Anthropology 210 (Benton Center): Instructor Rebecka Daye

Chapter 8: The Cultural Construction of Violent ConflictNAME: ______

True/False Questions(1 pt each)

1. War and violent conflict encourage sexism, but only because they serve to promote selective population control. True / False

2. Peggy Sanday argues that scarce resources encourage gender equality. True / False

3. The fact that humans construct systems of meaning to justify violent conflict and distance themselves from its consequences suggests it is a natural aggressive impulse. True / False

4. One way societies create a bias toward collective violence is by making it part of a code of honor. True / False

5. Acts of vengeance among the Kohistani may also be committed against family and friends of the man who committed the wrong. True / False

6. The Inuit believe that strong thoughts can kill or cause illness, and they go to greatpains to satisfy other people so resentment does not build up. True / False

7. One way people in peaceful societies create a bias against violence is by condemning those who boast or make claims that can be interpreted as a challenge to others. True / False

8. The Xinguano people of South America maintain harmony between villages by discouraging the creation of village monopolies on the production of a certain type of trade item.

True / False

9. Hobbes saw human beings as having a natural inclination to be violent—an inclination that can be controlled only by some form of centralized authority. True / False

10. Intensity of collective violence is significantly higher in societies characterized by a strong female bias. True / False

11. People in peaceful societies also avoid telling others what to do and carefully control their emotions in order to maintain goodwill. True / False

12. In the United States, the effect of World War II on population was almost negligible; only about 0.2% was lost. True / False

13. Carneiro reasons that war did not serve to promote the consolidation of isolated, politically autonomous villages into chiefdoms of united villages and into states. True / False

14. The only reason you have nuclear weapons is for deterrence. True / False

15. To defeat the insurgency in Iraq the U.S. military must avoid the tribal structureof the country and disregard the traditional authority structure and the divisions and competing interests of different groups, such as the Shia, Sunni, and Kurds. True / False

Question 8.2 Essay Answer: (10pts)

How Do Societies Create a Bias For or Against Violent Conflict?

Provide a comprehensive answer and give examples.

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