+49 228) 305 35 24


H.E. Dr. Wilfried RupprechtMr. Peter Christmarm

EmbaJadorMinistry of Economic Cooperation and

ErnbaJad de Alernania en Costa RicaDevelopment (BMZ)

Calle 40 y 42 Av 5BFriedrichEbert Allee 40

San JoseD53113 Bonn

Costa RicaGermany

Tel: (+506) 232 55 33Tel: (+02 28) 535 37 53

Fax: (+02 28) 535 35 00

Dr. Heinrich W. Kraus

Head of Division

Federal Ministry of the Environment, NatureGHANA

Conservationand Nuclear Safety

P.O. Box IN629Hon. Sarn Pee Yalley

D53048 BonnMinister

GermanyMinistry of Environment Science and

Tel: (+49 228) 305 27 50Technology

Fax: (+49 228) 305 35 24P.O. Box 326

Email: cra


Dr. KarlHeinz PieperTel: (+233 21) 66 46 97 / 8

Federal Ministry of Economics'Fax: (+233 21) 66 26 90


BonnMr. Peter Claver Acquah

GermanyEnvironmental Protection Agency

Tel: (+49 228) 615 41 96Box M326,

Fax: (+49 228) 615 34 68Accra

Email: hana

Tel: (+233 21) 664 697

Mrs. Sabine SparwasserFax: (+233 21) 662 690


EmbaJada de Alemania en Costa Rica

Calle 40 y 42 Av 5BMr. Charles Asare

San JoseODS Project Officer

Costa RicaEnvironmental Protection Agency

Tel: (+506) 232 55 33Ministry of Envirorunent, Science and


Mr. Rolf EngelhardtP.O. Box M.326

Federal Ministry for the Environment,Accra

Nature Conservation and Nuclear SafetyGhana

P.O. Box 120629Tel:(+233 21) 66 46 97/8

D53048 Bonn, GermanyFax:(+233 21) 667 374/662 690

Tel: (+42 228) 305 27 51Email:

Fax: (+42 228) 305 35 24

Telex: (+42 228) 885 790 bmud

Email: ig



Mr. loannis KinnasMr. Sigurbjörg Gisladóttir,

Minister CounsellorEnvironmental and Food Agency of Iceland

Ministry Foreign AffairsArm6li IA,

I Akadimias Street, Athens, GreeceP.O. Box 8080,

Tel: (+301) 360 07 55128 Reykjavic

Fax: (+301) 360 07 55Iceland

Tel: (+354) 568 88 48

Mr. D. MaragkosFax: (+354) 568 18 96


Ministry of Environment

c/o Alli.Grevenon 4,

55133 Kalamari.aINDIA


Tel: (+3031) 76 03 13Mr. Vinod Vaish

Fax: (+3031) 76 04 22Additional Secretary

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Paryavaran Bhawan, Lodi Road CGO Complex,

GUATEMALANew Delhi 110003


Mr. Hugo FigueroaTel: (+91 11) 436 17 12

ODS OfficerFax: (+91 11) 436 17 04/436 06 78

Comisión Nacional del Medio AmbienteTelex: (+91 11) 031 668 00

Presidencia de la Repdblica GuatemalaEmail:

5Av 061 Zona 4

Guatemala .Mr. Anil Kumar Agarwal

Tel: (+502) 360 04 45Ministry of Environment and Forests

Fax: (+502) 360 04 45Ozone Cell, zone IV, 2nd Floor

India Habitat Centre

Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003


Tel:(+91 11) 464 21 76

Mr. Robert TothFax:(+91 11) 464 21 75

Ministry of Environment and Regional Policy

F6 u. 4450

Budapest H10 11INDONESIA


Tel: (+36 1) 457 33 00 ext 142Mr. Aca Sugandhy

Fax: (+36 1) 201 30 56Assistant Minister of Environment

Email: ad of the Delegation

Ministry of Environment

Jalan Merdeka Barat 15B



Tel: (+62 21) 384 61 22

Fax: (+62 21) 384 60 31




Deputy to the Assistant Minister of Environment

Member of the DelegationMr. Sacid Ferdousi

Ministry of State for EnvironmentDepartment of the Environment

Jalan Merdeka. Barat 15B187, Villa Ave.

Jakarta 10 110Tehran

IndonesiaIran (Islamic Republic of)

Tel: (+62 21) 350 76 32/ 384 61 22Tel: (+98 21) 89 82 32

Fax: (+62 21) 384 60 31Fax: (+98 21) 67 17 21

Mrs. Mutia EkasariMr. Majid Hamedani

CHEM ENGDepartment of International Agencies

Member of Indonesian DelegationMinistry of Foreign Affairs

PertamiriaNo. 18 Imam Khomeini, St. M.F.A.

