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Thomas W. Merrick, "World Population in Transition," Population Bulletin v. 41 n. 2 (May 1991), pp.3-17, 19, 46-47 (we will read the other parts later).

II. Population Age Distributions and Their Consequences

A. Population Aging, Public Expenditures and the Pension Problem

Estelle James (1996) “Social Security Around the World” in Peter Diamond, David Lindeman, and Howard Young, eds., Social Security: What Role for the Future? (National Academy of Social Insurance, Washington D.C.) pp.181-198.

Eugene Steuerle and Jon Bakija (1994) Retooling Social Security for the 21st Century: Right and Wrong Approaches to Reform, (The Urban Institute Press, Washington D.C.) Chapter 3 “The Inevitable Reform of an Unbalanced System” pp.39-49.

Barry Bosworth (1995) “The Policy Response to an Aging Population” in Kevin Stephenson, ed., Social Security: Time for a Change (JAI Press, Greenwich CT), pp. 25-50.

B. Economic Effects of Generational Crowding

Richard A. Easterlin, "What Will 1984 Be Like?," Demography v.15 (November, 1978), pp.397-432.

C. Age Distribution and Intergenerational Equity

Samuel Preston, "Children and the Elderly: Divergent Paths for America's Dependents," Demography v.21 n.4 (November 1984), pp. 435-458.

III. The Grand Theories: Optimum, Equilibrium, and Technological Progress

A. Optimum Population, Wage and Rents

David Grigg (1980) “Overpopulation: definition and measurement” Chapter 2 of Population Growth and Agrarian Change (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), pp.11-16.

B. Malthusian Theory: Population Equilibrium and Welfare

Thomas Malthus (1798) An Essay on the Principle of Population (first edition), Chapters 1-2.

Ronald Lee (1980) “An Historical Perspective on Economic Aspects of the Population Explosion: the Case of Pre-industrial England”, in Richard Easterlin, ed., Population and Economic Change in Developing Countries (University of Chicago Press). Read only pages 517-520 and 541-546. This is a selection from the longer article.

C. Population Pressure, Labor Absorption in Agriculture, and Technological Change

Ester Boserup (1965) The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: the Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure (Aldine, New York), Introduction and Chapters 1-4, 7,8 and 14 (pp. 11-42, 65-76, 116-121).

IV. Population and the Environment

A. Are We Doomed?

Paul Ehrlich and Ann Ehrlich (1990) The Population Explosion (Simon and Schuster, New York) pp.1-45.

Julian Simon (1981) The Ultimate Resource (Princeton University Press, Princeton), pp.3-11, 15-27, 54-69.

B. Other Views

F. Landis MacKellar and David E. Horlacher (1994) "Population, Living Standards and Sustainability: An Economic View," in Laurie Ann Mazur, ed., Beyond the Numbers: A Reader on Population, Consumption, and the Environment (Island Press, Washington D.C.) pp.76-92.

S. Preston (1994) “Population and the Environment: the Scientific Evidence” in Sir Francis Graham-Smith, ed., Population: The Complex Reality: A report of the Population Summit of the World’s Scientific Academies (North American Press), pp. 85-92.

V. Population , Savings, and Economic Growth

A. Savings, Population, and Economic Growth

Rodiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fischer (1990) "Growth Theory," a section of Chapter 19, Long-Term Growth and Productivity, in Macroeconomics 5th edition (McGraw-Hill, Inc.).pp.726-736.

B. Savings, The Life Cycle, and Population Growth

Andrew Mason, "Saving, Economic Growth, and Demographic Change," Population and Development Review v.14 n.1 (March 1988), pp.113-144.

VI. Immigration and Its Consequences for the United States

A. Immigration and the Growth of Minority Populations in the U.S.

Jeffrey Passel and Barry Edmonston (1994) "Immigration and Race: Recent Trends in Immigration to the United States," in Barry Edmonston and Jeffrey Passel, eds., Immigration and Ethnicity (Urban Institute Press) pp.31-58, and p.71.

B. Immigrants in the Labor Force

George Borjas (1994) “The Economics of Immigration” Journal of Economic Literature v.32 (December) pp.1667-1685. Note: This is only the first part of the article; this part focuses on assimilation of immigrant workers in the labor force.

C. The Economic Consequences of Immigration