for the implementation of a “cotutelle de thèse”

between the

Universität Basel (University of Basel)

signed on (DATES on last page)

and the

University of

signed on (DATES on last page)

Beneficiary doctoral candidate

FAMILY NAME, first name:




the Universität Basel (University of Basel)

represented by its Vice Rector for Research: Prof. Dr. Edwin Constable


The University of

represented by its (Vice-)Rector or (Vice-)President: Prof. Dr.

hereafter collectively referred to as „partner institutions“.

Beneficiary doctoral candidate

FAMILY NAME, first name:


Under the joint supervision of:

For the University of Basel:

First supervisor: Prof. Dr. NAME, Institute, University of Basel
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. NAME, Institute, University of xy

For the Partner University:

Main Supervisor: Title, NAME, Institute, University

Second Supervisor (if applicable): Title, NAME, Institute, University

Article 1: Subject of the Agreement

This agreement defines the terms and modalities for the “cotutelle de thèse” between the two partner institutions and details the implementation rules for the following thesis:

Mr/Ms (FAMILY NAME, first name):

(In the following, "the doctoral candidate"):

Discipline/ faculty or institute of the University of Basel:

Please add the working title as well as a short exposé (max. 1 page) of the doctoral thesis as an
attachment to this agreement.

Article 2 - Requirements

The doctoral candidate fulfils the conditions of both universities in terms of admission to doctoral studies, courses and exams as well as the preparation of the thesis and obtaining the doctoral title.

Article 3 - Duration of research stays

The research g stays in each of the two universities will be jointly determined by the supervisors of the thesis. A balanced distribution of the time spent at each partner institution is expected. Minimal stay at the partner university: 12 months (in total).

Semester / Place / Activity (if possible)

Article 4 - Enrolment and tuition fee

The doctoral candidate has to be enrolled at both universities for the whole duration of the agreement. The initial application fee (Basel: Anmeldung) has to be paid at both universities but the tuition fees (Basel: Semestergebühren) have to be paid at one university only, in principle at the one with the higher administrative work and investment of the supervisors.

Article 5 - Insurance

The doctoral candidate is responsible for securing insurance (against illness, accident and damage to third parties) for the entire duration of the doctorate in both countries, according to the legislation of both of them.

Article 6 - PhD Committee

The doctoral thesis is supervised by a PhD Committee consisting of the following members:

At the University of Basel:

First Supervisor at the University of Basel: (Name and position/status)

Second Supervisor for Basel (Name and position/status, mention university if not from Basel)

Others (if applicable)

At the University of XY:

First Supervisor (name and position/status)

Second Supervisor (if applicable); (name and position/status)

Others (if applicable); (name and position/status)

The supervisors of the thesis fulfil their role according to the prevailing legal regulations of their university. An exception to the rule is made in the case of the second supervisor for Basel who must take part in the exam but is not obliged to write an expert report (Basel: Gutachten) on the doctoral thesis but can do so on a voluntary basis.

Article 7 - Doctoral exam and committee of examiners

The joint oral doctoral examination for both universities will be held (UNIVERSITY):

The committee of examiners consists of representatives from both universities who act according to the regulations of both universities. The committee of examiners must include the two supervisors of the University of Basel and at least the first supervisor of the partner university.


Insert respective paragraph from doctoral regulation (Basel: Promotionsordnung of the involved faculty) and/or negotiate a common grading system.

Article 8 - Language

The language of the thesis and the summary as well as the language of the oral exam must comply with the rules of the university where the thesis will be defended.

The thesis is written in .

The summary is written in and will be defended (oral exam) in .

Article 9 - Exchange of information

The supervisors of the thesis agree to exchange all information and documents necessary for the settlement of this agreement and for the implementation of the “cotutelle de thèse”.

Both institutions are committed to the mutual exchange of documents related to regulatory and / or technical provisions in each of the two countries and / or institutions regarding to the depository and printing of the thesis. These regulations are attached to this agreement.

 yes

 no

Article 10 - Protection of topic and publication of the thesis

The protection of the topic and the publication of the thesis are ensured by both universities according to their specific regulations.

Article 11 - Publication, authorship and depository of the thesis

Details of depository, indications of authorship and publication of the thesis are determined by the applicable regulations of each university.

Article 11 - Award of the doctoral certificate

According to the applicable regulations in each of the two universities and after a favourable report from the committee of examiners, both universities award the doctoral degree.

Both universities award each one a doctoral certificate for the same thesis. The text of the diploma must specify that it is a joint doctoral degree which was prepared in the framework of a “cotutelle de thèse” between the University of and the University of .

Doctoral title on the diploma of the University of Basel:

Name of doctoral title on the diploma of the partner university:

Article 13 - Extension

Any request for extension of the preparation period of the thesis must be requested via a letter of recommendation signed by the two first supervisors of both universities to the involved faculty and subsequently approved by the Vice Rectorate for Research.

Article 14 - Coming into effect and validity

This cooperation agreement comes into effect with the signature of both parties and the countersignature of the doctoral candidate and remains in force until the end of the semester (Basel) or academic year (in some countries) in which the thesis is defended, at the latest until the end of (SEMESTER / ACADEMIC YEAR) – usually four years after matriculation, with the possibility of an extension upon written request by the doctoral candidate with a letter of recommendation by the two supervisors sent to the faculty and Vice Rectorate for Research.

This cooperation agreement also ends if the doctoral candidate does no longer want the continuation of his/her thesis as part of a “cotutelle de thèse”. The decision has to be briefly explained in written form to the involved faculty and the Vice Rectorate for Research.

In case a supervisor resigns from his/her function, a time limit for the doctoral candidate and resigning supervisor will be set within which he/she has to find a replacement. Otherwise, both universities can consider the cooperation as terminated.

Article 14 - Other provisions

Add whatever you need to regulate in this agreement.

Issued in _ (number) originals for each partner institution

For the University of Basel / For the University of xy

The (Vice-)President / (Vice-)Rector

(Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME) / (Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME)
Date / Date

The Dean of the respective faculties or Heads of the respective institutes

(Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME) / (Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME)
Date / Date

The first supervisors of the thesis

(Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME) / (Acad. title, first name, FAMILY NAME)
Date / Date

Doctoral candidate

I hereby agree with the present cooperation agreement.

(first name and family name of the doctoral candidate)



 doctoral regulation of the respective faculty at both universities (name of original document)

 working title and short exposé of the doctoral thesis

 others: ………………………………..……………………………..