JI. Raya Bekasi, Km 20 Jakarta 13920Tehran

IndonesiaIran (Islamic Republic of)

Tel: (+62 21) 460 93 11/ 93 13Tel: (+98 21) 321 26 93

Fax: (+62 21) 460 93 14Fax: (+98 21) 674 176

Mrs. Dottor Theresia 1. Pudiyanto MSc.

Member of Indonesian DelegationIRELAND


Jalan Raya Bekasi Km20 Jakarta 13920,Hon. Brendan Howlin

IndonesiaMinister for Environment

Tel: (+62 21) 460 50 88Custom House

Fax: (+62 21) 460 93 14Dublin I

Email: Theresa @ Indo.net.idIreland

Tel: (+35 31) 679 33 77

Mr. Joko SusiloFax: (+35 31) 874 24 23 /878 76 54


Member of Indonesian DelegationMr. Niall Callan

Pertamina, Processing Directorate Trade,Assistant Secretary

Loss Prevention EnvironmentDepartment of the Environment

Protection DepartmentCustom House

JI. Merdeka Timur I A, 16th Floor, Jakarta 10 110Dublin I


Tel:(+62 21) 381 67 45Tel:(+35 31) 679 33 77

Fax:(+62 21) 384 69 20Fax: (+35 31) 878 76 54

Mr. Brendan Linehan

Assistant Principal Officer

Department of Environment

Custom House

Dublin I


Tel: (+35 31) 679 33 77

Fax: (+35 31) 878 76 54 /874 24 23


Mr. Laurence KellyISRAEL

Executive Officer

Environment International SectionMr. Yetzhak Goren

Department of EnvironmentDeputy Director General

Custom HouseHaza dous Substances and Air Quality

Dublin IState of Israel

IrelandMinistry of the Environment

Tel: (+35 31) 679 33 77 Ext. 2529International Relations and Special Project

P.O. B. 34033

Ms. Mairead Ryan5, Kanfei Nesharim St. 95464 Jerusalem

Assistant Principal OfficerIsrael

Department of EnvironmentTel:(+972 2) 655 37 60

Custom HouseFax:(+972 2) 655 37 63

Dublin I


Tel: (+35 31) 679 33 77 Ext. 2617ITALY

Fax: (+35 31) 874 24 23/878 76 54

Mr. Corrado Clini

Ms. Clare DunneDirector General

Higher Executive OfficerMinistry of Environment

Department of EnvironmentVia della Ferratela in Laterano 33

Custom House00184 Rome

Dublin IItaly

IrelandTel: (+396) 702 92 10

Tel. (+35 31) 679 33 77Fax: (+396) 772 57 016

Fax: (+35 31) 874 24 23/878 76 54

Ms. Valeria Rizzo

Ms. Anne ByrneMinistry of the Environment

Department of the EnvironmentVia della, Ferratella in Laterano 33

Custom House00184 Rome

Dublin IItaly

IrelandTel: (+39 6) 702 92 10

Tel: (+35 31) 679 33 77Fax: (+39 6) 772 57 016

Fax: (+35 31) 874 24 23/878 76 54

Ms. Giuliana Gasparrini

Ms. Noeleen BehanMinistry of Environment

Department of Environment Via della Ferratella, in Laterano 33

Custom House00184 Rome

Dublin IItaly

IrelandTel:(+39 6) 703 624 00

Tel:(+35 31) 679 33 77Fax:(+39 6) 772 570 16

Fax: (+35 31) 874 24 23/878 76 54


JAMAICAMr. Hiroyuki Eguchi

Special Coordinator

Mrs. lanthe SmithGlobal Issues Division

Senior DirectorMultilateral Cooperation Department

Pollution Control and Waste ManagementMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Natural Resources Conservation AuthorityKasumigaseki 221

53 1/2 Molynes RoadChiyodaku

Kingston 8Tokyo 100


Tel: (+ 809) 923 51 25Tel: (+813) 35 81 38 82

Fax: (+ 809) 923 50 70Fax: (+813) 35 92 03 64

Mr.Motoshi ge Sasaki


Wide Area Atmospheric Protection Office

Mr. Kenshiro AkimotoEnvironment Agency Air Quality Bureau

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,122 Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku

to the Republic of Costa RicaTokyo 100

Embassy of JapanJapan

Apartado 5011000Tel: (+813) 35 81 33 47

San JosdFax: (+813) 35 80 71 73

Costa Rica

Tel: (+506) 32 12 55Mr. Fusao Kawakami

Fax: (+506) 31 31 46Chief, Research Division

Yokohama Plant Protection Station

Mr. Kikuji TateishiMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Deputy Director General11610 Shinyamashita, NakaKu, Yokohama

Basic Industries Bureau231

Ministry of International Trade and IndustryJapan

131 Kasumigaseki, ChiyodaKuTel:(+81 045) 622 88 92

Tokyo 100Fax(+81 045) 621 75 60


Tel: (+813) 35 01 15 11

Fax: (+813) 35 80 63 47JORDAN

Mr. Takashi UedaHon. Abdel Razzak Tubishat

DirectorMinister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and

Ozone Layer Protection Officethe Environment

Basic Industries BureauP.O. BOx. 1799

Ministry of International Trade and IndustryAmman

131 Kasumigaseki, ChiyodakuJordan

Tokyo 100Te!: (+96 26) 61 83 23

JapanFax: (+96.26) 64 04 04

Tel: (+81 3) 35 01 47 24

Fax: (+81 3) 35 80 63 47

Email: utaa


Mr. Ghazi Faleh OdatDr. David M. Okioga

Deputy General DirectorGCEPCoordinator, Ozone Focal Point

Head of Ozone UnitKenya Ozone Office

P.O. Box 1408Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

AmmanP.O. Box 67839


Tel: (+96 26) 83 59 36Kenya

Fax: (+96 26) 83 59 36Tel: (+254 2) 24 28 90

Fax: (+254 2) 24 28 87

Mr. Hussein Shahin

Head, Air Protection DivisionDr. Timothy U.K. M'Mella

General Corporation of the EnvironmentFirst Secretary

ProtectionPermanent Mission of the Republic of

P.O. Box 1408Kenya to the United Nations Environment


JordanP.O. Box 41395

Tel: (+96 26) 83 59 36Nairobi

Fax: (+96 26) 83 59 36Kenya

Tel: (+254 2) 22 10 55

Mr. Basem ' KhatibFax: (+254 2) 21 51 05

Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and the

EnvironmentMr. J.R. Arap Lelei

Director of the Minister's OfficeFirst Secretary (Environment)

P.O. Box 1799Embassy of the Republic of Kenya

AmmanNieuwe Parklaan 21

Jordan2597 LA The Hague

Tel: (+96 26) 61 83 23The Netherlands

Fax: (+96 26) 64 04 04Tel: (+070) 350 42 15

Fax: (:+070) 355 35 94

Telex: 33354 Kenre NL


H.E. Prof Sam, K. Ongeri, EBS, EGHKUWAIT

Permanent Representative

Permanent Mission of the Republic of KenyaDr. AlRashied Saud

to the United Nations Environment ProgrammeEnvironmental Public Authority (EPA)

P.O. Box 413 95P.O. Box 24395



Tel: (+254 2) 33 72 90Tel: (+96 5)24427 50

Fax: (+254 2) 21 51 05Fax: (+96 5)242 19 93



General Administration of Costumes

P.O. Box 24395Mr. Bárlocher Norbert

SafatAmt fUr Auswäirtige Angelegenheiten,

KuwaitFL 9490 VADUZ

Tel: (+96 5) 483 55 03Liechtenstein

Fax: (+96 5) 242 19 93Tel: (+4175) 236 60 58

Fax: (+4175) 236 60 59

Mr. Jamal AlFuzaie

Environmental Public Authority (EPA)LITHUANIA

P.O. Box 24393

SafatMrs. Marija Teriosina

Kuwait 72454Ozone Focal Point

Tel: (+96 5) 246 10 00Ministry of Environment

Fax: (+96 5) 242 19 93A. Juozapavieiaus Str., 9

2600 Vifinus


Tel: (+37 02) 72 25 09

Mr. Annands PlateFax: (+37 02) 72 80 20

Head of the Technology Division

Ministry of Environmental Protection

and Regional DevelopmentLUXEMBOURG

Peldu iela 25

Riga LV 1494Mr. Thédo Weber

LatviaMinistry of Environment

Tel: (+371) 702 65 09Administration de l' Environnement

Fax: (+371) 782 04 42Directeur adjoint

Email: 1, rue Bender

L1229 Luxembourg

LESOTHOTel: (+352) 40 56 56 I

Fax: (+352) 48 50 78

Mr. Sechocha, MakhoalibeEmail:

Ministry of Natural Resources

P.O. Box 772



Tel: (+266) 31 75 16Hon. F.V. Mayinga MkanadaWire

Fax: (+266) 31 04 37Minister

Ministry of Research and Enviromnental

Mr. Poello Samuel RaboghaAffairs

Department of Water AffairsBox 30745

Lesotho Metorological ServicesLilonawe

P.O. Box 772Malawi

Maseru 100Tel: (+265) 78 11 11

LesothoFax: (+265) 78 14 87

Tel : (+266) 35 03 25Telex: 45311

Fax: (+266) 35 03 25

Telex: 4479


Mrs. Etta Rachel M'mdngisaMARSHALL ISLANDS

Ministry of Research and Environmental Affairs

P.O. Box 30745Mr. Atbi Riklon

Lilongwe 3Deputy AttomeyGeneral

MalawiP.O. Box 890